

My fingers were thoroughly soaped when I ran the bar into her ass crack. I lifted her fairly easily and pushed my cock into her hot velvet tunnel at the same time my finger entered her ass. Daisy's gasp even surprised her, but a second later she was trying to break my steely cock with her frantic movements. My cock could feel my finger through the thin membrane that separated her ass from her cunt. We had gone at it for several minutes when she bucked violently, spraying my abdomen with her ejaculate. I came a few seconds later, filling her with my seed. We fell together, the shower wall being the only thing that held us up. Finally, I turned off the water and lowered her feet to the floor.

I dried her as I always did and once I was dry I led her, both of us still naked, to my office to learn everything we could about anal sex. She sat in my lap, playing with my dick between her legs, her other arm draped around my neck. It's amazing how much information the net has on an arcane subject like this. We sat and read and watched videos for almost an hour. My cock felt like iron long before we were done and somehow Daisy had managed to slip it into her wet cunt before we were done.

Lifting her left leg over my head she was able to straddle me and force my organ deep into her love tunnel. Her arms went around my neck as she kissed me, forcing her tongue deep into my mouth as her hips gyrated into my abdomen. We worked together for maybe twenty minutes—maybe longer—since we had just made love an hour earlier. We were a sweaty mess by the time I was finally able to cum. Rather than drip our sexual fluids all over our new carpets I picked Daisy up and carried her back to the shower. "You're incredible," I told her.

"Me? You gave me two orgasms in the shower and another four just now. I'm so lucky to have you." I still had her in my arms when I turned the water on again. Fifteen minutes later we were clean and dry again and in bed together, naked as always.


I thought it might be a good idea to put our "arrangement" into writing so I spoke to a lawyer one morning when I had some time available. In addition to what Daisy and I had agreed to, I had her add a clause about adultery. Daisy was quite shocked when she read the adultery clause. "Why, John? Why did you put this in here?"

"Think of it as a way to guarantee that neither of us ever cheats." She lowered her head for a few seconds then raised it, smiled, and signed the agreement. I also signed and our signatures were notarized. The secretary excused herself and returned with copies of the pre-nup in envelopes and handed one to each of us. "I'll gladly destroy both copies on the day we become engaged." Daisy leapt into my arms and we kissed long and deep right there in front of the attorney. We walked out into a beautiful bright summer day.

I left the shared office suite after three months. I had no choice. My business was growing rapidly—so rapidly that I needed help and bigger quarters. I put Prof. Eastman on as a consultant. He had already helped me tremendously. Even though I had a great product I had no idea how to market or charge for it. Prof. Eastman had worked for a Fortune 100 corporation for more than ten years before accepting a highly regarded professorship. I also used him as a resource to screen potential candidates for future employment. He recommended two graduate students who could start almost immediately and finish their studies online.

I moved my headquarters to Smithtown, about thirty miles east of Great Neck, selecting a building that was just a block away from the Long Island Expressway. I also suggested to Daisy that we seek a house nearby. We found one we liked in the Village of Northport overlooking Long Island Sound. It was as expensive as hell, but we thought it was also a great opportunity. Besides, I was already a millionaire. I bought the house in the name of my company--TriTech, Inc.

One of the things I liked about the house was that it gave me the opportunity to resume one of the hobbies of my youth—woodworking. It was something I had learned from my grandfather—Dad's father. There was a full basement that had been walled off to form two rooms—one big with plenty of room for kids to play or to establish a family room for relaxing or entertaining with sliding glass doors to the back yard.

The part I wanted was smaller with the oil burner, hot water heater, and room for my power tools--a table saw, drill press, and router--in addition to wall racks to hold supplies of wood and metal and a mid-sized work area with a four-inch table vise. I installed a phone next to the workbench, forgetting somehow to tell Daisy about it.

We had been in the house about six months and had passed our one year test period. I walked in the door that day to be greeted eagerly by Daisy who jumped into my arms and planted a sensational kiss on my lips.

She had her copy of the pre-nup in her hand. I retrieved mine from my safe and walking hand-in-hand we stepped out to the rear deck where I started my Weber propane grill. As one we slipped the pages between the cast iron grates and watched as they burned to ashes. I leaned down to whisper in Daisy's ear, "I love you." We left then for a celebration dinner at a nearby steak house. After dinner we celebrated again, first by actively fucking until we could go no more then, after a short respite, I stood at the bed's side while Daisy arranged a pillow under her hips. I had a towel nearby because I knew that this could be messy.

We had tried anal sex a few days after our big night of research. I went slowly and carefully, intent at making the experience as pleasurable for Daisy as I was sure it would be for me. I learned quickly that my concerns were unfounded. Daisy easily took my thick cock, loving the sensation of being filled completely, and cumming strongly when I inserted my thumb into her cunt while tickling her clit with my fingers. After that night anal became as regular a part of our sex as oral. I thought our sex life was fantastic. Daisy told me often that she agreed.

I had carried her to the shower once we had both experienced intense orgasms, my wilting cock still embedded in her shitter. We washed and dried each other and I carried her back to bed where I sat her on the edge while I knelt before her. She smiled broadly, knowing what was afoot. I had made a promise and tonight I was going to keep it. "Daisy," I began, "I hope you know how much I love you. I know that I promised you that I would propose if things between us were good after a year together and that's what I'm doing tonight. Will you marry me?"

Daisy held her hand out and I placed the ring I had selected—a 3.5 carat round solitaire in a yellow gold setting—onto her finger. She kissed me as she pulled me up to the bed with her. She spooned in front of me, my cock wedged into her ass crack and my hand in its usual place on her right breast. She held her hand up to admire her ring. Reaching forward she turned out the lamp on the night stand as she snuggled in close to me. "I love my ring, John and I love you."