
Chapter 258: Party After Party

"So, the party was still going on, the girls were dancing but Jennifer was not, the other girls tried to make her cheer up, they told her to be happy and celebrate her freedom.

" my dear, what you need is celebration and Thanksgiving, not this mood you are in." One of them said. They all tried to get her in her normal mood but it all didn't seem to happen.

Her shiness even increased when she saw me, she finds it difficult to look at me in the eyes, but she still thanked me anyway, she thanked me for the exorcism and for the bump shot, and I god get to worry. So, as for me, I was famished but the girls were just dancing like they have not seen the food, there were even yet do open the cooler to see the content. I just walk to the home theater and switches off the music and turned on the tv set, I stunned it again to MTV Base. When I switched off the music from the home theater DVD Player, the girls came attacking me, both with words and with their hands, but I didn't give any concern to their attacks, I just focussed on that which I was doing, and when I turned on the tv. they all mellowed and even found it better than the latter. But I reduced the sound of the tv. so that the noise won't be much and that someone won't have to be shouting so loud in to be heard.

"This is food o, I don't know if any of you are interested o." So I said go hem as I opened the cooler exposing the street and strong aroma from the rice, it was still very hot, the steam carried the flavor around, one could taste the food in the air, the couloir was so enticing.

"Hmm... Naija Jollof, nice... I love it, I am hungry o, I can't wait to eat." Charity said as she left dancing to my side, it was after Charity had come to me that Cynthia came. I really do not know what was wrong with her that day, she was so cold, when others were trying so hard to have fun, she will just sit and watch. But none the less, she came to me after charity. Now, when Cynthia came, she quickly took the plate from me and helped me to dish the rice, she gave me the fattest meat for the cooler. When she did this all the girls started shouting 

"Hmmm... Damian, did you see? She is a white material," "one thousand yards," so they all said, well fook my own food and went to a side of the bed and started eating before Cynthia still brought for me a glass of wine to the place where I was.

So, after the dishing, all the girls kept implementing the rice as if it was no longer ordinary rice, well, we all ate and merry. After eating we started discussing before others started to dose up, and I noticed that many of them wished to have their night wash, but they can not because I was there. So, I quickly excised them.

"I will be going to my room, please you all should take care, you should try and sleep, I will also do the same, tomorrow we will all go back to our destination. Once again, thanks all for coming to my place."

No, thanks for hosting us, as for me, I will come to your house over and over again, whenever you invite." So did one of the girls say.

"Aha Damian, please do not forget what we discussed." So sad Lovett. Lovett was the girl who wanted to talk to dad about he father's joblessness, her father, just like Chinwe's dad was a single father with only her as a child, not that the man had lost his job due to this Corona layoff, he had no means of taking care of her. And she also in her own little ways seeks for ways to help the father stand back on his feet, she knew how bad her father feel knowing that he can no longer afford things for his daughter as he used to, so she wanted the man to be happy. She was actually a very caring daughter, something that I will do for my mom.

"No problem Lovett, I will not forget." Actually, she never asked me to help her talk to fake dad, she only asked me to help her tell him that she will like to see him privately, she wanted to be the one to tell him by herself, but she will not want to say it in the front of her friends, she wouldn't like them to know that her father was jobless at the moment.

So, I left their room and walked on to mine, when I left, I actually did not kiss .nor hug Cynthia, even though I wanted to, and j saw it in her eyes, she anticipated it, but I turned her down, I just left her there and advance to my room. So, as I just entered my room about to lock the door, I heard a knocking at my door.

"Who is there?" I asked but no response. So I went to open the door to see the deaf and dumb who knocks at my door, but as soon as I opened the door, Cynthia just barged in, she held my bu my shirt, jerking me like she wanted to fight, 

"What is it homey?" I asked as I saw her angry face, but she never responded to me, rather, she used her leg to push the door so that it got locked.

