
Chapter 227: Me, Cynthia, and Dad.

"Gu...good evening sir."

Cynthia greeted with utmost regards as he advances to our side gloriously smiling, as he strode, there were three men, all in black who walked behind him, one of them was the one who opened the gate, they all looked very masculine, with my Dad's masculinity a searing to be greater maybe because his shirt was tighter.

Dad's looks became very vivid to me, now I see what mom saw, he definitely was not looking like he looked when in fake dad's house the day mom met him, I am sure he must look this way, his blue eyes were very beautiful and conspicuous, aside from his golden hair, his eyes will be the first to catch your eyes, and with him smiling at the moment he appeared to be even more handsome, unlike the way he looked when he came to fake dad's place, he never skilled at all, and for a fact, that is how my father the Aquaking is, he actually has multiple personalities, he also expected me to have it too, lately, after I have been back from the sea, Cynthia had often said it, that my character is changing like the chameleon will change her colors. But as for me, I believe that dad is having a multiple personality disorder.

"Damie boy shut the doors of your Tommy, flies might fly in through there."

Father said hilariously as he walked to my side seeing my jaw-dropping reaction, 

"You wouldn't stand there and watch, why not you come and give daddy a hug, I know you must have missed me as I do you."

So he said with his hands wide open, with this, I couldn't say no, it wasn't like I wholesomely wanted to give him a hug, just like mom, I will like to say that I hate him, but the urge in me was stronger than I have what I could have control over, I just had no option than to yield to the urge of hugging him. I sluggishly walked to him and hugged him like a shy virgin girl with her new man.

"Common Cynthia, come join us."

So dad said, I wanted to tell dad that she will not like to hit him because I think she might be scared of him, but I was just so disappointed by her action, just before I could even open my mouth to say it, Cynthia had already found her way to us and gave us a tight grip. I must confess that I was shocked how she could do that when she already knows that he is from the sea, when she already knew that he is a merman. She definitely was not scared of him and I must also confess that it made me feel good. At least now, I can leave my life around her without the fear of doing things that will make her fear me.

"Your parents are inside, right? I can smell them."

Dad said.

"Yes sir, they are inside, we just came not too long ago, we are even yet to settle down, it is our luggage that we came to get before we found you, you may go inside, while we do that which we came for."

I told him, but he looked at me with yet a smile and said, 

"Hmm... My boy Damian, feel free to call me dad, and as for the luggage, they will help with it, now open the door and they will get it for you."

So she said and I used the car remote to unlock the car and two of them both picked the little luggage in the car and we all went in together, including dad.

"Hmm... Whom do we have here? The King himself."

Aunty Paula swiftly said as she saw dad and us walk in. Mom was dumbfounded when she saw him, dad and I walked hand in hand into the house, this alone gave my mom a concussion, she couldn't believe her eyes, it was a double surprise for her, first was to see dad in such a handsome look, and to see the both of us walk in hand in hand like we have been pals for quite a while.