

PREFACE He pushed her against the wall, holding her firm and steady. The tension between them was becoming so unbearable. She hates this guy standing in front of her but she can't deny how much she wants him inside of her. She was dripping wet for him. She can feel her p**sy painfully throbbing for his touch, kisses, and d**k. He leaned his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching. The closeness between them intensifies their s*xual needs. She could feel his er*ction rubbing against her. “You want this as much as I do, Foxy. Why playing hard to get?” His breath fanned her face, sending shivers down her spine. “We are enemies.” She said, trying to remind herself and knock some senses into her but that didn't work. The tension didn't die down as she'd expected. He smirked, kissing her neck. Her eyes momentarily went shut and her breathing picked up to an unusual rhythm. “Wanna play a game, Foxy?” He asked, moving his lips away from her neck and looking deeply into her eyes. She furrowed her brows, least expecting those words. “Game? What are you on about?” “We both can't deny the s*xual attraction we feel for each other. You want me as much as I want you. So how about we play the game of dares?” He raised a questioning brow at her. “You are sick.” She attempted to push him away but he held her firm and groped her a*s to which she released a soft moan, biting her bottom lip. He wasn't wrong when he said she wanted him. Her body was in desperate need of his d**k and touch but her heart and soul wants him dead. “Are you scared of falling in love with me if I f**k you?” He said, teasingly. “In your dreams.” She spoke. “So what's stopping you now, Foxy?” He whispered softly into her ears, gripping her a*s tight and peppering hot kisses over her neck and shoulder blade. She couldn't think straight with his hands exploring her body. She was f**king wet for him. “Come on, say yes to the game. It will just be between you and I.” He paused. “So tell me, are you in?” She hesitated before saying, “As much as I want you to f**k me, I still won't hesitate to kill you after we take care of that bastard.” “The feeling is mutual,” “Fine. I'm in.” He ran the tip of his tongue over her earlobes and she shivered, inhaling a deep breath. “Good choice. Now, I dare you to open your legs, I want to f**k you against this door.” It was a dangerous game but both were willing to risk it!

Temmy_Ebony · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


{ S*x and Hate... }


By, Dammrare




"I want to become an FBI." He answered.

Osvaldo's face dropped.


"Yes. I want to get rid of illegal businesses in the country and_"

"Wait," Osvaldo cut him off, clearing his throat. "You do realize that what I do is illegal, right?"




Scarlett has been in the gym since morning, punching the punch bag repeatedly without stopping or taking a little rest.

She was pissed off about the situation of the Mexico Cartel and she has been trying to understand why they would attack her.

She didn't kill any of their members by mistake, or did she?

Well, none that she can remember of.

Something must have definitely made the bastard named Justis Augustine send an assassin to kill her, anonymously.

But what could it be?

She threw countless heavy punches at the bag that she didn't even hear the sound of the door opening until she heard footsteps approaching her.

Scarlett stopped punching and turned to face the intruder who just walked in on her business.

She raised a brow when she saw the person.

"Gunner," She called out.

Gunner is the consigliere (Third in commander and the advisor to the boss and underboss) of the Italian Mafia Empire. He is in his mid-thirties.

He has been away for business and now, he was back home.

Scarlett has always been fond of Gunner. He was a friend and a mentor to her. Someone that always guided her path while she was little and taught her most of the things she knows today.

He was someone else aside from her parents who can talk to her as he pleases without a bullet going through his f**king brain.

"Scarlett," In a flash, he threw a punch at her which she dodged.

He threw another punch and she moved to the other side before his fist could touch her face.

And unexpectedly, she kicked him on his stomach and he lost his balance.

Gunner moved backward almost falling to the floor but held himself up and in his moment of distraction, Scarlett brought out a knife from the back pocket of her trousers so before Gunner could get himself and retaliate, She was already pointing the knife at him.

"Give up, I've won." She said flatly, having a smirk on her cold face.

Gunner chuckled and threw his hands up in the air in surrender.

"Yeah, right. Can you put out the knife now?"

"Of course." She chuckled darkly and slid the knife back into her pocket. "Welcome home, Mentor."

