
Chapter 152: The dream Collaboration

 As he spoke, he spoke with utmost seriousness, I can see how sincerely he cared for my safety, although it sounded a bit selfish because the only reason he wanted me safe was not as same as mom's, his reason was so that he will not lose his kingdom to his enemies.

This was the dream, it was not a funny dream, I woke up in my bed feeling so cold like someone who had either been exposed to cold or one who had been swimming throughout the night. I wondered how or why I had the feeling like that wasn't an or ordinary dream, it solemnly felt real.

I saw the Aqua King with this look of uncertainty, and then he spoke to me, he made it possible to me that he was giving me a very serious and important message. This dream was very important to me, it was important because, since after we arrived from the beach at Elegushi Lagos I had never had a dream that I remembered, all my dreams had always been blurry and unclear, but this one was vivid and conspicuous. 

That day, after I woke up, I battled with the decision of whether or not I should yellow, I knew how she will act if I should tell her that I dreamt of the sea again and if she finds out that I out that I sat side by side with father, she will definitely be mad, she will not even realize that it was just a dream.

Do you know what they say about the spirit being one? I was there thinking whether or not I should tell mom of my dream with the Aqua King, little did I know that she also had a similar dream. That morning, after we all woke up, mom and I had our usual morning devotion to and I noticed that her prayer was being directed to the waterside, she said against any link and spiritual father and husband. This was the kind of prayer point she often raised during the days when I had that reaction and scales on my body.

After the prayer session which took longer than usual, we all went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. But all the while during and after the prayer, I kept thinking of how to present the dream to mom without her flaring up, even through the process of the breakfast making, I still fought within me for the decision to tell mom about the dream but I couldn't, I couldn't grab enough courage to tell her about the dream. So, after the breakfast preparation mom went back to the room to shower, that was when I finally got the courage that I needed to air my dreams out to her, but I had to wait for her to come out, I will probably wait during the breakfast then ill seize the momentum to tell her the dreams. So, not too long after she went for the shower, she came out all dressed up, she walked to the dining table to meet me where I usually sat to wait on her. When we came, she noticed that something was bothering me, my mom was very good at detecting my mood, I can hardly keep anything from her. So, when she noticed my mood, she asked me about the reason for the mood which I did tell her that it was was about the dream that I had. 


She asked looking so surprised and scared to hear me mention that I had a dream, now I began referring to why I even told her that I had a dream. 

"Now tell me, what dream did you also have?" So she asked as she asked me to tell her about it. I actually did tell her the dream, and after narrating my dream to her. She sat at the table looked at me deep in the eyes and say;

"Hmm... Damie, so you know that I also had a similar dream as well? Just that it seemed like my dream started fro were your own stopped. This is not a mare dream, I woke up feeling it so real, I even caught cold and had goosebumps all love me. I think they were trying to tell us something, but what exactly.?"

Mom specified. She looked terrified as she said this, now she just confirmed that the dream was not an ordinary one, I also felt it too. She continued and went as far as explaining the dream to me, she said:

"In the dream, I was in a room with lots of maidens who treated me like royalty, I was dressed in gold pieces of jewelry and seashells. I was just there when he rushed in, he held me by the hand and pulled me out to a more private area, and he asks me to take good care of and that I should keep you safe. He was very specific about you being spotted, he also said that I should prevent you from swimming just as you said. After telling me this, he ran out with his hair which flowed like a river."

Mom also narrated hers. But she never stopped there, since all my life, I have never seen mom act the way she acted when she described dad. Her behavior proved to me that she still had feelings for him despite all the insults she had rained on him. Yeah, she had strong feelings, because when she told me about the man she saw in her dream, she was so proud of his physics as she described him, she said in her own words.

"If you see him, very handsome, tall,  and very manly, his skin color was very radiant, and he looked like someone who does not like trouble."

This was how she described dad, and really it gave me a great notion that she still have or had feelings for dad. Something I never thought that I could ever imagine, I thought that all she could ever have for him is and will always be hatred and detest.