
Daddy (English)

Rafael really likes small children, but he hates marriage and women the most, almost all women are only after the money. One time Rafael contemplated having a child, offspring, to continue his company, but without getting married? how's the story?

KILLY · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2. Give child

Hany has no place to live. After he was chased by people who collected his father and mother's debts, they disappeared and left him alone in the big city. Hany had no choice, he was forced to live with Rafael. After all, just agreed to the deal, giving Rafael a child?

But how?

Hany is not married yet?

He doesn't have kids either?


"Stay here."

Said Rafael who invited Hany to a house. The house is not kidding spacious and luxurious. Very big, majestic and beautiful.

Hany gaped at the sight of the house. From start to decoration which almost everything looks like... Classy, ​​full of art.

"You mean give the child? That..."

Hany stopped Rafael who was about to leave Hany.

"I don't have a child yet, how about giving a child to you." continued Hany again staring at the back of Rafael who had not turned around.

Rafael gallantly, with both hands that he put in his pants pockets immediately turned around and smiled at Hany. Meaningful smile.

"My own child, my flesh and blood. Not someone else's child." Raphael said to Hany.

His own son?

How to just give him his own child. Raphael's son.

Ouh .. Wait just start to understand the meaning. What does it mean, Rafael's own child is a child? Ahh.. Hany didn't expect this reward he had to pay.

"I want to borrow your womb to hold my seed. My child." without being awkward Rafael is very open to say that to Hany.

Yes Hany had expected it. Hany couldn't avoid this either. He must return the favor.

"Stayed here for... one year. Carry my child!"


Those who only know how to get pregnant are only having sex, moreover. But the cook only has to have sex with people he doesn't know, he doesn't love. Just don't want to! How much do you want to pay, you just don't want to. If this is the same as just selling yourself. It's like he went with those people.

"I will call the doctor tomorrow, to check your health and carry out the program. Planting the seeds."

Just relieved. Rafael left him, he went with his bodyguard, asking the bodyguard to keep a close eye on the house that Rafael didn't actually live in, finally he slept with his girlfriend but his girlfriend was caught cheating and only wanted Rafael's money. Since then Rafael hated the house as well as the woman.

"Find a maid for here." Rafael said to his bodyguard.

"Yes sir." Rafael's bodyguard just nodded.

Rafael returns to his parents' house. Meanwhile, several bodyguards stood guard and also called the auxiliary agency to fulfill Rafael's orders.

Inside the room, just walk around and have a look. Because Rafael didn't say anything, so he just chose the room he wanted. When she opened the closet door, she was surprised and happy, her closet was full of beautiful women's clothes. Hany went straight to the bathroom and rushed to change into his sweat-smelling clothes.

"Ahhh... The joy of life is like this."

Just finished taking a shower, he immediately put on his clothes and lay down on the soft mattress. It feels like a long time running away, sleeping anywhere and finally getting a luxurious house. And just thought Rafael was kind enough, willing to help him.

"I will think Mr. Rafael is good." said Hany looked up at the ceiling of his room and began to fall asleep there. With a reckless sleeping position.


Raphael just got home. He immediately met his mother who was in the backyard of his house. Rafael regretted and hugged his mother from behind.

"Mama, sorry. Rafael is late." said Rafael whispered in his mother's ear and then kissed her cheek.

Mama Rafael just smiled wryly at her eldest son. Today is his birthday, Rafael had promised not to be late but Rafael helped Hany and came late.


And because of helping Hany, Rafael forgot the cake as well as the gift. Damn, Raphael got annoyed with himself.

"Where's the gift for mama, mama's cake?" said the mother who had been with Rafael for a long time, who broke his promise.

Rafael promised lunch time would be at home, even from last night, the exact date changing where his mother's birthday was, Rafael was still abroad, going straight home instead to the apartment because Rafael was really busy he forgot his mother's birthday. This afternoon, late to go home.

"Mama... sorry... Rafael has a lot of work, Rafael forgot. Is Rafael's return not the most beautiful gift for mama." said Rafael persuaded his mother who didn't even want to look at Rafael.

"Mom, sorry. Rafa I'm sorry." Rafael even knelt in front of his mother and put his hands together to apologize to his mother.

"This time mama won't forgive you unless you get married and give grandson to mama, instead you're late for saying your birthday and remember the promise to have lunch with your mama, papa and sister. Okay?" said Rafael's mother, looking hopeful that her son would agree.

"You know, Rafa still can't forget the woman Rafa loves, who turns out to be only after Rafa's treasure."

Raphael's mother couldn't bear it. Rafael looked down, almost crying when he remembered his tragic love story. If Rafael already loves a woman, he really loves her, his intention of even wanting to propose and marry her, is gone because of the woman's infidelity.

"Ahh.. Mama's sorry. Is it still that painful?" said the mother who asked Rafael to stand up. Raphael's mother hugged him.

"Slow down, find a good woman who loves you sincerely and get married, give mama a grandchild. If you can, hurry up." said Rafael's mother still hugging Rafael.

"Yes mama, Rafael will try to fulfill mama's orders."

After the dramatic apology, Rafael finally accompanied his mother to dinner. Rafael remembers only at home alone, has he eaten. At least humans should eat.

Rafael steals the opportunity to get away from his mother and calls his bodyguard at the house.


"Hello sir."

His bodyguard Rafael picked up the phone. As ordered by Rafael, his bodyguard immediately checked into the upstairs room. Several times he knocked on the door but there was no response from Hany.

"What is it?" Rafael panicked to get a report that he just didn't respond in the room.


Raphael immediately turned off the phone. He rushed to the dining room where it turned out that there was already his father and his sister, Bhishma.

"Sis, dinner." Bhishma said to Rafael who came out of the bathroom.

Rafael even glanced at his mother, the most beautiful gift for his mother was threatened, he didn't know if he was sick or in danger, Rafael had to check it right away.

"Mom, Rafael has to go have some urgent work. Rafael promises that within one year I will get the gift that I asked for."

Rafael didn't know what else to say so that his mother wouldn't be angry if he had to leave now. So Rafael said that. Raphael's mother smiled.

"That promise must be kept, Raf."

"Yes ma'am. Promise, really next year Rafael will keep it."

Mama Rafael also gave permission. Rafael rushed to the house. Rafael drove his car at full speed.


"Where's Hany?"

Arriving at the house, Rafael immediately asked his badyguard. Rafael also followed the direction of the bodyguard who showed the only room that was locked inside. Chances are there.



Several times Rafael tried to open the door. Knock and call hany. But no response. Rafael who panicked was desperate to break the door. When successfully broken into, Rafael was shocked to see hany who seemed to have fainted on the bed.


Rafael tries to wake Hany up. Shaking the body hany, but no response. Rafael wanted to check Hany's breathing, one movement from Hany actually made him kiss Rafael's cheek.

Raphael was surprised. Rafael hasn't seen a woman in a long time. Miss, yes. Rafael is also a normal man, he really misses a woman's touch. But Rafael again remembers how women hurt him.

Can not!

Should not.

There were only a few women he could trust. Especially those he just met.