

Daisy didn't have to work, but was bored sitting at home every day. It might have been different if we had children, but we didn't. After some research she decided on a career selling real estate. She completed the 75-hour licensing course and passed the exam in just a month. The real estate trade was flourishing in Suffolk County so she found a position with a nearby firm easily. I bought her a new Toyota SUV as a present once she had earned her license, knowing that she would have to transport clients throughout the area. Daisy seemed to love her work, especially the flexible hours. She was almost always home before me and she always had dinner ready by the time I returned from my office.

I was in my workshop after dinner one Monday evening working on several birdhouses when the phone rang. I let it go thinking that Daisy would get it upstairs. I did pick up after the third ring and was about to speak when I heard Daisy say, "Hi, Mom—I have to speak quietly because John is downstairs in the basement. You know he doesn't want me to speak with you. Why didn't you phone my cell like you usually do?" I immediately pressed the MUTE button and laid the phone on the table top as I listened to the conversation that would change my life.

Mom: Fuck him, Daisy. Who the hell does he think he is? I lost your number so I had to call you here."

Daisy: Well, he's going to be my husband, but he's in for a few big surprises once he is.

Mom: Did you get the gift I sent you?

Daisy: I sure did although I couldn't open it at work. What would my coworkers think if I pulled a stainless steel cock cage out of a box? I really liked that extra ring that'll hold his balls locked up nice and tight and no lock, just those bolts with the letter 'S.' What will they think of next?

Mom: They'd probably look up to you as an empowered woman. Well…the women would. The men…let them fear you the way that asshole John will. He'll be just like your wimp father. He's worn one of those things for years. That's one of the ways I use to control him other than beating his ass when he fucks up which is almost every day. Well, I do use his cock cage to shock the hell out of him several times a day, too. There's nothing like burnt balls to make a man cower in fear. You'll see."

Daisy: I know, Mom. I remember the last time you beat him with his belt, too. I'm looking forward to doing that to John. I swear…the first time he screws up he'll be over the arm of the couch with his pants at his ankles. How long has it been since my father last had an orgasm, anyway?

Mom: I'm not sure…three, maybe four years. I milk him regularly, draining his semen into a wine glass for him to consume as soon as I release him. I have to keep him healthy--after all, I do need him to go to work, don't I? How is the plan working?

Daisy: Hold on. I want to check on John. I wouldn't want him to come up while we're talking." I heard her place the phone on the counter and walk over to the basement stairs. I was humming a song while sanding a roof for one of the birdhouses when she stepped halfway down. She continued a minute later. "Okay, Mom—he's down in the basement working away on some stupid birdhouses. Just what I need—bird shit all over the laundry. Although, why should I worry? He'll be doing the laundry and everything else once we're married. But, to answer your question—the plan is working great. He is so gullible. He believed all the bullshit I fed him when we were back in school. He thinks I'm his loving wife even though we're not married yet. He burned the pre-nup when we got engaged. I'm letting him fuck me every night so he'll be used to cumming often plus he trusts me now. I'll just drug him and he'll be locked up when he comes to. Of course, I'll have to break him like you did with my sperm donor. I'll have to beat him mercilessly, but he'll break quickly. He's no he-man. Then he'll do anything I tell him to in the futile hope that I'll let him cum. I'll probably let him once every two weeks at first just so he'll have that hope. But, every day? Like that'll ever happen.

Mom: How is it going with your boss? How often are you fucking him now?

Daisy: Fantastic—I did him twice last week and came home to give John sloppy seconds. He ate me after I'd been with Greg. He really cums a lot—a regular Peter North--so I had to use a maxi-pad to keep it in. Wouldn't want to deprive my hubby-to-be of his special treat, would I?

Mom: No, of course not. That's just what he deserves for treating me so badly. I can't wait to beat him and make him eat my asshole. It'll make what I do to my useless husband look like child's play.

I'd heard enough. I hit the button on my phone to close the circuit and made a racket as I closed and locked the door to my sanctuary and started up the stairs. I heard Daisy say something quickly as I stepped into the kitchen. I looked at her, but she avoided my gaze. I told her I was filthy with sawdust and needed a shower. Then I turned and walked up the stairs.

Daisy was history, but first I needed some revenge, both on her and on her slimy boss. I'd met him a couple of times—most recently just about a week ago-- and I hadn't been impressed. Of course, he knew at the time that he was fucking my fiancée and I didn't. What I did recall from our meeting was how much he loved his brand new BMW 7-series sedan. I had a plan to have some fun and revenge at their expense by the time I reached the top of the stairs.

As part of my graduate studies I had worked with a team to develop a computer-controlled robot. That's what I had in mind now. Let's face it, a car is only a bunch of computers with an engine and wheels. I could begin on my plan first thing tomorrow morning. Now all I had to do was avoid eating my girlfriend's filthy cunt. I might take advantage of her bodily pleasures while I could because I probably wouldn't see Daisy again once I was done with them.

I had finished my shower by the time Daisy had climbed the stairs. I gave her a questioning look and she smiled. "Oh damn, I wanted to shower with you. Just wait a few and I'll be right back. She kissed me, but I turned my head so it landed on my cheek. She turned immediately, a worried look on her otherwise beautiful face. I kissed her lips this time and swatted her butt. "Oh…have something special in mind, sailor?"

"Ahoy, matey!" I swatted her butt again and jumped into bed.

Daisy rushed through her shower, intent on leading me even further into her trap. I'd had no idea when I'd met her or even now what an outstanding actress she was. What a fucking bitch! She was even worse than her mother.