
Chapter 88: The Evil Plan

                           ***The Evil Plan***

Cynthia only started loving me the day I told her I can swim, all thanks to my lie, and the love started growing when she saw me swimming and she started grooming the thought that I can be the next school Merman after she saw my lucky swims. What if I'm not a merman material, what if I dont have what it takes to be a merman, what if all I have been enjoying was my neophyte's luck? All these thoughts kept running feral in my head.

Bright, Ojo, Sani, Kunle, and four other friends of Kunle were together discussing about me, kunle brought out a little jar with a powdery substance in it when he brought it out of his bag, Bright and his crew drew backward in fear.

"What are you frightened about, I thought you said you guys are men, why the hell are you running?"

Kunle asked.

"Nooo, this is not a matter of man or woman oo, I just can't touch anything like this, so this is how you managed to win all these competitions, so I was supposed to be the winner of all those competitions, so you cheated your way through."

Bright said.

"You cheated!"

Ojo the echo said.

"As for me, I suggest we should go and report this Kunle right now."

Sani said.

"Try me, no allow him to go, ill make you back like a dog for the rest of your life."

Kunle threatened Sani and at the same time stopping his crew member who attempted to roughen Sani up a little bit.

"Listen, bro, I never used any jass on you, its because you guys have been complaining that the guy is a jass man, are you two not the one who said he beat you up with his jass?"

Kunle said.

"And you too, you ran out of the pool screaming he is a demon. I just thought it's wise to bring a backup plan, in case he brings that jass again which im sure he will ill have my own ready in wait for him."

He added.

"Ok, that is not a bad idea, so how do you intend to do it, that this is in a powder form, it will dissolve or get ruined inside the water."

Bright said.

"Hmm... not a bad idea."

Ojo added. Right now Sani seems too terrified to even air a word, at least not after the threat from Kunle and the other four of Kunle's friends who actually attempted to beat him up.

"Now this is it. You will have to go to him and play friendly to him, before going to him you will have to apply the powder to your hand and while you were still playing friendly you will use the hand to tap him by the back. That is all you have to do, then leave the rest for the swimming time."

Kunle said.

"But why me? Why must I be the one to go?"

Bright asked.