
Danganronpa: The Worse Vs The Best

Hope Peak Academy was the academy where the most talented students gathered. However, this time the rules were changed…10 Talented Student and Ten Untalented students gathered. Their job was to find the false student out of the twenty, if they did, they won the game. If they didn’t… well, they died. However, if you are able to kill one of the students without being caught, you can leave the academy without being put to death.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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Chapter 0: Anson Ambrose

A single student stood in front of a large building. The student stared at the building, his eyes danced around the building with signs of clear caution. After he made sure that the building was safe, he slowly walked towards it in a unhurried manner. This student was none other than…

"Anson Ambrose! I'm sorry I kept you waiting" A joyful girl ran towards him with a smile on her face, she was called Alice Lakes…she was the childhood friend of Anson Ambrose. It could be said that they had a relationship that was more than friends and closer than lovers…without being lovers. She was the most talented pop star in the word, recently…her and Anson had been seperated, she had her performances while Anson had the hospital.

Anson could be considered be the most unlucky and lucky person at the same time. However that's not why he was here, he was known as the most talented surivor. Lighting strikes, near death experiences, false funerals, earthquakes, tsunami's, erupting volcano's, wrecking balls, car crashes, falling from buildings, animal attacks, tornado's, hurricane's, forest fires, lost at sea, attempted murder, stranded in a desert, almost cremated, stung by flocks of bees, trapped in a locked container of honey and homus, kidnapped, dehydration, days without eating, broken arms and legs, paralyzed, hypothermia, choking, blood loss, shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, elbowed, and overdosing…just to name a few. Based on the things Anson went through, his wary eyes looked at anything with caution.

"Oh…Alice. Long time no see." Anson said with a while quickly waving his hand, not out of joy, but out of fear. He was afraid if he waved it to slow, a another flock of birds would swarm his hands, after thinking it was food.

Alice ran towards Anson like a bullet, she jumped towards his stomach and sent him to the ground.

They both hit the ground roughly, but Anson took at least ninty nine point nine percent of the impact.

"Cough! Cough! You know if you hit me hard enough, Cough!…We both may have went through the ground and drowned in murky brown sewage water." Anson spoke from a not so pleasant experience.

"Ehehehehe! As long as you are with me…I don't mind." Alice said while pushing her index fingers together on top of Anson.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know…Please get off of me…My wounds are attacking up from your weight." Anson said with a pained expression.

Little veins popped out of Alice's head

"Are you calling me above a normal girl's weight?" Question marks popped out fron her head like hair.

"No…Of course not. I was only telling you that your weight is enough to make my wounds hurt."

"Hmph! Why can't my weight heal your wounds?" Alice asked for his answer.

"…If it could do that, there would be no need for doctors…my ribs."

"…Fine…I will let you off this time." Alice said before getting off Anson.

"I'm truly grateful" Anson said after getting up from the ground.

"You better be Ambrose." Ambrose was the name Alice called Anson when she was mad. She called him his full name when she was happy or netrual. She also called his by his first name whenever she was extremely happy.

Anson sighed

"Are you really mad?" He said despite knowing the answer.

"…No…No, i'm not. Your just dreaming…Ambrose." She was clearly mad.

Anson sighed again and held her hand.

Her eyes opened

"Anson…what are you doing in broad daylight? Save it for later!" She broke her hand away with red hue on her face…she was clearly happy…She called him by his first name.

"Alright" Anson backed off

"…Why are you backing off? Try a little harder…for me please."

"…This school is something else" Anson said as he retighted his bandages around his body, he was used to the bandages.

More veins popped out her face. She grabbed his ear and yelled into it like a angry sister..

"Don't try to divert the topic!" She yelled in a extremly loud voice.

"You know…If I hadn't lost some of my hearing before, I would have lost it all after that scream." Anson said as he scratched his ear that was now itching.

"It's-Your-Own-Fault" Alice popped her pink lips after every word

"Yes, Yes, Yes…I was my mistake" He didn't mean it

"Hmph! You don't mean that…I know you." Alice was also aware he didn't mean it.

"Your right, I don't." He just didn't want the loud talented singer screaming in his ear. He spoke before she could process his words and yell at him.

"Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside of the school.

"Wa-" She didn't cut herself off…Anson's mind cut her off.

Everything around him dissapeared and his vision distorted. His head stung as he fell towards the ground…he passed out.