
Chapter 217: Dad in the Castle

"Mom, mom, mom!!!, I...I... I think that they are coming, I can feel something, though this one is different, it is a feeling that I have never felt before mom."

So I said to mom in a whispering tone. We were in the sitting room watching an action movie from the cable before we had to conclude on watching that action movie, we had to have a vote to see who wins, and the vote went on the action movie, mom wants Nollywood, but fake dad and I wanted action Hollywood movies, so majority carried the vote.

When I said this to mom she became tensed she knew not what to do.

"Honey, are you ok? You look tensed."

Fake dad asked mom, he drew himself closer but he still could get to her, I sat in the middle causing a demarcation between the both of them. His Calvin Klein designer singlet had this sweet swell, almost like a new cloth, I waft in to ascertain if it was his clothing that had that scent or if it was truly something coming, but I realized that it wasn't his cloth.

"Even you, what is going on, someone should try and put me in. What is happening here? Are you sick?" 

He said to me as he noticed the thick sweat running down my face, at the moment, I felt this call through my stomach, this uncontrollable urge to stand up and run out of the house, but I kept holding it down, it was my trying to hold it down that physically brought the pressure that caused me to sweat.

"Can someone talk to me?"

Fake dad asked again as mom herself started acting weird.

"They are here, we think they are here."

Mom stated.

"Who are here? Can you be a little more conspicuous?"

Fake dad asked.

The people that I told you were after hour son Damian."

Mom said in a shaky voice.

"Oh is that why you worry? If they are stupid enough to come here today, then, we should be thankful, because today is the day that they will either be caught red-handed or killed.

Fake dad said. But before he could be done with his comment, we heard the sound of the gate opening.

"Who are they opening the gate for? What is the matter with this boys?"

Mr. Matt asked looking surprised, he stood up from the sofa where he crouched to the window to check if he could get some visuals but he didn't. The thick nets used on the windows made it rather too difficult to get any visuals, instead, it blurred the vision. Though Mr. Matt who is my fake dad could not get a clear sight of what or who the gate was being opened for he still saw some blurry vision of the gate being opened for a man in white.

"Who is that?

Mom asked him.

"I do not know, but I think it's one person and he is on a white robe."

Fake dad said. This description made me feel special emotionally, but mentally I am not stable, I kept feeling my powers and gifts coming alive as if I could no longer contain them.

"On white you said? Oh, thank God, the ones that come, they usually wore black."

So mom said, but fake dad still went on to pick the television remote and he tuned it to the CCTV station, that was when we had a clear vision of everything, mom almost peed on herself, and that actually explained the feelings I was having, because it wasn't like the other feelings I had before when ghosts villains cane, I felt this strangely good because it was dad who had come by himself, it was my real dad, the sight of him through the television brought this strong sweat to run down her face just like it did on me. Though we were in a room stuffed with high-frequency air conditioning, still mom and I were sweating.

Dad the Aqua king had emerged out of his ocean to the upper earth and to the mansion of Mr. Matt, I knew this will happen, I knew that he will not be happy with this arrangement of his, I fear for fake Dad, he was quite too good to be harmed by Dad's anger. From the CCTV, we call see very clearly that it was Dad. But Mr. Matt knew not who he was. He was in a very long white robe which flowed to the found coating his legs against any sight, his hair was even longer than it was in the dreams, though it was in a black and white visual mom and I still recognized him very clearly. 

We recognized something strange happening, not just mom and I, but Mr. Matt also, the house which was heavily guarded by heavily armed security men became very easy to penetrate, they were even the ones who opened the gate for him to come in. It was even the Lieutenant by himself that opened the gate for dad to come in, after he had opened it, he slumped to the ground, all of the security men caught on the CCTV camera were all sleeping, in fact, they looked dead, it was only later that we realized that they were all seeping. Dad walked majestically and undisturbed to the door of the sitting room, we were all watching, by this time Fake dad was already tense he took his phone and called on the lieutenant who was present on the flood dosing looking dead, there was actually no sound all we got was visuals, dad kept ringing his phone but he got no response. This was when he decided to switch to calling another person who he addressed as General. When the call finally went through after a long try. He said

"Hello General, my home had just been attacked, as I am talking to you the attack is going on."

So he said, but he paused by the sound of the banging of the door.