
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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225 Chs

Chapter 196

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Arasaka Tower. 

Floor 33, Counterintelligence Department. 

The entire department was silent, with employees sitting at their desks, sneaking curious glances toward the front desk. 

A group of senior executives in high-end suits stood together, seemingly waiting for something. 

At the center was Conti, a board member of Arasaka Tower. 

Beside her stood Arthur Jenkins, the head of the Counterintelligence Department, and Susan Abernathy, a director-level executive. 

Additionally, key personnel from the Human Resources and Public Relations departments were present, chatting and laughing. 

The Counterintelligence Department employees were puzzled; they had no idea what was happening today, but seeing such a lavish assembly, they knew it couldn't be trivial. 

All eyes in the department were focused on the senior executives, and the employees chatted quietly among themselves. 

A short-haired girl pretended to type at her keyboard, her cybernetic eye lens rotating as she initiated a group chat. 

"Did something big happen last night? Why are all the big shots here this morning, and why have all the mid-level managers gone into Tang's office?" 

"I didn't hear anything. Just that there was a recent management change at Arasaka Tower, and the crown prince took over." 

"Really? But a few days ago, the finance department said the person approving major funds hadn't changed." 

"The crown prince just arrived in Night City and hasn't had his fun yet. He won't report to Arasaka Tower soon. The current one is already co-managing the board." 

"How does that relate to this morning?" the wavy-haired woman asked patiently. 

"Have you seen Boss Tang today?" 

"No," everyone replied. 

"Boss Tang has been in his office since he arrived this morning and hasn't appeared. Don't you get it?" 

"Are you saying this is about Tang getting a promotion?" 

The wavy-haired woman nodded, "Most likely. Tang's reputation as a lone wolf doesn't go unnoticed. The crown prince must be making an early move to recruit him." 

Everyone agreed. They all knew Tang Yu's rapid rise—climbing to his current position in just over two years was rare. 

Moving up again would definitely land him in a director-level position. 

"But old Jenkins hasn't moved up. Where will Tang be promoted to?" asked a female colleague in a short skirt. 

Until the high-level personnel matter was settled, they couldn't give a definite answer. 

"Wait and see," the wavy-haired woman shrugged. 

At the front desk, Susan Abernathy smiled, watching Jenkins bask in his success, chatting and praising Tang Yu. But internally, she felt a pang of dislike. 

'As if it's your promotion. Your protege has caught up to you, and you still have the nerve to laugh.' 

Suppressing her true feelings, she smiled and said, "Mr. Jenkins, your luck is remarkable. Since coming to Night City's Arasaka Tower, everyone associated with you has advanced significantly." 

Jenkins' smile froze, recognizing the dig at his own stagnation. 

Years ago, he and Susan worked together at Arasaka's Kyoto headquarters and were both transferred to Night City as department heads. 

Now, two years later, Susan was a director, and his protege, Tang Yu, was about to be promoted, while he remained stuck in place. 

Everyone nodded in agreement, cluelessly echoing Susan's praise of Jenkins' fortune. 

Susan pressed on, teasing the HR head, "Mr. Jenkins is such a talent; HR shouldn't overlook him. You should advocate for him to the higher-ups." 

The HR head, flattered, quickly agreed. 

Jenkins forced a smile, "Director Abernathy is right. At our level, we can't hoard our feathers; we must contribute and mentor new talent before they make mistakes." 

"Actually, Director Abernathy should thank Tang Yu," Jenkins continued, "During your vacation, Tang managed the Special Operations Department commendably." 

Susan caught the veiled insult, implying her promoted individuals had failed, leading to her forced break. 

As for Tang's supposed impeccable management, it was a farce; he hadn't even reported to the department. 

She bit back her anger, ignoring Jenkins. 

Conti, who had been silent, was unfazed by their exchange. She was used to the rivalry between these two powerhouses at Arasaka Tower. 

This internal friction was a necessary aspect of balanced management in such a large organization. 

Arasaka Tower was divided into three factions, each crucial. 

The leadership in Kyoto controlled the situation by maintaining this balance, ensuring nothing escaped their notice. 

When the diplomatic faction grew too strong, the military one was strengthened to counter it. 

With Arasaka's resurgence, the diplomatic faction's dominance was temporary. 

From Conti's perspective, board member Michiko's current weakness was temporary. 

In the long run, investing in Michiko's future leadership was the most prudent choice.

After a brief wait, a tall figure walked from the office area, catching the attention of the Counterintelligence Department employees. They halted their work, their curiosity turning to certainty. 

As the senior executives welcomed Tang Yu, it was clear: he was being promoted and would leave the Counterintelligence Department for another role. The staff, though surprised, accepted this inevitable advancement. 

Tang Yu's time in the department had been too brief for deep ties, leading to more regret than sentimentality. 

His absence had actually eased work pressure for many.

With Tang's promotion, they worried about the next Deputy, fearing someone like Kate, who might make things difficult. 

Seeing Tang collect his things and step out, Jenkins walked up to introduce him to everyone. 

"This is Director Conti, here on behalf of the board to send you to your new position." 

They shook hands briefly. 

Conti smiled, "Congratulations. We expect you to continue excelling in your new role. Director Michiko specifically mentioned she'll be watching your performance closely."

