
Chapter: 218 Fake Dad Meets Dad

'Gba, gba, gba!!!' This was the sound that was heard. And immediately the door was banged Evelyn the Chef walked into the sitting room and just like a zombie she walked straight to the door.

Evelyn! Evelyn! Do not touch the doorknob..." 

So mom shouted but she went ahead and opened the door regardless of all the shouting and calling from us, we screamed at her as the screaming had no use because it appeared that she wasn't herself.

'Click...' That goes the sound of the doorknob, chef Evelyn had just opened the door, but immediately she opened the door she also, like the Lieutenant slumped to the ground paving way for dad who had the door now opened. Finally, I could see the face of the man who sired me, not in the dream not in the CCTV camera but in a real scene. I think his randomness was underrated by the dream and the camera, he was a very tall man, he could be likened to a giant, he was very light-skinned, now I see the reason for my confused skin tone, it was a blend of mom's pitch black skin and dad's light skin, he glowed under the sun as he stood just at the threshold of the house, though he was wearing a very lengthy and large robe his masculinity was still not hidden, his puffed out a broad chest was visible even in the massive robe, his hair glowed of gold and very lengthy, they glowed to the ground graciously like a flowing river with waves and tides.his long beards were neatly trimmed and carved stylishly,  his eyes were as blue as the sky during a bright day. He stood there at the door entrance for quite a while without saying a word, just as he stood came looking at us like he was probing, so did we also stood calm looking at him, I was actually astonished by the courage of fake dad to actually open his mouth to mutter words.

"Who are you Mr. And what do you want? And I will like to let you know that a whole battalion of soldiers is on their way to this house, so if I were you, I will turn my back and run away."

So, fake dad let out, I can still trace some atom of fear in his voice even though he tried to hide them. When he said this Dad looked at him and smiled.


Dad groaned, it almost sounded like a lion's roar.

"You must be Matthew, Matthew the heartbreaker."

Dad said in words so soft and smooth, he had this sweet melodious voice, the sound could be difficult to explain as it sounded like tho soft rush of the river, though his voice was very deep and strong, it still was soft and mild.

"What do you mean Mr. man?"

Fake dad asked and dad continued.

"Well I have not come here for a fight, neither did I come here for any destruction, this is because I would not like my son to think or see me as evil. And as a response to your question my good friend, I have come here to take my family from you. I will say thanks for your care, but they do not need you, at least, not anymore."

So he said.

At the moment when I have set my eyes on dad, it seemed like everything thing in me finally calmed down even the calls I felt from within my guts all mellowed down. I looked at the staunch face of dad which had no slight trace of smile no laughter registered in it.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Freek, your family is not here, check next door, and how did you even know my name? What are you?"

Fake dad asked looking confused and paranoid about what dad had said.

"Honey, what is he talking about? Do you know him?"

Mr. Matt asked mom who presently seemed hypnotized, she was not just dumbfounded but hypnotized, she just stop there looking without seeing a thing. When fake dad saw that mom was calm he felt that dad had done to mom what he had done to the others, the security men and the chef, with this in his mind he made an attempt to fight Goldrich the Aquaking but his attempt led to no difference, he wasn't even allowed to attempt, dad just moved his finger like he had a magic wan in hand and Mr. Mattew was sent flying with his legs of the ground. Fake dad tried all he could to get his hand on dad, but all he could, all he could do was dangle in the air like one angel, it was only after he had dangled for a while that he was made to fall by dad who gestured his hand again, this was when fake dad had to realize that the fight was no longer a normal battle but a supernatural one.

Fake dad fell to the side crushing one of his expensive-looking sculptures stood at the side where he fell, he tried to get up with force again but realized that he might have broken some bones at the cause of the fall, so, he slowly and majestically tried to stand back at his feet, limping back without learning any lesson from his recent fall, but this time mom stopped him from making another mistake of attempting to fight dad. Mom ran to him and held him back saying:

"Please hold it, stop Matthew love, stop this, just stop it already, can't you read the handwriting on the wall? Can you see that you are no match for him? Can you not see it? He is not even a human, you can't fight him with a physical punch. Can't you see?"

Mom asked looking at fake dad in the eyes as stood right in his front preventing him from moving forward.