
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · Urban
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66 Chs


Lin Xiao was eager to explore the new features, so he decided to check the mission section. Opening the system interface, he navigated to the missions tab. He was greeted by a list of categorized tasks, each with its own set of challenges and rewards.

[Normal Missions:

[Talk to your friends]

[Reward: +0.5 Charisma, +20 Exp]

[Slap your sister]

[Reward: +0.5 Strength, +60 Exp]

[Talk to Chen Manyao]

[Reward: +0.5 Charisma, +50 Exp]

[Dance in public]

[Reward: +0.5 Stamina, +50 Exp]

[Buy a gift for your mother]

[Reward: +0.5 Intelligence, +50 Exp]

[Intermediate Missions:

[Confess to Chen Manyao]

[Reward: +1 Charisma, +100 Exp]

[Go to the busiest area in your city and shout "I like men"]

[Reward: +1 intelligence, +100 Exp]

[Rob a bank]

[Reward: +1 Strength, +150 Exp]

[Difficult Missions:

[Capture the serial kidnappers]

[Reward: +2 Strength, +500 Exp, Key to unlock Hell Difficulty Missions

[Capture one member of the supernatural association]

[Reward: +2 Intelligence, +500 Exp, Key to unlock Hell Difficulty Missions

[Hell Missions:

[Locked (Requires key to unlock)]

Lin Xiao's eyes widened as he read through the missions. The normal missions seemed manageable, but the intermediate and difficult missions were on a whole different level. Robbing a bank and capturing criminals were dangerous and could get him into serious trouble. The hell missions were still locked, but the idea of unlocking them intrigued him.

He decided to focus on the normal missions first, as they seemed safer and more achievable.

"System, can I take on more than one mission at a time?" Lin Xiao asked, curious about the mechanics.

[Yes, host can undertake multiple missions simultaneously, but be cautious not to overextend yourself.]

Lin Xiao nodded. He decided to start with the simplest mission to build his confidence and gradually move on to more challenging tasks.

"Let's see... talk to my friends," he muttered, thinking about his new companions Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Wang Lei. That seemed like an easy enough task to begin with.

But the idea of slapping his sister made him hesitate. It felt wrong and could cause unnecessary conflict. "System, is there any penalty for not completing a mission?"

[No penalty for not completing missions. However, incomplete missions will not yield rewards.]

Relieved, Lin Xiao decided to skip the "slap your sister" and confess to Chen Manyao mission. Instead, he focused on the more positive tasks like talking to Chen Manyao and buying a gift for his mother.

Curious to see his progress and plan his next moves, Lin Xiao decided to check his status window. As the familiar blue screen appeared, he studied the details carefully.

[Status Window]

Name: Lin Xiao

Race: Human

Class: None

Level: 2

Experience Points (EXP) to Level Up: 0/300

Strength: 7.5

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 8

Mana: 2

Charisma: 4.5

Stat Points: 2

Skills: Strength Sharing

Lin Xiao realized that he needed 300 experience points to reach Level 3.

As he reviewed the missions, his attention was caught by the "capture one member of the supernatural association" task.

The term "supernatural association" intrigued him and sent his mind racing. If there was such an organization, it implied the existence of people with superpowers.

This revelation made him wonder how many others might have abilities like his—or even more powerful ones.

He resolved to become more cautious and aware of his surroundings. If there were indeed others with superhuman abilities, he needed to be prepared for anything.

Another useful bit of information the system provided was that the missions could be refreshed at his own pace.

This meant he could skip tasks that were too uncomfortable or risky for him.

Lin Xiao decided to refresh some of the missions he found unappealing or impossible.

And the mission section once again changed. 

[Normal Missions:

[Go to a nightclub (Replaced "Slap your sister")]

[Reward: +0.5 Stamina, +10 Exp]

[Intermediate Missions:

[Slap Chen Manyao (Replaced "Go to the busiest area in your city and shout 'I like men'")]

[Reward: +1 Strength, +20 Exp]

[Take Chen Manyao to a night club (Replaced "Confess to Chen Manyao")]

[Reward: +1 Charisma, +20 Exp]

Lin Xiao's eyes twitched when he saw the new missions. Going to a nightclub was slightly better than slapping his sister, but the intermediate missions still seemed extreme.

Slapping Chen Manyao? Taking her to a nightclub? These tasks felt impossible and uncomfortable, especially considering his introverted nature and the fact that he barely knew her.

"System, you really have a twisted sense of humor," Lin Xiao muttered, shaking his head.

However, he decided to focus on the more manageable tasks for now. Tomorrow, he would talk to his friends and try to buy a gift for his mother.

Curiosity got the better of Lin Xiao as he decided to test out the newly unlocked skill-sharing feature. He focused on Xiao Bai and Lil' Blackie, feeling a strange connection form between them.

"Let's see how this works," Lin Xiao murmured, activating the skill-sharing ability.

A sudden rush of energy filled him, and he felt a strange power coursing through his veins. He focused on Xiao Bai's teleportation ability first, deciding to test it out. With a thought, he aimed to teleport to the other side of the room.

In an instant, he felt a disorienting lurch, and the next moment, he found himself standing by the window. A notification flashed before his eyes.

[Skill Used: Teleportation]

[Mana consumed: 1 point]

Lin Xiao felt a wave of fatigue hit him. The sudden use of mana had drained him significantly. Determined to test the limits, he tried to use Lil' Blackie's time control on a nearby plant.

Concentrating on the plant, he willed it to fast forward in time. The plant's leaves began to wither and turn yellow before his eyes.

[Skill Used: Fast Forward]

[Mana consumed: 1 point]

The exhaustion was now palpable, and Lin Xiao felt his knees buckle. He realized he had exhausted almost all his mana reserves. Desperate for more energy, he considered borrowing mana from Xiao Bai and Lil' Blackie.

"System, can I borrow mana from the cats?" he asked, already anticipating the response.

[Borrowing mana is not recommended. A sudden influx or loss of mana can harm the host or the cats. It is advised to avoid this method.]

Lin Xiao sighed, not wanting to hurt himself or his beloved pets. He needed a way to increase his mana reserves.

"System, how can I increase my mana?" he inquired, searching for a viable solution.

[To increase mana, the host must increase Intelligence. Every 10 points in Intelligence equals 100 mana.]

Lin Xiao nodded, realizing that the path to greater power lay in improving his Intelligence stat.

"Alright, I'll focus on increasing my Intelligence," Lin Xiao decided. He knew it would be a gradual process, but it was necessary for his progress.

Feeling a bit more confident, he deactivated the skill-sharing feature and let the connection with his cats return to normal. They looked at him with curious eyes, and he gave them a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Xiao Bai and Lil' Blackie. You both are amazing," he said, gently petting them.

With a clearer understanding of his abilities, Lin Xiao went to sleep.

Just an info dump. Status window will be more consistent from now on (I always forget the stats ;-;)

Enjoy tho :)

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