
Dancing To A Mysterious Star

A rift in space causes fifteen year old Louis Albright’s house and himself to be displaced. Sending him to an unknown world where he knows practically nothing. Only thing that comforts him is the fact that the entire house had somehow transported with him and that he now obtained exciting new powers. This is the story of Mark Evans and his time dancing amongst the stars.

DemonInDisguise · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Very Wizard Of OZ

A warm light enveloped me cutting through the darkness below. It was intangible yet similar to a liquid it flowed around before branching off.

Thin water tendrils floated above me connected to the edges of the hole that I had seemingly fallen down from.

I felt cold despite the warmth from the watery substance. A piercing pain travelled through my spine pricking my skin as if a thousand needles were on my body.

I feel my blood draining out as I slowly descend into the abyss. Right before my eyes a chaotic mist wave blew past me engulfing me in the horrible stuff.

Coughing vehemently I hesitatingly opened my eyes, and what I saw shocked me completely.

Rather than a pitch black abyss it was more of a golden white expanse! Gold light fluidly rose up and down along the white space.

The scene reminded me of a lava lamp with the wax floating around erratically. Giant bubbles of light popped as I touched them.

The bubble was soft and elastic yet extremely fragile. Popping more for fun; my body halted.

The tendrils wrapped me even more tightly before splashing onto my body revealing a new set of clothes.

I now wore a furred white mantle embroidered with gold and silver diamonds. The mantle was connected to the glittering white robe with black six starred symbols scattered all over.

Then from the waist below it became even more galaxy-like, revealing pants that dripped down from stark white to completely pitch dark.

The colourless void emboldened my golden and silver stars, it was however in contrast with my galaxy pants.

This made me stand out even more despite there being literally nothing here. Propelling myself forward, I waded across the void and wandered around.

Drifting across I then notice something strange. In the distance was a small object. I couldn't see very well due to the blinding lights but this never stopped me.

Curiosity took hold of me and I swam through the abyss faster than before. Using the bubbles as a stepping board/balloon-like trampoline; I was able to reach it faster than I expected.

I could now see it in front of me clearly, it was a wooden door. The very same door as the entrance to my house. Could this be a dream? I asked myself, but I shook those thoughts away. I knew for sure that I had died.

Glancing all around me I could see that nothing was inside this void but the door. I got the feeling that I was supposed to walk through it. So I did. Without a single thought of hesitation, I twisted the golden door handle and pushed it open. Letting the door ajar as a brilliant white light blinded my sight.

Stepping forward, I then heard the door slam shut behind me once I landed on hard ground. Once my vision returned, the first thing I inspected was my own clothes. And that was that I didn't have any. Merely a large white cloth that conformed to my own proportions. Though it was really big.

Touching it, I could feel that it was smooth but had miniature scale-like glitter on it that scatters itself everywhere like pollen as I move around. It's not very noticeable though, but it is weird that I'm having it.

Blinking, I then realized that I could now feel. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait... Wasn't I supposed to be dead by now?!" Inspecting my entire body, I then discovered that not only was I alive, but in a different body!

"Is this the legendary reincarnation?! So those ancient humans were correct! Huh, then does that mean that there's a possibility that everything else thought to be impossible is possible?! Wait, what even am I?" My thoughts were jumbled as I speedily mumbled on in anxiety. I was itching for some answers, I never did like being uninformed on things.

[Answer: Your emotions had reached the required standard to transformation into a high level Ghost known as a Phantom. In order to counter this, the Will of the Cosmos responded to your dying wishes in order to lessen the curses your soul accumulated. Paying all your collective karma in full].

Despite hearing this lengthy explanation with weird jargon that led to more questions, I still understood somewhat exactly what they meant. "Okay. So, there's that. Well, to be honest all of this thinking has given me an appetite."

[Would you like to activate [Devouring]?]

No! That's not what I mean, wait, isn't this the same voice I heard while I was dying back then?! Exclaiming to an invisible voice without physically shouting was a little harder than I thought in this body. Seems like I might have to get used to it.

[Answer: Correct. I am Unique Skill [Wiseman]. An embodiment of knowledge and wisdom as you requested].

Rubbing my forehead I opened the door behind me and took a step outside. Wanting to breathe in the fresh air of the outdoors....


As soon as I stepped outside, my body began to sag as if it were weighed down by heavy chains around my limbs.

"What is this thing?" My senses were overloaded by an extremely choking smell, which presumably originated from the black smog that hung slowly in the air. Clinging to my clothes and its surroundings. "Soot? No, this is too gaseous to be soot. What I'm the world is this?" My question was obviously directed to Wiseman, who as I expected answered swiftly but gave me more questions in the process.

[Answer: This is a curse. My analysis has assessed that there is a 98.99% chance that it is harmful to life in various forms due to its mutative properties].

I had no idea what any of that meant, but I could hazard a guess. "So what you're saying that, this black fog is polluting the forest and its native life and is difficult to get rid of due to it being persistent and adapting to changes in its environment?" I had a hunch on what it was with the information I got, and my thoughts were properly confirmed by Wiseman.


I nodded, it seems that this curse was a lot more easier to understand than how I ended up here, which sounded weird now that I think about it.

Gazing around surroundings, I saw nothing but blackened soil, fog and trees. My strength also waned the more I stayed outdoors, then I recalled the percentage Wiseman had given me.

"Wait, what's the other two percent?" I paused for a moment, dreading the answer to my question. I had no idea why but I felt as if it was probably right.

[Answer: There is also the probability that this is not just a curse, but artificially created. In addition, I have detected small trace amounts of corrupted magical energy that accelerated decay, but only towards specific variables it is meant to identify].

"Meaning?" I was growing a little impatient listening it drone on with its theories, wanting to know just what this all was about.

[In short, there are people attempting to destroy this forest and its inhabitants forever for a yet unknown reason. I have analyzed the factors and have come to three possible theories.

One: This forest is a war zone.

Two: A Cursed Spirit has awakened.

Three: Someone wishes to destroy this place for a very petty reason. Possibly in relation to power struggles and the like.

The third option is the most likely event].

In my own head I was also taking all this information into account and came to the same conclusion as Wiseman. And that was that, a petty king or queen wanted this forest's inhabitants to surrender to them and become a state, kingdom and the like under their rule to expand their army, wealth or laborers and such to become an even 'greater' kingdom or empire.

But the forest said no, and the kingdom threatened to erase them from the maps if they didn't surrender, still the forest refused and so the king or queen went ahead with the threat and cursed the land with black magic. Which leads us all to here.

Well, that's just my conjecture but it's probably right. After all, the real world followed a lot more cliches than people would like to admit.

"Come to think of it..." I turned around and saw a modern building that did not fit in with the mood of the forest, it was my house pristine condition. Then it hit me, "Isn't this like the Wizard of Oz? Although I am a guy, I did come with a dog... Weird."

I contemplated for a moment before pushing that thought away. So I asked Wiseman about my pets first.

[Answer: As per your request, the Will of the Cosmos has decided to reincarnate them into new forms. However, they were sent into Earth's reincarnation cycle instead of this one due to you having been the only one having enough energy to enter through the rift].

Again, no idea what that means. But I'll take your word for it. So, now what? I'm still hungry and doesn't seem like I can get anything to eat here...

Maybe I should check if there's any food inside...

Yeah, that's probably a good idea for now. And then later, I'll see what I can do about this curse.

No witch, no road, no munchkins. But still very much like the Wizard Of Oz, what could this mean?

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