

Jules_Joseph · Teen
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6 Chs



I wrapped my arms around his toned muscles and I pouted looking into his eyes. This would be the first time we'd be making our "relationship" public.

"Babyyee you promised to spend the evening with me yesterday." I whined

His friends were confused, in fact every person in that hallway was baffled.

I had my long curly hair tied up in a high ponytail, I wore a high waist black skirt, a white crop top with Alex's number on it and a leather jacket. I added hoop earrings, my mom's gold bracelet and necklace that she left for me, and some heeled boots I've had stored in the closet. I honestly felt nervous, I felt too exposed.

Alex raised his eyebrow at me and smirked with what seemed like a mischievous look. My heart started to beat so fast and I pinched his side. He wrapped his hands around my waist and held me so close to him that I could see the blue on the outside of his pupils.

"I got really tired yesterday after football practice and knocked out princess" He said and kissed the top of my head.

I felt chills down my back. Something that felt off about this.

I gave him a small smile and tried to leave his arms. But he pulled me back and wrapped both of his arms around my waist.

"C'mon don't be mad at me" he said with a smirk on his face

I rested my hands on his chest and looked down at my hands. I could feel his heart beating so fast. I thought he's probably as nervous as I was.

"I'm not mad at you but the least you could have done was text me right after practice so I wouldn't have waited so long" I whispered as I let my eyes wander elsewhere. That's when I saw Persephone gaping right beside the boys.

" LORALAI CERA WHISPERS" I hear Persephone scream at the top of her lungs. I nervously pushed him away but he held on tight and he smirked at her. I was trying to fight him off because at this point I was convinced that she was mad. I hadn't told her and I was planning on telling her everything before we went public but I just didn't know how to put it.

Well she surprised me by running over and hugging us so tight.

"I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!!" She screamed in joy that both of us were shocked and got a nearly popped eardrum.

"You two have been acting so fucking weird the moment I returned from cheerleading camp" She squealed

At this point everyone in the school hallway is listening to the drama that's going down

"Phone, what do you mean?" I questioned her as she's strangling me.

"I mean remember when you were hanging out at my place I heard you two whispering and wrestling."

I was holding my breath, so she knows our deal??? I looked at him with panic in my eyes and he seemed really confused too. We both stared at her not uttering anything.

"And you two haven't done anything like that since y'all were in 5th grade. Also he's been hanging around us everyday after practice and staring at you. You think I wouldn't notice?!?" she casually continued.

We released a sigh at the same time. I hugged him really tight and looked at her.

"So do you support us ??" I said with a bit of a giggle.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!?! OF COURSE I DO!!!!" She shouted. I'm pretty sure she broke the ear drums of the aliens that were watching us.

"My best friend is gonna be my sister. MY SISTER!!!" She half squealed

I rolled my eyes if only she knew I thought.

But her not knowing and hyping the situation in the way we didn't expect ended up making the whole story that much better.

I hear one of the guys clear his throat and say "Who's she?" to Alex. Before Alex could say anything Persephone gasped and looked annoyed.

"What do you mean who is she??" She asked with an attitude as usual and began her great speech that she seemed to be waiting to give since forever.

"She is the Vice President of the chess club, the News Director and editor, and the One who plans and prepares all our school events." She said proudly and with a big smile.

"Hold on you mean the nerd of the school who wears nothing but baggy dark clothes and looks depressed as hell" Ricky the linebacker.

I gave him a glare and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Ricky, you seem to have a problem with me."

"Yeah I do. Just cuz you're dating Alex doesn't mean you're not a nerd."

I laughed and looked at him up and down " Shocking news Ricky some of us are multi talented. We got both brains and looks.Take a look in the mirror before you speak cuz you don't seem to have either"

The other guys roared into laughter and I cocked my head at him.

"She's a feisty one" Ricky smirked and leaned against the locker closer to Alex and I.

I looked at him up and down while I stood really close to Alex.

"So y'all just doing this to make your ex jealous right?" He side eyed us as he asked. He shoved his hand in his pocket, kinda looking weird.

I turned to face Alex and winked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his neck. I looked up at Ricky and raised my right eyebrow.

"Is this believable enough" I asked him in a sweet voice while I played with Alex's hair by his neck.

That's when the bell rang and we all looked at each other.

Alex reached out his hand, intertwined our fingers and pulled me closer to him.

"Let's go before you're late for class" he tugged

I looked at him a bit surprised and looked at him with my head tilted " You'll be late to class cuz last time I checked your class is on the other side of the school."

"Oh now you're stalking me??" He asked with a chuckle.

I really wanted to punch him across his face but his friends just said oooo and kept walking. So we just used it as good publicity and went to my class.

We walked down the hallway with people whispering and glancing at us. I really couldn't tell what people were thinking. We entered the classroom and I thought he would leave but he walked me to my seat and kissed me on the top of my head. At this point people were recording and giggling.

I sat down and said "Bye baby"

But this man wouldn't leave, he just stood there and watched me as I pulled my things out. Finally when I settled he took my hand and kissed it. "May you have a great class and remember to daydream about me"

I looked at him wanting to gag but I just leaned on the table prompting myself up and kissing him on the cheek. He smiled so big and walked out the class greeting the teacher who was just walking in.