
CyberWarfare - ENG [Urban Sci-fi, Mature Content, Action and more...]

*This is an English version of my web novel with the same name* My native language is not English, so I may have grammatical flaws, please don't take this the wrong way. Cyber Warfare, this word composed of two other words has several definitions, one of them could be: The use of cyberattacks against an enemy state, causing damage comparable to that of a real war and/or disrupting vital computer systems. There are other definitions of this concept that can be found on the internet, but it is worth clarifying something, computer warfare is not only waged by countries against each other, but actually also occurs on a smaller scale, but in many areas of the common society. This story tells the life of a teenager who, due to his great intelligence and his great capacity for 'Hacking', was kidnapped by a clandestine organization that performs criminal operations such as cyber-attacks on companies and governments, espionage, theft of civilian data, sabotage, and manipulation or economic warfare. But by some unknown fate he was able to reincarnate and start again, in a similar but different world.

zSHURA · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The indifferent gaze that hides unspeakable pain

In one of the TMDP offices, the beautiful police officer Kirihara Misaki was sitting in front of Jin as she took his statement of facts, she was still using a gentle attitude with him.

"Enfield-kun, would you be uncomfortable telling me about what the school bullies were doing to you?", Officer Kirihara asked Jin in a gentle voice.

"No problem… that's how the bullying started…", Jin started to tell her about all the happenings and events that the previous owner of the body had to go through, he also mentioned how there were teachers like the dean who ignored or didn't take the relevant attitude before those situations.

Officer Misaki began to sob when she heard how they came to mistreat Jin, what worried her the most was that Jin said these things with an indifferent expression as if he was not the one who suffered them, maybe the impact that those physical and psychological mistreatment had somehow damaged his psyche.

"Officer Kirihara, not only people from the school are involved, when some accusations were made to stop the violence against me some deals that the parents of the bullies made with the dean so that he would not sanction them as they should…", Jin explained everything he could find out from the memories of the former 'Jin'.

"I would also like this as evidence of what bullying can cause, the cruelty of humans can drive someone to commit this…", Jin turned his hand so that officer Kirihara could see the scars on his wrists.

"This…," Officer Kirihara was startled when she saw the severity of the scars on Jin's wrists, not because they looked grotesque, but the meaning behind them.

"Let this be engraved in everyone's minds…", Jin spoke with an icy voice, he wanted to provoke a complete change and a total punishment towards the aggressors and his family, that was the highlight of his strategy.

"Yes, if that's what you want, then I will help you…", officer Misaki took Jin's hands and started to caress the scars on his wrists.

Jin didn't know that he had just won one more future suitor, although this is something that will happen in the future…

Jin left the police department in the company of officer Misaki, as he left the place a group of reporters began to surround him to ask him about the events that happened to him.

He of course speaks as much as he could with a calm voice and an indifferent expression, he also showed the scars on his wrists to the media, this was done to cause a great psychological impact and the culprits will live all their lives with the contempt and repudiation of society.

The reporters were shocked by everything Jin told them, when he showed them the healed wounds of the wrists they were completely shocked and some even started to sob due to the seriousness of such an act, but what worried them the most was Jin's attitude, those blue eyes that expressed indifference, as if the act he did to himself did not matter at all. It is as if he had frozen the pain in those blue eyes, that's right, an indifferent look that hides an unspeakable pain.

The last question Jin was asked was about how he could survive that kind of situation, the scarred wounds he had were serious, to the point where one wonders how he survived.

"Who said I survived, I died once… the previous 'Jin Enfield' no longer exists… now only this Jin Enfield remains…", with those last words, Jin left the reporters shocked and speechless, he started to leave towards a cab that he asked for application, leaving the reporters with a last indifferent expression that chilled the blood….

Someone took a photo at that moment, a photo that would become one of the most famous in the country today, the name of that photo was: The indifferent gaze that hides the unspeakable pain.

