

We spent only a minute to enter the house and turn the alarm off. A few seconds later everything was in the dryer then I asked if she was hungry. "No," she replied, "I had a huge lunch. I'm not used to eating that much. But…I can think of one thing I'd like in my mouth. Why don't we go to bed?" I followed her numbly as she pulled me into the hallway. Once in the bedroom she repeated her actions of last night. "Wait here a second, John. I want to get a few towels." She scampered into the bathroom and returned a few seconds later with some large fluffy bath towels from the linen closet.

I helped her to spread them over the bed then joined her as we lay down to kiss and caress each other. I massaged her breasts for only a few seconds before she began to groan. Sure enough—her pussy was drenched when I reached down to touch her. She groaned even louder when I rubbed her hot cunt.

Her legs opened in invitation and I didn't have to be asked twice. I slid between those glorious appendages while she eagerly guided me into her velvet vise. I knew that expression had been used before, but "vise" was an extremely apt description. She was so tight that every movement rubbed the entire length and girth of my organ and when she began to hump me I knew I wasn't going to last very long.

Luckily, Sara had a head start on me. She screamed just as I blew, coating her walls with my jizz. I collapsed onto her chest kissing her neck and shoulder repeatedly until she pulled my mouth up to hers. We stayed like that for almost a half hour until we both heard my stomach growl. After listening to her giggle for almost a minute I climbed out of bed, pulling Sara with me to the kitchen. "I think we should grab a bite, don't you. I think I'll need to keep my energy level up. Being with you is a lot of fun, but extremely tiring."

Once in the kitchen Sara asked if I could make some grilled cheese sandwiches. "Want bacon with them," I asked.

"Of course, everything's better with bacon, except maybe you. I can't imagine you being any better."

"Yeah…right!" I put the sandwiches together as the griddle warmed. First, I cooked the bacon then I added it to the cheese and covered both with bread. I grilled the sandwiches, flipping them once until the cheese had melted then brought them to the table. Sara had already poured two Cokes. We sat naked at the table, looking out the window at the coast of Connecticut, about twenty miles away. The city of Bridgeport was easily identifiable in the crystal clear night.

"Umm, you're almost as good a cook as you are a lover, John."

I laughed as well as one can with a mouth full of toasted bread, American cheese, and bacon until Sara stood and pulled my chair back from the table. Next thing I knew she was sitting in my lap, straddling me, her breasts almost at the level of my mouth. "I think you're a wonderful man, John. You're kind and gentle, and loving, but you're strong in the most important way. I know you're not terribly athletic, but you have the kind of internal strength that women crave. You're a man that any woman would be proud to be with. I know I am. You're also the best kind of lover. You're not selfish and you always want the best for your partner. Well…I can't speak about your other partners, but you have with me and Cara."

She stopped to feed me some sandwich then continued. "I want to know everything about you…from the time you were born until this very second. I want to know about your family. Cara has told me that they live here on the Island. In return I'll tell you everything about me although you probably know a lot from working with Cara." She gave me another bite then spoke again.

"You know that our dad died before we were born. He had a job as a salesman in a menswear store. Mom has told us that he was tall and thin. I bet that comes as no surprise. He and Mom made enough to get by, but were surprised when she became pregnant. Apparently they had used 'rhythm,' being good Catholics. Everybody knows that doesn't work. Then he was killed in an accident while on his lunch break. Some men were painting the side of a building and were hauling a big bucket of paint up to where they were painting. Something went wrong and the bucket fell, hitting my father in the back of his head and neck. Mom told us he was killed immediately. Mom tried to sue the contractor, but they didn't have much money and they claimed that he had walked into an area that was marked off with cones and saw horses.

"Mom moved back home with her parents because she couldn't afford to keep the apartment. She returned to work in the accountant's office once we were born and Nana took care of us. Because we had no real money we couldn't go to nursery school or anything like that. Nana taught us our letters and numbers and how to get along with other children. We went to the neighborhood park often because it was free.

"We were good students, but not good enough to get really good scholarships. Cara and I played volleyball and ran track. She ran the 200-meter and did the long jump. I ran relays and long jumped, too. We enlisted in the Army and basic training was a breeze because of our conditioning from track. I studied medical imaging after basic, working in several Army hospitals here and in Landstuhl, Germany during my three years service. Cara worked in supply here in the U.S. We agreed after three years that we'd had enough. Our biggest problem was that we missed each other terribly. I'm sure you know how close most twins are."

"Where did you live as kids? Does your mom still live there? What about your grandparents?"

"We lived in Lindenhurst in a small house. Mom moved to Coram last year when Nana passed away. Our grandfather died shortly after we left the Army. I think that was about a month after we had started at Suffolk Community. I studied Medical Imaging because I needed the degree to get a better paying job. Cara took Secretarial/Office Management as you already know. Mom helped her by teaching her stenography. I never did understand that, but my job doesn't require it."