
Dadblade and Sonboo

After finding an odd mob in his base, Techno takes in Ranboo reluctantly and somehow finding himself become a father figure to this small....enderman thing. Over time he begins to understand why Philza took him and his brothers in. This is my Au regarding the Techno is Ranboos dad headcanon.

SomeFandometrashe · Video Games
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List and Sleep

After the whole....event if you can call it that the child fell asleep. Well, techno guesses they're asleep by the soft snoring, the lack of eyelids make it a bit hard to tell. Techno signs and curses at himself. He can't believe he's even considering taking care of this...enderman....child....ghast....thing. After all, in his condition, every minute he wastes is a day of productivity gone. He knows his brother, if Tommy wants something he'll do anything to get it and if he wants to find Techno he'll find a way. He's too deep in his plan to afford failure because of some stupid shit he didn't expect happening. He can feel stress and frustration begin to build up inside him. Noticing himself getting worked up he takes a deep breath and gets out a book and quill. For now, he just needs to make a few different lists. He begins writing down things he needs to figure out.

To do list:

•Find a way to make up for the lost time

•Check all rooms and chest for anything important missing

•check if Wilbur survived the blast

•find time to make new clothes

find out what the kid can eat

•take a goddamn bath

•upgrade armor

•make the kid clothes

•find potions and finally properly take care of wounds

•make the kid a bed

•find out where the kid came from

•kill a few chickens

•find a few books for the kid

•see if the kid understands English or Piglin speak

•see if the kid can do anything useful

•give the kid a name/find out their name

Techno puts down the quill and reads through what he has so far. Why did he write so many things down about the kid he doesn't even care about them that much. He frowns and puts the book down laying on the bed next to the kid. For now, just sleep, he'll re-write the list in the morning. Fuck it's so late.

He wakes up feeling an extra weight on his chest...is this is? Has the sweet embrace of death finally settled in? Oh never mind it's just the kid sleeping on his chest. Techno sighs and moves them off his chest but when he does they begin to slowly twitch. The child groans and slowly sits up looking around the room.

Besides the random chest scattered around the room and the singular crafting table theirs not much to see. The child then looks at techno studying his features. An old scar that runs down his neck seems to be the only scar not overlapping with the new scars that litter his body. A scar runs down his left eye leaving it mostly blind but it's hard to tell because of technos long, dirty, tangled hair hiding it. His arm was red and had black spots under the skin. His left leg was a boil bloody mess that the child quickly looked away from. There were lots of other scars and wounds to look at but the raw chicken they had last night made his stomach a little queze. They tear up once again not liking how their new friend was so hurt. The scars reminded them of something but he couldn't remember, this upset them further and they began crying. Techno sighs not knowing what they are crying about. "God...kid are you hurt? Are you hungry? What's wrong?" The child continues crying and begins making grabby hands at him. "You...you want me? Do….you want to be held or something?" The child continued making grabby hands at him. Techno sighs giving in and places the child back on his chest. Almost like magic the child immediately stopped crying and cuddled him.

This is...new. Techno's not sure but at this moment he feels calmer. All the time the child has taken away from work didn't seem to matter. The pain all over his body seemed to slightly fade away. Techno feels himself getting super tired and for once let his guard down. He places a hand on the child's back, completely relaxing, and falls into a deep sleep.