He ruffled his hair and started straightening the black polo he was wearing. "Thank you, hun."

"When did you come back?"

"Not quite long ago." He answered.

"And how did you know you can find me here?"

"Your mother told me how you locked yourself up in here since morning, doing what you do best." He winked.

"Mm-hmm. Wait, did she say it like that?"

"Not really..."

Gunner grabbed a bottle of water from a bench not far from his reach and threw it for Scarlett.

She caught it at ease with one hand and uncapped the bottle, taking a large gulp of water.

"Thank you." She told him, releasing a deep breath.

He nodded. "You're welcome, dear. I can see you've trained hard to be the best. I can barely knock you off your feet now."

"I am the next in line after father, the first girl in history to ever want to lead the Mafia, I have to be the best." She said. "Besides, you taught me most of the skills I know today."

"I am so proud of myself for seeing what you've become today." He smirked.

"I miss you though." She collected a black towel from the towel rack and slung it over her shoulder.

"Did you?"

She nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't call. I was f**king busy with selling off the shipment and making sure I don't make any kind of mistake."

"I understand, Gunner."

"Where is the boss? I didn't find him in the office."

They both started walking towards the exit of the gym.

"Yeah... Dad took Nelson to the golf course."

"Last I remember, Nelson sucks at golf." Gunner laughed as he opened the door and moved aside for Scarlett to step out first before him.

"Tell me something I don't know." She sighed. "Oh, f**k. I'm famished."



Harry was in the gazebo at the back of the house, smoking weed and drinking from a glass of whiskey.

He has been thinking about the Mexico Cartel and trying to make sense of why they had attacked him.

However, nothing has come to mind and it's driving him crazy.

They couldn't have just woken up one morning and decided that he was their next target. There has to be a reason for the attack.

Every Empire aside from the Italians has always been afraid of them (Russian).

They know better than to challenge them which is why he was willing to figure out how in the world Justus Augustine will suddenly grow the balls to attack him.

Harry puffed out streaks of smoke, lowering his head back to the headrest and looking up at the roof.

"Hey, man." Hugo and Hudson's voices disrupted his moment of serenity.

"Hey..." He replied dryly.

"What are you doing here?" Hugo asked.

"Smoking and drinking." He answered.

"Can we talk?" Hudson asked.

Harry shook his head as a no.

"Oh, come on, Harry." Hugo groaned.

Harry sat upright on the grey couch and faced the twin brothers.

"I don't want more insults from him. I've had enough already."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Hudson apologized.

"Sure." Harry sarcastically stated, rolling his eyes.

"You have every right to be mad at you but can I be honest here?"

"If you are going to insult me then don't be honest."

Hudson let out a breath and sat down on the couch, close to Harry.

"You put the Empire at risk, Harry. I was mad at you because you didn't see anything wrong with what you did. You were trying to justify yourself."

"Is that what you think of me?"


"I ask again, is that what you think of me? You think I am the kind of guy who tries to justify his action and not take responsibility for something he does, right?"

Hudson pressed his lips in a flat straight line, not saying anything.

"You think I am a coward."

"What? No. I never said that, Harry."

"What's the difference between what you described me to be and a coward?" He asked, raising a brow at Hudson.

"I'm sorry."

"I told you if you want to insult me then don't be honest."

"Harry, calm down." Hugo intervened before things escalates. "You and Hudson have always been in a dog-cat relationship. I know this is one of the days when you argue unnecessarily and settle. Hudson is sorry, can you just forgive him and let bygones be bygones?"

"Hey, guys!" Jesse stepped into the gazebo, dressed up for somewhere.

The three boys glanced at her at the same time, all looking confused as to why she was all dolled up.

"Why are you dressed up?" Harry asked in a cold voice.

"I am hanging out with some friends. We are supposed to meet up in_"

"Have you told Father about this hangout?" Harry cuts her off.

"He is quite busy in the office so I decided to talk to you about it instead." She answered.

"Let me guess, you want to go out alone without a guard." He stated.

"Can I do that? Please?" She put her hands together as if praying.

"Why?" Hugo asked.