In front of everyone, she bluntly expressed her intent, labeling Tang Yu as a pacifist. It sounded more like Michiko Arasaka arranged for Tang Yu's promotion before her transfer.

Tang Yu simply smiled and said nothing. This promotion wasn't as glamorous for him as it seemed on the surface.

He exchanged pleasantries with several other directors and senior managers he recognized. Except for a few more polite words with his former boss Arthur Jenkins, his demeanor was even-handed.

Tang Yu had already handled his current tasks, assigning follow-ups to relevant mid-level managers. The group moved towards the public elevator, heading to another office floor.

Kantai led the company's executives to the Public Relations Department's front desk, where they stopped. After some polite remarks, they shook hands and bid farewell.

Susan Abernathy glanced at the department sign and smiled meaningfully before leaving.

The head of HR confirmed the onboarding procedures with the front desk. Once everything was in order, they all took their leave.

Finally, Arthur Jenkins, the last to leave, sighed with a tinge of emotion, "I didn't expect us to be equals so soon. I knew you were something special; you'll definitely have a place in Arasaka Tower."

Tang Yu appeared calm. As a rising lone wolf, his departure from the Counter-Intelligence Department was good news for Jenkins. Arthur Jenkins showed no signs of quick promotion, while Tang Yu's rise was lightning fast.

A subordinate outshining the boss is a workplace taboo. Luckily, Tang Yu had never shown any interest in power struggles or engaged in underhanded tactics, which gave Jenkins some peace of mind.

The remaining unease within Jenkins faded as Tang Yu's promotion to Public Relations was solidified.

Tang Yu knew that his chances to interact with Jenkins would reduce, so he exchanged a few encouraging words. Since everyone congratulated him on his "promotion," he accepted it as such.

After seeing Jenkins off, Tang Yu entered the Public Relations Department. The office layout was similar to the Counter-Intelligence Department but occupied less floor space, shared with two other departments.

Led respectfully by the receptionist, Tang Yu walked into his newly arranged office, equipped with an identity recognition system.

In his new office, Tang Yu felt little excitement, as it was much like his previous one in Counter-Intelligence. Arasaka had strict regulations on office size and decoration for managers, leaving little room for personalization.

His office occupied a third of the Public Relations Department's space, a privilege of his status, unlike the cramped cubicles of lower-tier employees.

His personal items, including a long sword gifted by the Tiger Claws gang, were moved into his office.

Tang Yu sat in his new chair and pulled up his personal appointment information:

[Tang Yu]

[Date and Time: 2077...]

[Employee ID: NC77...]

[Employee Level: M10]

[Department Position: Head of Public Relations]

[Notification: Your new position has been generated and recorded in the Arasaka Company employment system...]

Looking at his new position, Tang Yu couldn't help but feel a bit resigned, impressed by Arasaka's swift execution. This move wasn't likely orchestrated by Michiko Arasaka. Choosing a pawn involves more than just the person; it requires careful placement.

Though he was just a deputy director before, his dual roles granted significant influence. Without these responsibilities, doing significant tasks for Michiko or Saburo Arasaka would be more challenging.

The Public Relations Department lacks field units, focusing more on soft tasks, contrary to Tang Yu's lone wolf style of handling matters quickly and effectively.

After a fallout at the Kerry Mansion, Yorinobud plans to gradually weaken Tang Yu's power through this "promotion."

On the surface, Tang Yu's promotion seemed genuine, recognizing his performance and rewarding his work for Saburo.

Externally, the perception of Tang Yu's "elevation" grew stronger, marking him as a favorite of the Arasaka Family. He first won Michiko Arasaka's favor, securing dual deputy director roles, then gained Saburo Arasaka's trust, climbing further up the corporate ladder.

Now, even when Yorinobu arrived in Night City, he sought to recruit this lone wolf.

Tang Yu was pushed into the limelight, becoming a hot topic within Arasaka Tower overnight.

He understood Yorinobu's intentions clearly. Disempowering him through a visible promotion was more effective than assassination attempts.

Tang Yu paid little attention to these maneuvers; switching departments didn't concern him much—it was just a different place to do the same work.

He had many cards to play, with high-level access in Saburo Arasaka's office and resources like Gloria's intelligence network, Maine's mercenary team, and capable aides like V and Jackie.

His real worry was David, left in the Special Operations Unit. Although he handed over his duties from Counter-Intelligence and Special Operations, his concern remained.

Tensions between Arasaka and Militech were high. In response to recent Militech attacks, Arasaka planned a secret counter-raid on Militech's convoys, led by the Special Operations Unit, aiming to deal significant blows without exposure.

Susan Abernathy mobilized the Special Operations Unit for this mission, drafting many into the operation, including David Martinez.

Tang Yu believed the mission's danger for David was high, whether intentionally or not. A rookie without proper training participating in a formal military conflict had a high risk of death.

Having details of the mission, Tang Yu knew multiple Arasaka-led teams would launch the raid, covering their involvement with gangs and mercenaries arranged through city middlemen.

The mission's complexity indicated that Tang Yu, as head of Public Relations, would face Militech's wrath directly when negotiations inevitably came.

Maintaining Arasaka's interests while keeping the peace was crucial; failure would lead to severe repercussions. Any slip could shatter his reputation, and losing the Arasaka Family's favor would invite more malice within Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu contacted Gloria for a thorough discussion, planning to enlist Maine and his team to ensure everything was covered.