

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND SOME OTHER THILLERS MOVIES {NOT HORROR LIKE GHOSTS}. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT OUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

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102 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 4: Little Red Riding Hood is here

Duncan's house.


   Teddy was blindfolded for a long time, then caught a glimpse of Adam's playful eyes, suddenly understood, and snorted with dissatisfaction.

"Alright alright."

   Adam raised his hand in moderation: "Teddy, do as you say! I will take Charlie for two hours first, and then change you!"

   After all, this is the United States. Although Adam is the eldest brother, but the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the boss is not the second child. Naturally, it is not easy to take care of Teddy's budding love.

   "The living room belongs to you! The basement belongs to me!"

   Teddy's eyes rolled, and everybody knew that the basement was the best place for dating!

   "Don't think about it!"

   Adam categorically refused: "You can only study in the living room, um, study, otherwise everyone will study together, you choose?"

   "The living room is the living room!"

   Teddy pouted. She is not rebellious by nature. She has always been a good girl. She knows that this kind of thing is impossible to bargain, and she is simple and doesn't have so many unspeakable thoughts.

   Ding Dong!

Doorbell rang!

   "I'll drive, I'll drive!"

Teddy jumped up and ran over while shouting, and came to the door. Instead of opening the door for the first time, he took out a small mirror from his jeans and adjusted his haircut and adjusted his expression. Then he opened the door, leaning against the door. The man sent the sweetest smile: "Hi, Spencer~"

   "Hi, Teddy~"

  The guy here is a tall handsome guy, pretending to be carrying a schoolbag, but with Adam's eyesight, he knows that there are no books in it at all.

   Ha, sample!

   "This is my brother Adam, and this is my friend Spencer."

   After Teddy gave a brief introduction to the two of them, without waiting for Adam to speak, he 'turned his face': "Adam, don't you want to take Charlie to play? Go, let's learn!"

"No hurries?"

   Adam ignored Teddy and said to Spencer, who had a reserved smile on his face, "Have you brought a book? Do you want me to lend you one?"


   Spencer's smile froze. How to answer this? Did he read a book and study?

   "You don't need to borrow it!"

   Where did Teddy see his 'boyfriend' embarrassing, he turned his elbow out and gave Adam an elbow, urging: "We have a book! Adam, you take Charlie!"

   said, giving Adam a threatening look.

   "You know what you know! Charlie and I are in the basement. Call us if you have anything."

   Adam looked at Spencer 'remains silent, as if he was a copy of himself', and said meaningfully: "We can all hear..."

"Ha ha."

   Spencer's mouth twitched, and he gave a dry smile, the temperature hidden in his eyes instantly dropped a few degrees, and the whole person became uncomfortable.

   Adam took Charlie to the basement. This is the classic structure of a rice-style country house. Almost every family has a basement, which can be used for sundries, activity rooms, and people.

  According to my mother Amy, those who gave birth to three were all cowards, and the one who continued to give birth was the warrior. The Duncan family was undoubtedly a warrior family, but it also brought about a problem, that is, the problem of room allocation.

   The first floor is a large living room and kitchen, and there are three houses on the second floor. Bob Amy and his wife live in the master bedroom. The next one belongs to Charlie, and there is a baby crying monitor in it.

This is a country in the United States. It is very particular about personal freedom. There is a habit of couples sleeping with their children for many years without a child in the East. There are a pair of baby crying monitors in the baby room of the master bedroom. Although it is a little troublesome, it can avoid a lot of embarrassment. problem.

For example, Adam was planning to make a friend Sheldon Cooper. He had a complete memory when he was one or two years old, and he also had high-definition image memory, which made him afraid to hear some of his parents' mantras, because that Will make him recall memories that he shouldn't remember...

   The remaining room on the second floor originally lived with Adam and Gaby, but after Adam crossed over, he didn't want to live with the bear kid Gaby, so he moved to the basement.

   The basement is very large. In addition to putting Adam's bed, it can also be used as an activity room. There are various musical instruments used by Adam to play rock and roll, game consoles and TV sets.

   Teddy and Gaby also wanted to live here, but they were both suppressed by Adam. He is not as cute as his predecessor. He is obviously the boss and is always teased by his younger brothers and sisters.

   Teddy didn't grab the basement and didn't want to be too close to his parents, so he could only move to the attic room on the third floor.

   "Charlie, you have to be good, brother is going to read a book."

   Adam put the little **** the sofa, gave her a toy to play with, and then sat down and looked at the textbook seriously.

   It is said that American students have a light burden and advocate happy education, but they are all abandoned lower-class people. The learning enthusiasm of truly elite children is even more exaggerated than that of Eastern countries.

The number 4 is the nightmare of these elite high school students. If you want to achieve the highest GPA of 4.0, you will have to drink 4 cups of coffee almost every day and sleep only 4 hours a day. This level of hard work definitely exceeds that of Dongguo. High school students!

   Adam wants to avoid his untimely death and aspires to become a top surgeon. The first step is to get into a good university.

   And to take this first step well, whether for the predecessor or the present, it is quite difficult.

   The knowledge structure of the predecessor PJ can be summed up in one sentence, which is what my sister Teddy often said when she was funny with the nine-month-old Charlie: "You have a great hope to go to high school with your elder brother~"

Adam himself, although he has gone to college, everyone in Eastern countries knows that the peak of personal knowledge is when the college entrance examination is taken. Then is the real knowledge of astronomy and geography, and he is not afraid to travel all over the world with mathematics, physics and chemistry. Only one sentence of'Fucking' is all over the world.

   Therefore, Adam is now a real scumbag, and all the courses must be reviewed from the beginning. The courses in the United States are different from those in the East, which makes it more difficult for Adam to learn.

   After a full year, I barely kept up with the progress, and I was about to enter high school. The four-year GPA had a significant impact when he applied for college. Adam must fight for GPA4.0. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   In a public high school with weak teachers, it is definitely helpful to find a talented classmate to study with. This is also one of the important reasons why Adam wanted to make Sheldon as a friend.

   Abandon these distracting thoughts, Adam who really learned in said: Learning makes me happy!

  The living room on the first floor.

Teddy and Spencer were sitting on the sofa, next to each other, with a book spread out in front of them. The eyes of both of them flickered a little, and neither of them was thinking about what was written in the book. Occasionally, their eyes met and there seemed to be sparks. Over.

   "I'll get a pencil!"

   "I have one!"

   stalemate for a long time, Teddy took the initiative to speak a whisper, Spencer responded immediately, and the two pretended to turn around and turned their heads in their respective schoolbags.

   Teddy took the lipstick and drew in the small mirror, Spencer took out the tooth freshener and sprayed it into his mouth.

   "I think I forgot my pencil at school."

"me too!"

   When Spencer said this, he blew a breath at Teddy, and Teddy took a deep breath, the smile on his face sweetened.

   Ding Dong!

   Just as the two got closer, the doorbell rang suddenly, which shocked the two of them.

   "I'm going to drive!"

   Teddy smiled apologetically, then got up and ran over angrily, opening the door and asking, "Who?"

   "Is Adam Duncan here?"

   Outside the door, a girl of the same age smiled and said, "My name is Juno McGoff, his classmate!"

"Hello there."

   Teddy looked at the girl in a red hoodie, thought of her brother's romanticism, a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, and said to herself: "Poor Little Red Riding Hood, actually came to look for the big bad wolf..."