"Isn't it weird? Why do I always have to go out with a guard? I am a big girl and can take good care of myself."

"You are seventeen years old." Harry pointed out.

"So? Does that make me a big girl?" She frowned.

"The world is not safe out there for you, baby sis. I'm sorry but I can't let you go on this 'hang out' without a guard." Harry told her.

The frown on her face deepened and turned into a hard glare.

"Why not? Am I a prisoner? Why can't I go out as I please without a bloody guard following me around? Pochemu ya vsegda dolzhen chuvstvovat' sebya v lovushke?" (Why do I always have to feel entrapped?)

"Eto dlya vashego blaga." (It is for your good). He told her in a calm tone.

She scoffed, shaking her head as tears rolled down her face.

"Sometimes... I hate this life." She turned around and left the gazebo, going back into the mansion.

"F**k!" Harry grunted, ruffling his hair.

He hates it whenever his baby sister is unhappy, in pain, sick, or in tears.

He understands how she feels right now and he wished he can grant her permission to go out without a guard but he can't.

There are a lot of enemies out there. Even the ones who are yet to know.

Who would believe that the Mexico Cartel is after his damn life?

What if there are other empires that want him dead and will do anything to bring him down to his knees? The Italian Empire is one of them.

Jesse is too innocent and doesn't deserve this kind of life and treatment but regardless of how much he wants to give her the freedom she desired, he can't. Her life depends on it.

"She really wants to go for the hangout." Hugo stated.

"I know."

"Maybe I should convince her to go with a guard. Or maybe I will escort her." He offered.

Harry raised a brow at him.

"You are going to give up going to the ball for Jesse?"

"If this ball wasn't very important and your present isn't much needed, you would have done the same, right?"

"Of course, I will. She is my sister after all."

"Jesse is like a sister to me as well. I will give up the ball party and escort her." Hugo started walking away from the gazebo. "The both of you should have fun without me!" He yelled for Hudson and Harry to hear before disappearing out of sight.

Hudson and Harry exchanged glances, both having the same expression on their faces.

"I thought Hugo is obsessed with ball dances and parties?" Harry muttered.

"I thought so too." Hudson replied.

"Life is unpredictable."

"Very unpredictable." Hudson agreed, picking up the glass of whiskey Harry has been sipping from and took a gulp.



Jesse stormed inside her room and slammed the door shut, very hard.

She was completely pissed off at everything and everyone.

Rex who was sleeping peacefully on her queen-sized bed, jumped up as soon as he heard the slam of the door closing.

He started barking, looking around for any kind of danger but when he sighted Jesse, he calmed down and went back to sleep.

There was a knock on the door, waking Rex up once again.

"Who's there?" Jesse snapped.

"It's Hugo. Can we talk?"

"F**king no way!" She answered, plopping down on the edge of her bed and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Please let's talk, Jesse." He said pleadingly.

"No. Just leave!" She shouted."I don't want to see you or anybody. Leave me the f**k alo_"

The door was pushed open and Hugo stepped inside.

"You should have locked your door if you were going to refuse me access to enter." He smirked.

She threw a hard glare at him.

"Get out of my room, Hugo." She said, rising to her feet.

"Can we talk?" He asked again.

"I said no. What else do you want from me?" She growled.

"I understand what you are going through. Believe me, I under_"

She cuts him off. "No, you don't. Don't even think about using that technique on me, Hugo. Because you don't understand what I'm going through at all. You are not treated like a prisoner in your father's house. You are not told to take along with you a guard wherever you go. Your freedom is not restricted. No one detects who you should hang out with and not. You don't f**king understand me at all!" She yelled.

"Is that what you think?" He asked her quietly.

Jesse stayed quiet.

"Everything your father and Harry are doing is for your good whether you believe it or not. Out there is not safe for you. The world is a terrible place."

"My friends go out on a daily basis and I've never heard that one of them died." She noted, giving him the 'what are you going to say about that' look.

"Your friends are different from you. You are the daughter of a mafia boss, do you know how many people out there want our empire dead?"