"You are scaring me, why are you talking to me like this, and why do you look this furious?" At first, I felt like the demon left Jennifer's body and entered into my Cynthia, but no, that was not the case, she was just unhappy about the way I left without even giving her a peck on the cheeks not to say a kiss.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you leave like that? You just told the girls that you are going to the bed, you didn't even tell me, what is wrong with you? You want me to beat you upright?" She said very hilariously, I looked at the soft would that will beat up and I laughed.

"But honey, I just didn't tell the girls, I told all of you. Ok, I am sorry, I know that I should have singled you out and told you specially and also hug and kiss you, but I did not, so please have mercy, I am sorry." So I said to her, but she seemed not satisfied with what I had to say. 

"I am not forgiven you for that, I probably might never." She said. When she said this, my heart skipped.

"Is it that serious?"

"Yes, more serious than you could ever imagine, but if I must forgive, then you have to permit me to pass the night with you, here in this sweet bed of yours, and you must make sure you make a quality love to me throughout the night, no sleeping and no resting." So she said. I looked at her, she was serious about it, when she was saying this, she kept making a face that could be interpreted as she was trying to punish me with sex.

"Is that all I must do? Please can instant serving my punish meant now?" I asked. 

"Hahaha... Look at this thief, please calm down, slow down your horse. I have to bathe first, I need to wash out all of this sweet on me, you know that you also have a lot of licking and sucking to do, so, I have got to wash up, so I don't give you food poison." So she said and we both laughed at it.

"Me too, I will like to wash up, so, why not we wash together?" I said holding my arms around her hips and with my eyes straight into hers.

"Hmm... That will be a nice idea, I have always dreamt of this. But hope your Uncle can't come in here." She said looking even thrilled to bath with me in the bathroom together.

"No, he can't, he will not dear, so don't worry." So I said to her, I don't want to tell her about the possibility of him already seeing her as she walked into my room through the CCTV camera. If I did tell her, it might kill this cute and sweet mode of hers. Now we have agreed to bath together, but now comes with the problem of who will pool first, I saw her looking at me expecting me to pull first, and I laughed, I even chuckled out loud, immediately I took off my shirt, and unbuckled my belt, draw it out like I was going to use it against, she drew back in fear when I did this, but later smiled, I think she loves the shock, because I started perceiving her sweet wetness through my super scent nose immediately after her shock. Then I brought down my jeans and then after the been had been successfully separated from my legs, I then held my boxes by its two ears and hesitated before taking them down, I saw her eyes planted at my junk region, then with a strong gust, I dragged the boxer down, causing my already rigid joy stitch wiggle and bounce out of the boxer like a bold thief jumping out of the window. When she saw this, she was awed, her jaw dropped, she stood there looking for a while as I felt her juice run even faster out of her sweet cracks. She then bent down and held it in her hands, she gave me a sweet soft grip and only made the little man charge life like an angry viper.

"Oh my God!!! I feel like eating it up, I wish I could bit it, it looks like one delicious meat. Oh, I love you so much baby." So she said, she said some strange things, I don't know if u should say that was sweet or scary, why will she want to bite my pleasure giver? And it is not meat to chee, though it might be boneless meat, it is still not for chewing.

"Help me undress baby, I want to see that sweet pipe of your tap like it used to do." So she said, without any hesitation, I started dragging her clothes off.

"Hey, honey take it easy, you don't have to rip it off, I know you have the money to buy a new one for me, but I can't be naked till you get the new one." So she said hilariously, but I just had no time for laughter at the moment, I just want to see those boobs and that sweet lipsy hole under her thighs. I had succeeded in getting the clothes off her, now she was in her white and black flowery bra and an orange-colored G-string pant. I took a pause when I got to this position, she too, she stood looking at me and panting like one after a lost meter race. Looking at her, I knew not what to do with her, she is so beautiful, and at the posture and scene, she was as hot as a liquid metal. I held her by the waist and drew her closer, I felt her heartbeat jump as her breath raced faster, I hugged her and sniffed in a chunk of her sweaty body, normally, I will find that smell disgusting, but at my mood at that moment, I felt like dirty sweaty smell was very sexy as it even caused me to arouse harder. As we hugged, I used my hand to hold her fat round butt which felt so soft in my hand.