
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · Urban
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63 Chs


Lin Xiao woke up to the soft light of dawn filtering through his window.

He glanced at the foot of his bed where Xiao Bai and Lil' Blackie were still curled up in peaceful slumber.

Not wanting to disturb them, he decided to skip his usual morning pushups and quietly slipped out of bed.

Descending the stairs, he entered the kitchen where his sister, Lin Meiying, was already seated at the dining table, nibbling on a piece of toast aggressively.

The memory of the "slap your sister" mission flashed through his mind, and he shuddered, grateful he had skipped it. He could never hurt his sister, not even for some stat points and exp.

His gaze shifted to Mother Lin, who was bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast. He pondered what kind of gift he could get her with his limited savings.

The thought of making her happy with a gift kind of warmed his heart.

"Good morning, Lin Xiao," his mother greeted, turning around to face him. She paused, a look of surprise crossing her face. "Are you looking more... buff and handsome..?"

Lin Xiao had indeed noticed a change in himself. Last night, he had allocated one stat point to Strength and one to Intelligence, and now his physique was slightly more defined.

"I've been doing some exercises," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Mother Lin's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Oh? Why the sudden interest in exercising? Do you like a girl?"

Lin Xiao's mind instantly conjured the image of Chen Manyao. His heart gave a strange little lurch, but he quickly dismissed the thought. "It's nothing like that, Mom. I just thought it would be good for my health."

Lin Meiying, who had been listening quietly, snickered. "Sure, sure. You're not fooling anyone, Lin Xiao."

"Really, it's not like that," he insisted, feeling his face flush.

While he couldn't deny that he found Chen Manyao attractive, he knew it was more about lust than genuine affection.

He wasn't ready to admit to any feelings, especially not in front of his teasing family.

"You are looking and acting more and more like your father," Mother Lin said emotionally.

Hearing the mention of his father, Lin Xiao went silent for a second and then said, "What's for lunch?" Hoping to deter the conversation. 

Seeing that Lin Xiao doesn't want to talk about his father, Mother Lin decides to also skip it and say cheerfully, "It's Fried Noodles, your fav," 

Hearing that, Lin Xiao was happy and went to the dining table to eat his breakfast.

As he ate breakfast, Lin Xiao's mind raced with plans for the day. He needed to figure out a thoughtful gift for his mother, do the missions, and try to talk to Chen Manyao today, which was making him nervous. 

While he was eating, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered something, He looked at both Mother Lin and Lin Meiying, feeling the weight of his responsibility as the only man of the house.

"Mom, Meiying, I want you both to be extra careful these days," he began, his tone grave. "There have been serial kidnappings happening in the city. People have been getting balloons for a week, and then they just disappear."

Lin Meiying looked up from her breakfast, her eyes widening. "I've heard about that too. It's all over the news."

Mother Lin frowned, a shadow of worry crossing her face. "Lin Xiao, we don't need to start the day with such negative thoughts, go to school, don't worry about these things you are still kids, let the adults handle it," 

Lin Xiao felt a pang of frustration but nodded. "Okay, Mom. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Mother Lin's expression softened as she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I will, Lin Xiao. Now finish your breakfast and get ready for school. You don't want to be late."

Lin Meiying quickly finished her meal and ran out the door, her backpack swinging as she rushed to catch the bus.

Lin Xiao watched her go, a sense of protectiveness washing over him.

He knew he couldn't always be there to protect her, but he would do everything in his power to keep her and his mother safe.

He turned back to his mother, who was busy packing his lunch. "I'll be careful too, Mom," he assured her, standing up to grab his backpack.

Mother Lin smiled warmly at him. "I know you will, Lin Xiao. Now go, you don't want to miss the bus."

Lin Xiao nodded and headed out the door. 

As he left, Mother Lin watched him go, a mixture of pride and sorrow in her eyes.

"I wish you were still here," she murmured softly, thinking of her late husband. "Look at Lin Xiao, already grown up and acting worried about the family." A deep sadness tugged at her heart.

While Lin Xiao was walking to school, He couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to be stronger, not just for himself, but for his mother and sister as well.

Soon he was at the school.

At school, Lin Xiao focused on his classes, he was determined to keep up his grades while balancing his new life with the system.

During a break, he found himself daydreaming again about Chen Manyao, her image lingering in his mind despite his attempts to focus.

He shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away. "I need to concentrate," he told himself.

After finishing his lunch during the break, Lin Xiao decided to visit the library, so that he can concentrate.

The school library was a serene and welcoming place, a haven for introverted students.

Tall wooden shelves lined the walls, filled with a diverse array of books ranging from academic texts to fiction.

The large windows allowed natural light to flood in, casting a warm glow over the reading tables and cozy armchairs scattered throughout the room.

Lin Xiao who was an avid reader, felt at home here.

He wandered through the aisles, his fingers brushing the spines of various books as he searched for something that caught his interest.

Eventually, he picked up a promising novel and headed towards the reception desk to loan it out.

As he walked, he was lost in thought, considering the plot of the book he had chosen. Suddenly, he collided with someone, causing them both to stumble.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed, looking down to see who he had bumped into.

To his surprise, it was Chen Manyao. She had fallen to the floor, and her small bag had spilled open, scattering its contents.

Lin Xiao quickly bent down to help her pick up her things. As he handed her books back to her, his eyes widened in surprise.

All of the books were erotica, and one of them was particularly well-known. Without thinking, he blurted out, "Hey, that's the smut that everyone on the internet was gushing about!"

Chen Manyao's face turned crimson as she quickly snatched the books from his hands and stuffed them back into her bag. "Sorry," she muttered weakly, avoiding his gaze, and then she hurriedly ran off, leaving Lin Xiao standing there, stunned.

Lin Xiao's mind raced. Chen Manyao likes to read eroticas? He couldn't believe it.

First one.

Enjoy :)

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