"I don't care. I am just... just tired of this life." She said in a low voice, tears streaming down her face. "Most of my friends have boyfriends and they usually hang out without guards trailing after them. Why is my case so different, huh?"

"I'm not supposed to tell you this but do you know that Harry was attacked not quite long ago?"

Jesse's mouth dropped open and she blinked severally.

"Wha...what? Who got attacked? How? When? Where?" She asked worriedly.

"Calm down. He is fine. We caught the assassin and she paid the price." He said.

"How come no one told me about this? Who attacked him? Wait, let me guess, the Italian Empire, right?"

"It's a different enemy this time around. Someone we least expected."

"There is another enemy aside from the Italian?" She asked in shock and Hugo nodded his head. "Wow..."

"You see why your father and brother are doing everything to keep you safe? If an enemy holds you, hostage, do you know what's going to happen to our empire? You are very valuable to us. Even more valuable than the underboss."

She sighed, sitting down back on the bed.

"I wish we were normal people. I wish there was no mafia or enemies. I really hate this life." She breathed out.

"I thought you've gotten used to it."

"I did. But having a guard follow me around all the time is so exhausting and annoying." She stated.

"The guard follows you around to keep you safe." He said. "Do you still want to hang out?"

She hesitated before nodding her head as a yes.

"Then I can come with you instead. Don't worry, I will follow you at a distance."

"You will do that for me?" She sounded surprised.

Hugo smirked. "Yeah."

"Aww. Thank you so much."

"Come on, let's go."



"The Mexico Cartel?" Gunner repeated, furrowing his brows.

"Yup." Scarlett nodded her head, taking a bit of fried chicken. "He sent a weakling to kill me. I swear I'm going to kill him for underestimating me." She hissed.

"He did underestimate you." Gunner nodded in agreement. "Sow what's the plan now?"

"We kill him tonight." Mr. Osvaldo said, strolling inside the dining room.

"Boss," Gunner stood up to his feet and bowed his head.

"Oh, Gunner. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"It's good to finally have you back home."

"Yeah. Feels good to be home."

"We are going to kill Justus tonight?" Scarlett repeated, drawing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.

"Yes." He nodded his head, shoving his hands inside his pocket. "It is the only way we can kill him without drawing attention to ourselves."

"Why today though?" Gunner questioned.

"Because tonight, everyone will be busy partying that no one would hear the screams of a dying man." He answered.

Scarlett grinned like a psycho, taking a huge bite of chicken.

"I love the idea, Father."


<6:45 PM>

Scarlett stood in front of a lengthy mirror in her bedroom, staring at her reflection.

She was wearing a long black off-shoulder gown with a front slit, reaching mid-thigh, and black high heels. Her hair was let down to her back and a black pearl adorned her neck.

She was wearing dark makeup and everything about her screamed power, and dangerous.

Scarlett grabbed the black clutch on the dresser and put a knife inside it.

"You are going down, Justus Augustine."



Scarlett, Gunner, and Osvaldo got down from a white limousine in front of a huge building.

Many mafias were going inside the building, everyone minding their business.

The ball party was a gathering for every mafia. It is a time when every mafia comes together without tearing each other apart.

Scarlett, Gunner, and Osvaldo exchanged glances.

"Keep your eyes open and do a good job, Scarlett." Osvaldo muttered and she gave a firm nod.

They all went inside.


Scarlett had her eyes on Justus as he talked with some mafia bosses.

She was waiting for the moment he would be alone so she can do her job.

She collected a cocktail from a waiter passing by, not taking her eyes off Justus.

She was on the second floor while Justus and the mafia bosses he was talking to were downstairs.

She wasn't looking where she was going when she mistakenly bumped into someone.

The cocktail spilled over but didn't touch either her or the person she bumped into.

"F**k!" The other party hissed.

"I'm sor_" Scarlett was going to apologize when she saw the face of the person and a hard glare took over her facial expression.

"Oh, it's you, Foxy. I could barely recognize you looking like that." Harry eyed her from head to toe, licking his pink lips as he devoured her body with his eyes.

Scarlett released a deep groan, rolling her eyes.

"Long time no see, Love." He smirked, taking a step closer to her.

"When will you die, Harry?