

Jules_Joseph · Teen
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Well let's just say the morning was long and excruciating. All the whispers as I went to every class and the glares I got. Cuz obviously every girl in this school had come up with some devious plan of dating Alex when we all went back to school. And of all people it ended up being me who people didn't really associate with because I was too quiet and ignored everyone.

Well now I was holding the highest position in the hierarchy of popularity.

My period before lunch was the longest. I was ready to run to anywhere but where people were except Alex sent me a text

Alex: Meet me at the table where I normally eat lunch

ME: No

I didn't even think about it, I just sent it.

Alex: wdym no

I thought of a response but couldn't really muster up an explanation

Me: I'm busy with work for the news crew

Alex: Loralai if you don't get your ass in the lunchroom I will carry you in

I just left him on seen. Alex honestly is all talk most of the time so I doubted he would do anything like that cuz he could tell them I'm busy. As soon as class ended I went straight to the rooftop because no one would go there. Everyone was scared of the stairway that led to the rooftop due to a little story that I may or may not have started. But anyway I head up and pull out the blanket that I normally spread on the ground as I eat and finish work. Well I don;t really have work today I just have to eat and listen to music. I needed to clear my mind from all the craziness that had happened today.

I sat down and I turned on Naika-m&m's for breakfast. Just as I began to eat I heard the door to the rooftop opening. I didn't think much of it because our school staff would also come up here to relax or get a breather. Well I should have looked because Alex was standing behind me.

"Alright princess since you didn't wanna come I came to get you" He said startling me.

I got up in a hurry trying to get away from him but he didn't give me a chance. He grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. He snatched my backpack off the floor and began to walk to the lunchroom. I wanted to fight him but I knew it would be useless, so I just hung and pouted. I felt my stomach doing flips but I just assumed it's cuz he's hanging me upside down.

He walks into the lunchroom and everyone is staring. I hid my face in my hands so I couldn't see anyone because at this rate my cheeks were rosy out of embarrassment. I peaked when he paused for a second and we happened to be right in front where Charlotte and Reid were sitting. But he wasn't talking to them, he was talking to his coach who was asking why he had me over his shoulders.

I tried to prop myself up but he slapped my ass and I slumped back over his shoulders dying in absolute embarrassment. He finally got to his table where all his guys were hollering in laughter at what just happened. He put me down at the seat and bent right in front of me looking at me with a smirk on his face. I punched his shoulder but this guy didn't even flinch, he just laughed and looked at me in a way which I couldn't really pin. I just ignored him and turned around to face the table but realized all his friends were intensely staring at both of us waiting to see what would happen next. Thankfully Phone was right next to me, I looked at her and I could tell this girl was holding her laughter after everything that went down.

"Phone really?!" I said pouting

Before she could say anything I felt a breath down my neck and I immediately shivered feeling like something was familiar. He sat down beside me but I had my back to him so I couldn't see what had planned.

"ALEX" I exclaimed but didn't look back. I felt his hands snake around my waist as I slowly tried to steady my breathing. But when I looked up I saw Phone smiling big and making googly faces. I wanted to strangle this woman but I knew she didn't understand what was going on so I just locked my finger with his and leaned back on him. That's when I realized that Charlotte and Reid were staring at us in disgust. I just stuck my tongue out at Charlotte and held him tighter to me. I just know she hated me, I also know the whole not being involved was a lie. Because in reality I really felt bad for this guy after all what those two did was disgusting.

Charlotte is his ex and the captain of the cheerleading team. Well they were your typical cool couple and were everyone's standards. But while Phone, Alex and I were in Malibu for spring break Charlotte cheated on him with his best friend Reid, the wide receiver of the school. Alex and I came home from Malibu early because the principal wanted to see us early Monday morning.

It was Sunday afternoon when we arrived and he decided to surprise her at her place but she wasn't home so he went to his best friend's house instead. Well Reid's mom let him in and when he arrived at his room he heard the sounds of moaning. He walked in and saw them fucking.

I was over at his house cuz his mom wanted me to show her how to make my mom's secret brownies. He stormed in and the air felt chilly. He ran upstairs and slammed the door.

His mom looked at me and asked if I knew where he went. I casually responded to his girlfriend's house. We looked at each other and decided to give him some room to calm down. The next thing we know we hear glass shattering and we run upstairs. I run into his room and he throws a bowl at me and yells at me to get out. I tackled him and hugged him from behind him whispering a bunch of sweet nothings. After a good 5 minutes he calmed down and he told me everything.

He hasn't said anything to either of them since. Well lets just say that Reid and Alex spent the whole entire summer together during football training but Alex ignored him as much as he could. And Charlotte has been at cheerleading camp the whole summer so he didn't have to see her. But I swear there's more to all this I just can't point it out.