
Daddy (English)

Rafael really likes small children, but he hates marriage and women the most, almost all women are only after the money. One time Rafael contemplated having a child, offspring, to continue his company, but without getting married? how's the story?

KILLY · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 1. The first meeting

Hany, came to Indonesia to avoid his parents' debts. He had traveled the world to avoid the big money lenders who were after him.

"You have to come with us, you have to pay and pay off all your late parents' debts."

There were two burly people holding him up, pulling him forcibly to come along. Even those who have bodies much smaller than them can't fight back, he can only surrender.

"To sell myself, I don't want to."


Just spitting in front of them, the only thing that they offered was selling themselves. Hany promised to pay it off, to be anything as long as it wasn't a comforter in the room and serving lecherous men in that intimate room.

"Never will, ever!" firm hany.

Hany tried to struggle, but couldn't. Shouting for help on the busy city streets, it's useless, even if someone passes by they won't care.

They prefer not to meddle in other people's affairs, more concerned with their own personal affairs.


"Sir, sorry I have to leave to take care of my child."

In an office, a woman who is actually beautiful and sexy, even though she can be said to be quite mature. He came carrying a beautiful and cute daughter, his son, about three years old and the woman was none other than the secretary that Namjon liked the most, not in his heart, but in his professionalism. The work is very good, agile and agile.

"Miss, why do you have to resign, you can hire a baby sister to take care of your child."

Rafael said, a little unwilling to let go of his best secretary. The reason is that it is very difficult for him to find a suitable secretary. Rafael already loves working with the secretary he calls Ms. The woman who was called Miss laughed at Rafael's words.

"You can also find a new secretary again, Mr. Rafael." he said casually.

He looked at his daughter, who had been staring at Rafael. Rafael smiled when the young lady showed a row of her newly growing teeth.

"I've made up my mind, I want to see my son grow every day. My husband is already working anyway, sir. I think his salary is enough for the three of us to live. I don't want to miss out on the beautiful moments when he grows up."

Said the lady, who then rained a kiss on the cheek of her son. Rafael was exasperated, he could no longer resist the urge to stand up. Rafael approached his secretary, no, but soon to be his former secretary and asked him to let him carry his child.

"May I miss, she's so adorable?" said Raphael asking permission.


Rafael's former secretary gave his son to be carried by Rafael. Rafael is very happy, his smile is loose, the dimples that adorn his charismatic face just appear, almost never disappear when Rafael holds the lady's child. Rafael continued to play with him, either just touching the tiny hand of the beautiful little girl in his arms, or even asking for permission to kiss her.

"It is appropriate," said the lady.

"Find a good woman, there must be many who are only after your wealth. There must be someone who has a sincere heart, Raf."

His nickname has changed, Rafael is younger than him, outside of work, he always thinks of Rafael as his younger brother. His sister who always complains, is heartbroken, left by a woman, Those who don't sincerely love her, only want their wealth. Rafael has often caught his women walking with other men. I don't know what Raphael lacks? Rich, yes. Handsome, yes. Well done, moreover. Attention, loves to give flowers every morning, calls to ask news, gives news, does not hesitate to buy luxury items at exorbitant prices only for the woman he loves sincerely. But they were always not sincere to Rafael.

"You also need Rafa's family. A wife who takes care of you, especially your own child, as your heir. Will you continue to be young?" he said even patting Rafael on the shoulder.

As if he wanted to add to the fact that Rafael always met a woman who was matre. He took his son back from Rafael's arms. Rafael was silent, that's right. He needed an heir, at least an heir if there really wasn't a woman who was sincere to him. His own son, whom he would raise himself, so that he could be trusted!

Yes, child. But without women, he means no serious relationships, or marriage ties. The only child that Raphael wanted.

Rafael finally allowed his secretary to resign. All the way to his house, Rafael thinks how he got the heir without getting married. If a woman likes money, can she buy a child from a woman, but from her own seed.

Yes! Paying a woman to give birth to her child.

Rafael found the brilliant idea. Rafa will look for a good woman maybe. If no one wants it, the sooner the better. Rafael already wanted to hold his own son.


Rafael's cell phone rings, Rafael who is still in the car on his way home forgot one thing, today is his mother's birthday. Rafael saw the name listed on his folding cellphone.

"hello papa."

Rafael said picking up the phone from his father. He rushed over, asking the driver to turn around to find a bakery as well as a gift shop. Luckily his father reminded him that Rafael had to buy a birthday cake for his mother and give her a present.

The prize? Raphael will think about it later. See what the gifts can be.


Rafael's car stopped in front of the cake and gift shop. Rafael is out to pick everything himself. But only a few steps out of the car,


Someone hit him. It was hany, who managed to escape after biting the hands of the two burly men. Hany had no other choice, he was forced to ask Rafael for help.

"Master, help me. I will do anything for you."

Hany said, to the Rafael who he didn't know, whom he just bumped into. Hany looked down, pleading.


Hearing any words from Hany, Rafael immediately remembered his wish. That's how fast God granted his wish.

"Are you sure, anything you will do if I help you?" said Rafael asking Hany again to make sure what he heard was true.

"Yes, sir. Anything. Anything I will do as long as you help me."

"What should I do?"

Just tell briefly the problem. For Rafael, the debt he has to pay off is not much.

"Hany, come with us. You have to work for the boss."

The two people finally found only with Rafael, one hand almost grabbed the body just in front of Rafael, but Rafael immediately held the strong hand.

"Don't touch him, I'll pay off the debt." said Rafael flatly, coldly, but coolly.

"Wooo... Is there anyone who can pay off only their parents' debts." he laughed belittling a Rafael.

Rafael handed him his business card. The two men were astonished, one of the biggest shareholders in the Indonesian music industry and even abroad. The most famous and biggest music company there.

"Wow.. Why didn't you tell me yesterday, only if you have a guy as rich as him." the other man couldn't believe it.

"Call the number there, later someone will take care of everything. From now on stop chasing only." said Rafael affirmed.


They immediately said goodbye, leaving Hany and Rafael. Just curious, what Rafael wants. Their conversation hadn't finished yet, until the two small loan sharks arrived.

"So how should I pay for it?" said Hany turning to look at Rafael, who was much taller than him, maybe only up to Rafael's chest. Hany had a hard time looking up at him.

"I want you to give me the child?"

"Huh? Children? Giving children?"

Hany was surprised, he meant to give children, even he didn't even have children, he wasn't married either.