In the cab, Jin smiled slightly, his strategy was completed successfully, now he not only took revenge physically, but the society, the justice, and the media will be 3 more throwing weapons that he will use to finish off all the harassers and their relatives, that way they will have to leave the country due to the repudiation of the people.

"I told you… I am no longer 'him' from before…now things will be different…", Jin spoke to himself in a low voice.

The chaos that Jin caused spread like wildfire during the next 48 hours, in that time everyone had already seen the story, the videos and above all the photo that caused the most impact on society.

Several famous artists sent Jin encouragement and tickets to their future concerts, society in general made a big change due to this event, the laws against bullying and violence against minors by other minors became stricter to the point of punishing with jail a simple punch you give someone without any justified reason of self-defense.

For many people who suffered such situations it was like throwing them a permanent lifeline, causing bullying rates to drop to practically 0.2%, this was something inconceivable before, but thanks to Jin's great strategy it was possible to achieve something like that.


When Jin went to Yuna's house for dinner, she received him with a big hug and with an expression of tears and sadness, when she saw the news about everything that happened with Jin, she felt how her heart seemed to break into pieces, she can't imagine all the pain that Jin must be hiding inside him.

Jin comforted Yuna and told her not to worry, the pain he felt before was healing little by little with Yuna's affection and love, or that is what he told her to stop crying.

Yuna felt an even stronger love for Jin, so that night she made love to him so passionately that she seemed to want to melt with him, Jin for his part enjoyed the great sexual pleasure of a woman who loved him with all her being.

The next morning Jin learned that the school was going to give all the students two days off, this was to resolve internal issues, with the expulsion and arrest of Dean Takigawa along with the expulsion and arrest of more than 20 students from different grades and with a history of being bullies, the Kuoh school board had to select a new dean and hire new teachers as there were some former teachers who turned a blind eye to these bullying events.

With these two days off, Jin spent his time training, reviewing the flow of his actions and helping Luna with her school assignments. As far as hacking goes he performed a cyberattack on the bank accounts of the parents of the school bullies to take away the money they have put in there, thanks to the hacking tools he made earlier the methods he had to use to accomplish something like that were reduced to a few scripts and computer commands.

He was able to collect the amount of 8 million dollars among all the family members of the bullies, this caused Jin to become a millionaire in a single day, of course the loss of such a large amount of money set off the alarm bells of the banks and the national police of Japan, But when the computer experts investigated the case they could not find a single trace of the hacker or hackers involved, this caused a great shock in the society because it would mean that there is a hacker or a group of them that can steal the money in the bank and not be brought to justice for that.

Of course there were people who felt suspicious about the people who were robbed being the families of the school bullies, when that rumor came out, many people thought of karma, as what you do wrong comes back to you twice as bad sometimes….

Jin, the cause of it all, laughed lightly when he saw the news about how karma fell on the irresponsible relatives of school bullies.

"How cool, big brother, being a hacker is so awesome?", Luna watched the news along with Jin and was pleasantly surprised when he learned about the vigilante hackers who imparted karma against the bad guys.

"Yes, some of them are good, there are ethical hackers who use their knowledge for the greater good…", Jin stroked Yuna's soft long hair and answered her question.

"Really, can Luna become a hacker?", Luna asked Jin, a question that left him somewhat surprised.

"Do you want to be one, but first you should study math and learn about computers, if you really want to learn, I can teach you, but only if you promise to raise the grades from 80 to 90 during the next exams…", Jin knew that Luna was smart, she probably has an IQ of 130 or higher, so he might as well teach her about cybersecurity if she can improve her grades, since it's not good that she left her current subjects for other extracurricular things.

"Hmm, okay, Luna will get 90 or above, then big brother will have to teach Luna about computer science…", Luna accepted the proposal and told Jin to fulfill his part later.

Jin promised Luna that he would not lie and that he would teach her what he knows, so first she will have to fulfill her part of the deal.

Thus, Jin spent the two days full of relaxation and training the MCMAP that had become his daily routine…