
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Past

"I heard from Ariel here that you managed to get one of the weapons of those famous 7 heroes? "

"Well yaa, but what are you doing here miss Charlotte?"

"Haha, It's not school time so Charlotte is fine. So you really are a part of this insanity?"

"Yes, unfortunately I am. But, how did you 3 get into this situation?"

"Well, honestly Isabel here is an orphan when I took her in as an apprentice and Rose here was the one who got Isabel in this mess."

"What happened?"

"Well, these 2 died before because some bad men killed them and because of their high power density they were chosen as a part of this. It's that simple."

"Hah, you people are involved in this too haa. It's almost hard to believe, did the incident happen before or after I met them?"

"It was before you met them."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Before Charlotte could answer Rose intervened

"Why did we have to? I find no reason to tell you anything."

Ooh yaa, I Don't understand why I asked such a stupid question.

Honestly nobody could believe it even if they told them so it was a stupid question.

I just wanted to know how she'd answer.

"So how did you get into this situation?", Miss Charlotte asked.

"I would tell the reason if you were alone but I Don't think I really have to tell these 2 how I managed to get these awesome powers right?"

"You probably killed someone to get these powers Anyway. There's no way those legendary swords would chose you in the first place."

"How do you think I'd manage to kill someone with the power of these weapons but wouldn't manage to get these powers on my won.

It's harder to steal it than earn it in this particular scenario. Can't believe someone this dumb is the topper of the class. You can'teven descern basic shit."

"What did you say? Do you want to die?"

"You think you can really kill me? When I have these powers rose? That's insanely stupid of you. You didn't even say anything when I insulted Isabel in the class."

"Hey, Alan i've kinda had enough of you so would you just shut up? What you did to me in the class was insanely low but do you really think you can boast about that?"

"Haha, that's funny. It was nice seeing your pathetic face crying tears when I insulted you. It was a treat to watch. So ofcourse I would boast about that *slap*."

Someone slapped me while I was talking, it wasn't rose, nor was it Charlotte or Isabel.

It was Ariel who was just spectating the whole situation.

"What the hell was that for? Aren't you gonna take my side?"

There was no reason to take my side, I was being a Dick and I knew it but I didn't care because I was honestly irritated that I almost died because of them.

These ungrateful bunch, I mean they probably don't know about all that shit but would it change anything?

"You are going too far, this ain't right Alan please stop."

It was as if she was tearing up and I freaked out a bit.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you are even making that sweet girl cry. Is this asshole making your life miserable too. Please tell me, I'll kill him right now."

"You wanna kill me? Try me bitch."

"Ooh, I ain't fkin joking here. I'll really kill your ugly ass."

"Your ass is uglier you damn bitch."

"You have the face of a toad and the body of a cockroach you damn roach."

"You look like a fkin Kappa you damn monster."

This was so childish, she was dissing my appearance as if it was the most natural thing yo do

I mean I know I'm ugly but I'm definately not ugly enough to be called a cockroach am I?

While everything I say to her may seem like I'm just rambling nonsense and none of it is true

And she probably knows it, she knows I have a complex and yet she talks shit about my appearance.

Did I really pick someone like her yo fall in love with?

"I don't care, call me a cockroach or a disgusting insect. It makes no difference, i'm leaving.

You gonna come or not Ariel?"

"I'll come in a minute you go on ahead."


I said and left the area.

I really have no one to count on when I really want to.

I know I look like a villain but atleast I thought she of all people would understand me, but guess not.


The 4 were chatting with each other

"Rose, it happened 10 years ago. Just because a male friend betrayed you doesn't mean everyone will." Said Charlotte.

"I can't be sure, I have to have my guard up and protect Isabel at all costs."

Said Rose in retrospect.

"Why, just why are you treating Alan with such disdain? What did he even do? Let's be honest here, you know as much as I do that you liked Alan before that heinous incident."

Said Charlotte to which Ariel reacted in surprise


Ariel was looking at Rose questioning, is that true.

To which Rose didn't answer. She just stayed silent.

"Just what happened that made you hate Alan so much?"

"It wasn't really Alan's fault. He introduced a kid to Rose and Isabel who eventually killed the both.

But, surprisingly Alan doesn't know who he is. Probably because he died in that dungeon with isabel's parents."


*** END OF CHAPTER 14***