
Chapter 153: Hot Day

So, after she exposed her dreams to me which truly seemed identical only that it seemed like hers started from where mine ended, left, I saw ut that it might be after Dad asked me to leave and get secured that he went into the chamber where mom was to tell her to keep me safe, and dad also said the same thing to us in the dream, which was that I must never go anywhere the river. After telling me about the dream, she felt kind of weak, it was obvious that she was already thinking of what she must do, she knew the dream was not an ordinary one.

"Oh God, what is this? When just got out of one."

She lamented. Now we were short of options, she can't even find the number of the mad prophet on her phone, in fact, it seemed like nothing about the man ever existed, his number and call records could not be found in mom's cell phone, no one ever admitted know or ever seen anyone who fit the description and even the CCTV cameras could not detect him. It was only me, mom, and aunty Paula who could ever admit to having seen the man. So mon literally had no one to call for guidance and canceling. So, my poor mom, after eating, she took up her handbag and she zoomed off for work. Leaving me to my recent boring life. I was not actually expecting Cynthia over today, though k wishes she will come, but I know she will not. Aha this led me to my confusion that day, I thought of it for quite a while, I even did a google search on it to get some little clarity.

Cynthia was a virgin, that I know, but my confusion at that moment was why the hell will she be a virgin and I will penetrate her and she didn't bleed. This thought made me unrest, I felt like some were fishy because even before my first which was obviously with Cynthia I have always heard that virgins bleed after their first sex, but here I was, I deflowered a girl and but no proof to show, it was buying an electronics without a receipt.

It was only after a few minutes of thinking that I had to decide to go and check google if there was a reasonable explanation to it. when I actually found out that it was perfectly normal, I found out that it was not all girls who bleed during their first sex, probably because of the kind of exercises they do, and I positively believe that my Cynthia is one of those types of girls. Hmm, my beautiful Cynthia, how my heart always skips whenever I think or hear her name, hmm... That girl really got me, she had created her name in my heart like a tattoo that can never be erased. She had got me craving her always and often, that girl really need some explanation to do, she has hot to explain to me what she had done to me.

That day in the afternoon, I was bored and needed a walk, I was tired of watching movies and music, I just needed a little walk out, but I can't go to Cynthia's place, today was Friday, aunty Paula do not go to work on Fridays, so it was so impossible to go there, so I decided to take a walk outside, there was this grand supermart that that was just planted around the junction, I thought of taking a stroll to the place and buy me some snacks. 

Now when I walked out of the door, I realized what a strong decision it was to actually take a walk outside the house by that time, the weather was pretty hot, the sun raged down to earth with utmost aggression. The heat radiating from the sun was too hot that it got all the flowers in the street to bow down, they had all shrunken back like they were in search of a place to hide. The heat on the ground was so hot, I felt it burn through my footwear. Even as I advanced into the street, the heat increased, the reflection of the sun from the windscreen of cars was so bright that as the reflected into my eyes, I felt temporary blindness, now I wished I had stepped out with my sunshade, but I just dont like wearing sun shed and a nose mask at the same time, it makes me look like one alien from Mars. Yeah, I often wear my nose mask recently, in fact since this horrific harmattan started with its wind blowing I have always made sure that I often go out with the face mask, this was not just because of the pandemic Covid 19 virus, but mainly because of the dust, I fear dust more than anything, aside from eating fish, inhaling dust is my worse allergy, and I hated having flue which comes after the dust inhaling.

So, as I walked on, but as I advanced closer to the supermarket, I noticed that there was a lady in a multicolored dress who kept staring at me nonstop. I tried to use the strategy that mom thought me but it never worked out. This strategy according to mom works ninety-nine times out of a hundred, but it just failed now, I guess this was the one time that it was supposed to fail.

According to mom, "when someone looks at you for quite too long, you can also stare back at the person and he will be ashamed and bring his head down." Well that was what I did but it never worked, the lady kept staring at me like her eyes were planted in my body. When I finally realized that there was nothing that I could have done to make her stop the stare, all that I could think of doing was to bring my head down, ignore her had w go get my things, before I enters the supermarket I saw the blind beggar who they say had been around the junction for quite a long time, the blind man who sat at the entrance of the gate of the supermarket asked me for alms but I actually paid him no attention. Mom had often warned me against giving alms to beggars, she said that most of them use the money they got from good-hearted people to do dubious things against them.