
Chapter 89 Mutivations


You don't know that if he loses he will be disgraced and humiliated like you were been dishonored the other day or you don't know? And you are even the best person for this job, you can just easily go to him and say you are sorry, all you need to do is to be a little bit dramatic in tendering your apology to him, plead for his pardon on the way and manner you have been treating him. Just do as I told you, and boom! You can just tap him by the back with the powdered hand, then you can leave the rest for the demons."

Kunle said

"Ah! Demons?"

Bright explained in fear. 

"Now listen to me as I tell you this again, my grandfather was the chief priest of Oshun the water goddess, we all have the power to swim like fishes, you see this powder? It is bait, it is used to attract marine spirits against anyone with this powder on his or her back, once the person makes contact with the water after the powder had been applied on his or her back the seven evil marine spirits will come for the person, they will make the person mad for a few minutes and then leave the person, but that's after the person must have disgraced himself. But for that Albino idiot, he will not only run mad, but that might also be his end, a mad swimmer is definitely likely to drawn."

Kunle added.

"Unless you want him to use his black magic to win and gloat over you again. Or is that what you want? Tell me now."

Kunle added.

"God forbid! I'll do it, that is a small task, who even cares about that annoying demon?"

Bright said.

"We will definitely do it."

Ojo echoed. 

"And who is we? Did I call your name here? Mr. Echo"

Kunle said irritated at Ojo's stupid Echoes.

On the other side was me, my sweet Cynthia, and the super Cee who came to join us. The super Cee was busy giving me words of motivation and encouragement, because of the fact that I was beginning to lose my self-confidence as I saw Kunle. I had been thinking of failure and how bitter or sour it will taste like until the thought now kept repeating in my head like an old blues

"Dont worry dear Damian, victory is ours, you will definitely win this contest, the other boys from the other houses are not even close to being your match in this competition, the only competition you have is Kunle and I think he is already scared."

Chinwe said.

"But that is it. Kunle is my greatest fear, his tales are all over the school, he has got a story, not just a story, an epic one. Look at me, what is my story. I've never competed in any competition before, yeah, I know I can swim, it has been proven already, but I've never competed before to prove myself a champion, this Kunle has proven to be the best swimmer in this school, and he has proven it three times, for three years he has retained the ultimate title of this school, and he did it back to back, who says he cat take it again this time? I just feel like he is the true representation of the real water people which are the Mermen."

So I said as fear and uncertainty gripped me, draining me of every single confidence left in me."

Look at you talking about tales, talking about stories, do you know the stories you have made in this school for just this few weeks If your stay in this school? You are already this year's merman in the mind of all the students, Damie, you don't have to be worrying yourself at all, this title is yours it belongs to you, we are just waiting for the competition to come and go so that you will have your title, and you will be given the award, a statue of a sexy merman hahaha, I'm not even sure if there is anyone on this earth that can withstand your swimming skills. And yes, it will be with you for about a month or more before you will hand it over to your house captain, sorry I'm talking about the award, the statue, it is yours for one month after that you will hand it over to the school."

Charity spoke motivational.