
Dadblade and Sonboo

After finding an odd mob in his base, Techno takes in Ranboo reluctantly and somehow finding himself become a father figure to this small....enderman thing. Over time he begins to understand why Philza took him and his brothers in. This is my Au regarding the Techno is Ranboos dad headcanon.

SomeFandometrashe · Video Games
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Potato pog :D

Dream looks down at his compass trying to remember where he had been a month ago. "Do you even remember where you last saw it?" "Yes I do George it just takes a while to get there" George groans walking behind Dream wiping the sweat from his forehead. Why does the nether have to be so hot? "What did you say we were looking for again? Like an egg or something? There's plenty of eggs at my place, we don't have to walk across the whole nether for breakfast." "Shut it Sapnap it's not an egg, well at least I don't think there are eggs." George and Sapnap look at each other confused, where the hell was Dream taking them. Sapnap nudged George and gave him a look that said 'Dream is losing it'. "No guys it's like ugh I don't know how to describe it. It was like….I don't know there were a bunch of random blocks in a circle. The closer I got the more enderman and ghast appeared. Even when I didn't look at any enderman they attacked me and were super aggressive. Ghast started shooting at me from all directions and I was on like two hearts so I had to get out of there. I totally forgot about it because of everything going on but last night I remembered. I think they are trying to hide something and I would prefer to get it before anyone else does. Who knows what it could be, for all we know it could be a new type of stronghold holding the most powerful item." Sapnap rolled his eyes while George perked his head up in curiosity. This could be interesting.

Techno sits in his liberty trying to find something out about the kid. From what Techno could tell the kid was around three years old and was a hybrid just like him. The kid doesn't understand English but luckily understands basic piglin speak. Techno sighs and leans on a bookshelf. He should probably name the kid….maybe...Zeus...or Demete….no that doesn't fit them. Fuck wait he shouldn't name them, if he names them he'll get attached. As he thinks he feels a tug on his pants. He looks down at the child who's holding their stomach. Great, hungry again, why do children need to eat so much? He opens up his inventory and gives them the only food he has on hand; a potato. They look at Techno confused, they shake it having never anything like this. Techno sighs and begins grunting and snorting in piglin speak. "It's a potato, you eat it, it's food." He eats his own potato he had leftover as a demonstration. The child watches closely and eats it normally unlike their previous meals where they unhinge their jaw and swallow the food whole. Techno smiles in surprise and pats their head. Ok, maybe it's ok to get a little attached.

Techno continues thinking of possible names while the child stares up at him copying his facial expressions. In English Techno huffs "God, what's a good name for a rando mob you found in your base." The child looks up at him and Techno smiles. "what, can you suddenly understand English?" The child looks up at him staring. "Ok that's getting weird...do you want another potato? Does the rando mob want another potato?" The child looks at him and begins making grabby hands. In a rough scratchy voice extremely similar to Techno the child speaks. "Y-yes...Ranboo wants potatoes" Techno looks at them in surprise. He doesn't know why but he feels himself swell with pride from hearing the child's first words to him. Without saying anything he gives the kid another potato. Wait what did the kid say? Ranboo? "Ranboo" The child looks up at him. Oh, so he was closer to their actual name than he thought.