
CyberWarfare - ENG [Urban Sci-fi, Mature Content, Action and more...]

*This is an English version of my web novel with the same name* My native language is not English, so I may have grammatical flaws, please don't take this the wrong way. Cyber Warfare, this word composed of two other words has several definitions, one of them could be: The use of cyberattacks against an enemy state, causing damage comparable to that of a real war and/or disrupting vital computer systems. There are other definitions of this concept that can be found on the internet, but it is worth clarifying something, computer warfare is not only waged by countries against each other, but actually also occurs on a smaller scale, but in many areas of the common society. This story tells the life of a teenager who, due to his great intelligence and his great capacity for 'Hacking', was kidnapped by a clandestine organization that performs criminal operations such as cyber-attacks on companies and governments, espionage, theft of civilian data, sabotage, and manipulation or economic warfare. But by some unknown fate he was able to reincarnate and start again, in a similar but different world.

zSHURA · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The perfect revenge is strategically planned

When the recess was over Jin calmly returned to the classroom, some students who saw Jin returning without any wounds on his body and so relaxed were surprised to the point of disbelief, they knew what happened to Jin every time those two stalkers followed him or took him to a hidden area of the school to beat him up.

The beautiful black-haired girl was also slightly surprised to see Jin back safe and sound, she even accused a few times what was done to Jin, but it always ended with a simple scolding or a small sanction to the victimizers.

As she had no combat skills to help, then she could only resign herself and look the other side, she knew that it was wrong, but what else could she do?

But today there was a 180 degree change, the one who was supposed to return with wounds on his body, returned calmly as if he had gone out to get some air, that caused her a feeling that the boy she knew had totally changed, just as her friend Honoka said, he was no longer the same.

Jin did not care about the stunned looks of his classmates, he sat on his bench table and took out his cell phone to review what he had gotten with the Analyzer, he had hacked the security camera to take the videos of the previous fight, from the beginning to the end he recorded a video showing him arriving, how stalker A threw the first punch, he defended himself, stalker B threw a punch as well, and he defended himself again, so if anyone reprimanded him then he could take cover under the self-defense law, of course this all went as he had planned.

From the surreal incident in the morning to the fight a few minutes ago, everything went step by step as he had planned, for him fights are just a means to an end, the real revenge begins when the damage you created to your victimizer begins to be irreversible.

The beautiful black-haired girl tried to stand up to talk to Jin, but the teacher Kitayama, who teaches the subject of social studies, entered the classroom with a strange face.

"Enfield-kun, can you go to the dean's office?", teacher Kitayama quickly located Jin and called him to take him to the dean's office.

This caused all the students to start gossiping among themselves while shooting glances at Jin.

For his part, Jin got up from his seat, nodded towards teacher Kitayama and followed him to the dean's office on the second floor of the school, while he was walking he looked at the beautiful black haired girl who was staring at him, that caused the beautiful girl to be surprised like a rabbit that was caught and quickly looked away from Jin's face.

Jin kept walking behind the teacher with an indifferent expression, he knew why he was going there and also understood how to use this situation as the second throwing weapon he would throw at his stalkers.

Meanwhile, the beautiful girl who averted her gaze from Jin felt her heart flipped when Jin's beautiful blue eyes looked into her face, she never thought that the person she felt sorry for would cause her a big surprise that would cause her to feel shy and embarrassed.

"Really… she has a nice look…" the beautiful girl whispered softly while she sent a message to her friend Honoka to tell her what had just happened.


In the dean's office, a middle-aged gentleman was sitting on the chair of an elegant desk, he was observing the boy in front of him with questioning eyes and with some surprise because of his attractive appearance.

"Enfield-kun isn't it, I won't beat around the bush, why did you so violently hurt your classmates…", the dean asked Jin a question with a strict tone.

"…Have you ever been bullied at school, Dean Takigawa…", Jin paused a little before uttering his words.

"What, that…not that I know of, but what does that have to do with what I'm asking you?", Dean Takigawa felt a bit of nervousness at Jin's indifferent look, he felt like a poisonous snake was lurking inside those eyes.

"Oh~, that's what this is all about, Mr. Dean, first of all, I believe that on several occasions I have come here with you, right?", Jin smiled coldly and answered the dean.

"Well… yes, I guess so… but don't change the subject on me…", Dean Takigawa was already starting to present an irritated expression at Jin's attitude.

"Sigh~, you don't seem to understand, do you, then I must take more drastic measures, since my words are falling on deaf ears, what will the police think if I show them this…", Jin took his cell phone out of his pocket and started to show a couple of videos to the dean.

In the videos you can see how the 'former Jin' was being beaten, humiliated and all kind of aggression by several people, then he switched to the video of how he was attacked first, and he defended himself…

"This?…how is it possible that you have those videos, give me that cell phone now…", the dean wanted to snatch Jin's cell phone from him, but he quickly dodged him and started to manipulate the phone.

"Looks like he chose a wrong path, now he will really start the retaliation for his actions…", Jin uploaded the videos to all the social networks, as well as the recording of the security camera located in the dean's office, all this will soon become a huge snowball that will cause chaos in Kuoh High School and in Japan's society.

Because bullying is punishable by law and any adult who commits it, supports it or covers it up will be tried before a judge on charges of violence against a minor. As for the bullying students they will be taken to juvenile detention and will spend a long time there, of course, if the matter is serious, then the student over 14 years of age will be tried as an adult and will be taken to prison on charges of harassment, violence against another person and vexation of the victim's honor.

"You!!!, do you know what you have done, this won't get anywhere, believe me, you will regret for…", before he finished his words, Jin took a pen from the desk, pulled the dean forward and placed that pen in the area of the dean's jugular vein.

