

By now my two sandwiches were gone, fed to me piece by piece by a gorgeous woman—a gorgeous naked woman who had trapped my resurgent cock between our bodies. She looked down, noticing its hardness and laughing as she rotates her hips and rubbed it into her slit. "Why don't you tell me your life story before we clean up and remake the bed?"

"Okay…I'm an only child. My mom has told me that she wanted a big family, but there was something wrong with her plumbing—her words—so they had to stop after me. I'm not very athletic, but I'm not spastic either. I'm average at most sports, at best. Intellectually, I'm way ahead of most people. It has been a mystery to my parents because Dad's a plumber and Mom works as an office manager for an insurance broker. Both jobs require thinking, but they'd be the first to admit that they're not geniuses. They live in Nassau County in Oyster Bay.

"I did extremely well in school and graduated Valedictorian from high school. I had always had an interest in computers and decided to try writing a computer game while a senior. I did it in my free time and since I never dated or went to football or other games I had plenty. I finished it about halfway through my freshman year. One of my professors helped me market it to a major game company. They liked it and paid me a hundred grand for it plus royalties that I still receive every quarter. I'd rather not go into my computer activities from junior high and high school. Let's just say that I quit before getting into trouble with the law. I also did very well in college, but still didn't date. In fact, I was a virgin until I went to visit my roommate's family just before my second year of grad school. His sister was a real slut—good looking with a great body, too. I stayed with them for three days and she fucked me five times, even doing me in my bed on the mornings when her parents had gone to work.

"I was just finishing grad school for my PhD. when Daisy found me. She claimed that she wanted math tutoring, but my roommate, Rob, worked in the math department and found out that she was a good student and was only looking for a man to support her. I broke our initial engagement after visiting her parents. Her mother treated her father like he was subhuman. She begged me for another chance about two weeks later. I gave her some conditions and a year after that I proposed again. Unfortunately, her mother was too much of a bad influence. I accidentally overheard a phone conversation in which Daisy planned to make me nothing more than a slave and beat me into submission…lock my genitals into a stainless steel cage as a means to enforce it.

"I also heard her admit that she had been cheating on me with her boss. That's when I got the idea of taking over control of her boss's car. I built the control in a week and installed it in his car while they were in a bar. I'm sure that Cara told you about the encounter. They were drinking and snorting coke. He wound up in prison for drug possession and she got probation. She also got her ass kicked to the curb, but talking about her now reminds me of something else I have to do. I got my revenge against her and her lover. I still need to take care of her bitch mother. She's only motivated by money and Daisy learned everything she knows from her."

"What will you do?"

"I'm not quite sure yet, but I'll think about it, maybe during the week. The way to hurt her the most is through her wallet. She's a totally mercenary person. We're in a bit of a lull now although we probably have at least a month's work in Ohio and we always have maintenance work with our existing clients. I can't steal from her, but I'll come up with something that will teach her to keep her nose out of other people's business."

Sara kissed me then led me to the laundry room. We folded the sheets and I carried them to the linen closet, replacing them with another set. I was amazed at how quickly Sara had been able to make the bed.

Personally, I was just about ready to jump back in with her. Instead, she led me to the shower. We washed and loved each other and I realized not for the first time how much I enjoyed being with Sara. I dried her lovingly while she did me. Then she surprised me by dressing and sitting me on the bed.

She held my hand as she looked deeply into my eyes. "I have to go home, John. I don't want to. I want to stay here with you, but we need to spend some time apart. Call me mid-week if you want to get together next weekend."

"I don't know if I'll be here then. Remember what I said about my revenge? I think I know what to do now and it will require that I travel. I'd tell you about it, but I think it's better if you don't know."

"It's not going to be dangerous, is it? Please tell me you're going to come back to me!"

"No…I don't think it will be dangerous. In fact, I don't think that more than one person pertinent to the matter will even know that I'm in the neighborhood. I'll email you every day if you want. Just tell me your address."

"Don't you want to write it down?"

"Not necessary…just tell me." She did and then she got her things together. I walked her to her car where she turned to kiss me. "Trust me, John. Rushing into a relationship is almost always a huge mistake. You're still getting over Daisy and you're vulnerable. I had a wonderful weekend with you and I want to do it again—hopefully lots of times--but we need some time apart so we can think. I know I wouldn't think too clearly with you around. All I could think about would be how many different ways I could make love with you."

"Would that be so bad?"

"No, but…"

I stopped her, telling her that I understood. All the same, I felt terribly alone when she drove away. I walked into the garage, taking a look at the SUV that I had rented that afternoon after dropping my Civic in the dealer's lot. It was a lot bigger than the Civic—roomier, too, and it had a lot of bells and whistles—fifteen computers. Unfortunately, there was no manual. It would make interesting reading—just goes to show you how much of a nerd I am. I went inside, turning the alarm on and sitting to watch a little TV. The only thing I found that was worthwhile was CNN and even that wasn't so great. I went to bed early, lying there for more than an hour as my plans for Margaret O'Neill began to take shape.