
D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

“Kat, you have a tail” said Lily “Look, Lily, it really isn’t that big of a concern” said Kat “You.Have.A.TAIL KAT” said Lily “How is this not a concern to you?” “Well, the dream I had was a bit weird as well, but if I’m honest, I’m mainly worried about the floating text that’s on fire” said Kat “THE What?” said Lily --------------------------------------------------- Join Kat on her dimension hopping adventures as she fullfills her demonic duty and answers the call of the summoner. Each week Kat will get involved with new strange situations and oppurtunites that await her. During the week she'll have her best friend Lily, and perhaps a little help from Sylvie to figure out what's she supposed to do with her life now that she's becoming a demon. Chapters releasing daily ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artwork by CristianAC: https://www.deviantart.com/cristianac Story Discord: https://discord.gg/YzGgDHC

Vongrak · Fantasy
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1624 Chs

Chapter 65 Check This Out!

"Wow, I. Wow" said Kat rather stunned at Callisto's rendition of how she met Vivian. "She sure seems to be good at everything. You said that was her first attempt at woodworking?"

"You are somewhat correct in your assumption Kat. Vivian much to some individuals surprise is not in fact good at everything. Cooking for example, I wouldn't trust her anywhere near a kitchen if it's for anything more than heating food up. She'd disagree but I think it's just that she killed off her tastebuds enough times they were willing to accept anything" said Callisto

"In regard to her woodworking proficiency, well, there are indeed some things that Vivian seems to just take to without much effort. She told me it was her first time woodworking and I'd believe her considering her distaste towards lying to people. Which I do find amusing considering that she enjoys playing tricks on people and misleading them almost as much as I do" said Callisto "Now I do believe you owe me two questions"

Kat nodded in response as Callisto continued "So, I suppose I'll make use of them both somewhat together. Have you gained any sort of abilities from becoming a demon and what are they?"

"So that's your two questions?" asked Kat. Callisto just stared at her in response with her mouth in a thin line.

"Right…" said Kat "Well I've gained a calming aura that I can extend, and I've learnt how to manifest my Demonic Flame, but I think I'm supposed to be able to do something with it"

"Hmm, well please inform me about this calming aura first if you can. That seems a bit more interesting to me" said Callisto

"Well" said Kat, slamming the full weight of her aura into Callisto. To Kat's surprise she hardly even stumbled in response. Huh? I thought I'd gotten more powerful? I'm pretty sure I used more power than that time I nocked Major over…

"Oh, now this is fascinating" said Callisto slowly moving her hand around and examining it from multiple angles "I can't quite place my finger on what this does exactly, I feel mostly the same but, hmmm…"

Callisto looked steadily around the room, letting her eyes resting on different items before moving on never lingering on one thing for long. Kat was somewhat puzzled watching Callisto carry on her various examinations. I don't think that I've seen a reaction like this before? What is it actually doing to her?

"I think, my ideas seem to flow a bit smoother. Hmm, no that's not quite it. I'm less tightly wound, I think. My body isn't screaming for me to do something other than stand across from you. This is a strange feeling" said Callisto as she rolled her shoulders forward a few times.

"Huh, that's quite a different reaction to what most people have" said Kat

"Hmm…." Said Callisto humming "Guess I'll use my other question on that, what sort of reaction have other people had?"

"Well, everyone else seems to experience a general feeling of comfort. And there was that one person I dropped to the floor with it accidentally" said Kat

"Huh, I guess I can see how you reached the conclusion that's what it does, but I think your aura is more profound then that. I'd have to do some more testing but it's hard not being able to reach into anyone else's mind for answers, so I guess I'll leave this one for you to test some more."

"You make it sound like I should go around experimenting on various people I know to see what there reaction is" said Kat

"Yes" said Callisto

"Right…" said Kat intentionally moving her eyes to focus on the floor and the very interesting grey carpet instead of Callisto for a moment.