"Be careful who you threaten, I am not the same as before, I wouldn't mind getting blood on my hands, manipulating the evidence and saying it was all in self-defense, since you would have attacked me because you felt your professional career was over…", Jin spoke with an icy voice, the tip of the pen threatening to pierce the jugular vein in the dean's throat.

The dean was so frightened by this event that he could not answer Jin, as he was holding with all his strength not to pee himself from the fear he was feeling right now, in all his life he had never felt such a heavy murderous intention as the one Jin was emanating right now.


In a few hours the videos were seen by all the students of the school, then they shared it on their own social networks, causing more and more people to see it. Soon the media saw the bullying videos, as well as the video where Jin was talking to the dean and the dean almost snatched his cell phone aggressively, this caused such an outrage that they took several cameras and went to Kuoh school to broadcast the news also they alerted the police so that the law also act against this serious case of bullying.

At the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (TMPD) a beautiful woman was sitting in an office that had the word Sergeant (巡査部長, Junsa-buchō) on the office door, she was using her computer to check some information that had come to her a couple of days ago.

Suddenly a person knocked on her door and she told him that he could come in, the one who entered was a man of about 38 years of age who had a police badge on his waist, he had a decent but somewhat languid appearance.

"Sergeant, we have a situation…", the languid looking man turned on the TV that was in the office, the screen showed reporters reporting about a serious bullying case at Kuoh High School, one of the best schools in Tokyo.

" I understand, let's go over there, then, I want to see which bastard prevents me from taking those delinquents pretending to be a student…", the woman was furious when she saw the videos where Jin was violently beaten by students of the same school.

So the two of them called a few more officers to go and control the situation that was happening at Kuoh High School, 5 Mazda sedan police cars drove towards Kuoh High School at the highest speed allowed by law.

In less than half an hour they had arrived at Jin's school and began to do the job of containing the parents and mitigating the effect of the media.

The beautiful policewoman entered the school and went straight to the dean's office, she opened the door with some force and began to observe the office environment, there she saw Dean Takigawa sitting in his executive chair with a blank stare, then she turned to the office chair and looked at the victim of this big incident.

When her eyes saw Jin's cold gaze, a tremor shook her heart, fury and sorrow merged in her gaze to create a complex expression when she saw Jin, for her those eyes are those of a person with a dark and painful past, that kind of people close their heart in a block of ice and start to be indifferent to people, since for them all meaning in life has lost its value.

"Hello, could you tell me your name, I am Kirihara Misaki", the beautiful policewoman named Misaki approached Jin with a very kind attitude.

"… My name is Enfield, Jin Enfield… by the way, could you take my statement?", Jin felt a little strangeness by the very kind attitude of the beautiful policewoman.

Officer Kirihara was attracted by Jin's attractive voice, that low and soft voice could belong to a good singer.

She accepted Jin's request, but first she had to take care of the dean of the school, she turned to walk towards him with an attitude quite contrary to the one she treated Jin with.

An icy expression showed on Misaki's face, she went up to the dean and began to read him his rights.

"You are Dean Takigawa right, well, you are under arrest for the charges of aiding and abetting, concealing evidence and assault against a minor…", several offenses came out of Misaki's mouth, these alone can be mitigated with penalties or fines, but together they already get you years in jail.

"Wait all this is not my fault, I didn't know about those videos really, besides I want a lawyer to sue that kid for stealing the videos from the security cameras…", being cornered by officer Kirihara, the dean began to speak gibberish.

"Before all that you will have to accompany me to the TMPD, so you better not resist?", officer Kirihara put the handcuffs on the dean's hands and thus began to drag him out of his office.

"Enfield-kun, accompany me to the police department, please," Misaki's attitude towards Jin was still as soft as cotton.

Nodding towards her, Jin got up from the armchair and started to walk behind her as he started to think about the third part of the strategy he creates to definitely take down all the stalkers in the school.

As they walked through the halls of the school, most of the students of the 3 grades of the school saw how a beautiful policewoman was taking away the dean of the school and behind her was the person who appeared in the videos as the victim.

Among those students was the beautiful gal girl that Jin had saved from 3 criminals, she along with the beautiful black haired girl stared at Jin's beautiful face.

"I told you he had changed, Miyuki, see how handsome he is now, sigh~, unfortunately I don't know how to approach him, I guess he must hate all the students in this school, since we never helped him...", the beautiful gal girl talked to her friend named Miyuki.

"Maybe, but… No, nothing can really be done, maybe some sincere apologies could help, but he's the one who always suffered, so he's in his right to hate us…", Miyuki spoke with a somewhat disconsolate voice, she had wanted to help Jin in more than one occasion, but it never came to anything, so she had to resign herself due to lack of skills.

"Sigh~, I hope he can forgive us, but how should I approach him, I really want to meet him, you know, he is my hero, so I would like to approach him, by the way, how do you think he got those videos?", the beautiful gal girl, put on a thoughtful expression to try to understand how Jin got those videos.

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe someone from school passed them to him… Honoka, you said he knows how to fight, right?", Miyuki answered her friend Honoka and asked her a question.

"Yes!, he's amazing, besides you saw that video where he defends himself, it's amazing how he finished those idiots with just one punch, he moves so fast and so cool, as expected from my hero…", Honoka had stars and hearts in her eyes when she mentioned the time Jin saved her.

"I see, possibly he learned how to defend himself during the vacations...", Miyuki felt that there was a mysterious halo in Jin, she had always liked mystery novels, series and movies, so she was beginning to feel an attraction for the mystery that covered Jin.

So, the two girls talked about Jin until their other friends approached them to go to eat sweets in a new restaurant specialized in pastries and sweets that opened near the school.