

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 24: The Feeling (Part 2)

I took a deep breath as looked at him in front of me. He's wearing an orange jumpsuit. I turned the speaker on and tried to relax. "How's your hand?"

"Fine. Doc said It's need time to regenerate again." I cleared my throat. All the privilege he has, was gone. He moved to this Federal State Prison and sentenced 100 years because tried to kill me, kidnapping an officer and civilian, sexual assault, Hacked into a law enforcement vehicles, and killed Mrs. Yumeko Takeshi.

He could escape the death sentence because of me. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Your wife..." I slid a chocolate envelope through the hole bottom of the glass.

"Do you..."

"She's giving a birth to a baby girl, Kenneth. As we... promised, I'm her Godmother." He scoffed with teary eye.

"Thank you, Lexa. I..." he sighed, sobbing. "I'm sorry." He said. Everything was too late, Kenneth.

I'm sorry too, Kenneth. I should done that because... if not NJPD will suspect me as their suspect. "It's fine, Kenneth. We're partner." Kenneth chuckles, sighed.

Not anymore. We're not a partner anymore. "We're not a partner anymore, Lexa. W-we're..." he rubbed his face, take his moment. "I'm an inmate, and you're... a law enforcement."

I took a deep breath. Law enforcement.

[Your time is almost over. Please be hurried and don't forget with your belonging(s).]

He picked the envelope and opened it. "Maria wants a divorce?" I shrugged my shoulders. "So... what is it?" He furrowed his brow and try to scan the QR Code on that envelope. Kenneth's eyes widened and gasped.

I'm nodding my head and a thin smile on my face. "Do you remember our bet? I'm losing the bet. So, I decide to re-invest all your assets, and they will move you to Red Sentinel's Prison next week, Kenneth. No shackles on your legs, private cell, comfy bed, and... you can have better food."

"W-what about her? She..." I shook my head.

I slid another envelope to the hole. "You can read it."

[Times up!]

The curtains rolled down slowly. I took a deep breath and smiled. How evil Am I right now? Manipulate him to do my own thing. My position already cornered by my impatient. The next target, that hostess.

I should find her before she report it to the police. I'm looking at my left and sighed. "Alexa, you alright?" I'm standing and walking to the parking lot.

"You should go home, Cecil. I need my time alone." She holds my hand and stared at me. "I already drink my medicine, right? So, what now?!"

She sighed. "You will help me, right?" I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I will help you as can as I could." She cheered, "but.... I will help you in fitness training, exams, and..."

I put my finger on her forehead. "You're mental. We don't need a cry baby, do you understand?"

She brushed off my hand and stared at me. "So..." I raised my eyebrow. "You're my trainer now?"

I smirked. "Trust me, Cecil. Even thought you're..." why suddenly I'm not comfortable to say this?! What happened to me? "A friend? A colleagues? I will become the most difficult trainer you should fear of."

Cecilia rolled her eyes. "We're not a friend, Lexa. We're a best friend! It's different, you know!"

We walking to side-by-side. "So, tell me." I'm glancing at her. "What's the different between best friend, close friend, and friend?" I asked her.

"Um..." We stopped in front of the lobby of Federal State's Prison. "What if... we searched for a bar or small cafe. My treat."

I'm chuckling as I followed her to her car. We get inside, she's start the engine. "Welcome back, Ms. Carter. Where do you want to go? Today time is 09.05 PM. 65% store still opened in this hour. The weather also nice."

I snatched the tab and scrolled her recent place to visit. "Lexa..." I hold her hand, sighed.

"You're... not go out so often. Why?" I raised my brow. She sighed. She's pouting her lips and stared at me. "Don't pout your lips, Ms. Carter. I reduced your point into -10. So you're... point right now is -10."

She furrowed her brow. "What?! How is called as a training!?" She drives her car as waiting for me finished stalked.

I'm chuckling. "We stop by at the back alley." She stepped on the brake.

"Are you crazy!?" I put her tab on the gloves box. "Kyle. How are you?"

"I'm good, Ms. Turner. How about you?" She also trained her AI well. I should be more careful because she will in around me for the long time.

"So, can you... activate the auto-drive and tightened the Ms. Carter seatbelt." Kyle did his job perfectly. I opened her gloves box and cuffed hand behind her back.

"Alexa Turner!" She tried to let her hand go.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "The reason you failed your... test, you're not prepare for this, right?" I scrolled through her application. "So... I will replicate what they did to my beautiful best friend."

She widened her eyes. "Are you want to die young, Lexa?! I can scream if you..."

"Kyle, can you... activate the soundproof? Played Harmonica FM and spray..." I inspect a weird item that laying there. "...that orangey lavender scent for 10 minutes with 15 seconds paused?"

Kyle. I want to replicate you. The car drive to the nearby black alley, and Cecilia began to calm. "You..." She took a deep breath and sighed.

She's huffing and keep glared at me. "You can glared at me as long as you want, beautiful angel." I pulled her closer. "I'll make sure that eyes will cry a happy tears, when they accept your applications." I kissed her cheek.

My heart beats faster as I brushed off her hair. "Rotate the left front seat into 90 degrees clockwise, and rotate the right seat into 90 degrees anticlockwise." Now we can see each other. "You will thank me for this, Cecilia."

She tried to opened her eyes. "We arrived at your destination." I took a deep breath and stroked her hair.

"You can sleep, now. This is my destination. Kyle, drive her home. Rotate this chair to a normal state."

The seat rotate to its position. I get out of the car, then uncuffed her hand. She already sleeping like a baby. "Have a nice dream."

I watched as the car disappearing from my sight, sighed. I hope she's not hear my heart beat.

I picked my phone and accept the call. "Yes, Nemo?" I walked to my headquarter.

"Queen Cherry was here, she looks pissed." I'm chuckling and hangs up. I took my gun and shooting at the person, who tried to attacked me.

[Level up! You're level right now is 230,591. Collect your rewards from nearby Red Sentinel's Bank!]

I took deep breath and sighed. I'm looking at a building in front of me. This is it. The real YOL facility.

[Bounty list already updated. Take your choice wisely, Agent. More higher your level was more stronger your opponent. Please, be careful. You still injured.]

I took a deep breath. Cherry walked approaching me, then slapped my face. "I said today, Alexa. Are you..."

I shook my head. "The package already transferred, Your highness. I surrounded by that lady cop." She scoffed.

"So, you have... relationship with her?" Her laugh echoed through my ears.

"Next week, he's yours. Don't call me if you only want to congratulate me." Her expression change, then walking pass me with a bigger smile on her face. Kenneth, I'm sorry.

"Invite me to your wedding, Agent Turner." She walked to the opposite of the exit road with her goons. I took a deep breath and looked at Nemo.

"She paid 100% with real C-Coins." I took a deep breath and sighed. I'm sorry, Kenneth. I forced to do this to you because... your ex-wife hate you that much.

Flashback on

2 months ago...

"I want him dead, Alexa. He... killed my baby!" Maria said as she covered her face. I tapped her back and sighed. "Can you... promise me?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I can't kill him, Maria, but I know who would." I said as I stroked her hair.

Flashback off