"Would you be willing to continue your tale of how you met Vivian?" said Kat

"I have concluded the full tale of how I met Vivian, though I do suppose you are talking about the time in which I believe Vivian to have met me?" said Callisto Kat nodded in response

"Well, in that case I suppose I shall begin to regale you with my tale. This event took place a few weeks after the woodworking incident. If you recall correctly, I mentioned I wore a scarf to hide my acne at the time. Well, maybe a month or two into my high school life to my immense satisfaction and amazement my acne was actually clearing up. For the first time in a grand number of years I didn't feel like a walking lightshow.

"Now, I did not achieve the graceful looks I now have for quite some time, but I had at least mustered the courage to abandon that dreadful scarf I wore all the time. Much to my discrediting it wasn't even a good scarf to begin with, so to my surprise everyone, and I mean everyone recognised me by that scarf. It was so bad that nobody actually recognised me.

"I hadn't even been sick for quite some time, so my voice was back to normal, but I guess that was the voice that stuck in everyone's heads even after I recovered. So instead of fading into the background now that I wasn't a lunatic wearing a scarf, I was instead the centre of attention as the weird new girl. Yes, I was still crazy even without my scarf, but I guess there was nothing to be done about it.

"Anyway, there was this group of girls, five of them if I remember correctly, lead by these two particularly nasty characters. Jannice and Lauraine. You'd think I'd set there house on fire, which I later did by the way, with the way the treated me and I couldn't escape them"

"Wait hold up. You set there house on fire?" asked Kat aghast

"That's a separate question. Do you want me to continue my story?" asked Callisto to which Kat shakily nodded her head.

"Right so where was I… Jannice and Lauraine. So I'd moved most of my activities to the library during lunch. You weren't allowed to eat so quite often I'd skip lunch, but at least teacher supervision was near constant so they didn't have the chance to pull any of there nastier stuff. The only issue was on this particular day, the teacher librarian in charge had called in sick, or at the very least they weren't present in the library.

"So, like any good scum of society when presented with a golden opportunity to ruin someone's perfectly good day they managed to find this little fact out. Which means someone told them, because those unintelligent fools never would have set foot in the library otherwise, plus they darted straight towards me like they knew where I was.

"So here's this group of five, beelining for me straight across the library and everyone else knew something was going down. A few people left so as to not be involved, most stepped back to watch from a safe distance.

"So Jannice and Lauraine stand in the front of their little group right in front of my table. Lauraine picks up one of the books I was working on and starts flipping through it. Now it wasn't anything incriminating just my English homework I'd finished earlier, but I've always written in this ridiculous flowery script. So she says to me 'Gee, this book sure was written funny, reckon I should take this home and investigate Jannice'

"Who responds with 'I dunno, Lauraine, I've heard the author is a piece of trash' or something to that effect. Anyway after some more insults I never really cared to remember one of them decided, can't remember who, that it was a good idea to take it from me. So they were about to leave with the excuse of checking out a library book when Vivian comes in from the side.

"I expected her to reason with them, or perhaps admonish them for their poor behaviour. But nope she pulls out this massive tome of a book, hardcover, at least 800 pages, probably more like 1,200 and she slams, the thing right into Lauraines' head who in turn smashes into Jannice. Never had I seen 3 stooges so stunned by her appearance, and as Vivian swung in she'd said 'check this on out creeps'

"Oh, the sound, it was a brutal crunching sound, I'm pretty sure one of the girls had their skull cracked that day. But guess what, it didn't matter because not a person spoke of it. The school never addressed it after the fact, clearly no students ever told on Vivian, and we surprisingly didn't hear anything from the parents.

"But after that slamming Vivian said to me something I'll also never forget. 'Why did you put up with these guys? You're so much cooler than them' before walking away, slightly bloody book in hand.

"Best part is, I heard a rumour, though I never could confirm it, that the parents of those girls knew about the incident and kept quiet as well, some people even went so far as to say Vivian was payed to do it to teach them a lesson. I doubt it though, she wouldn't take money for something she was going to do anyway.

Vongrak's CHEER: I HAVE ITALICS. I'm so glad to finally have these implemented. I'll probably be going back and changing everything in book 2 over to italics and bold but I'm not sure about book 1. I probably will do that as well

P.S, if it was unclear I am talking about chapter 91 of this book last authors note. It hasn't been released but it has been written

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