
cute lies

A 22 years old shy girl Mia moved to the new town of Ehenye for school, where she stayed with her uncle Teo and her Young rude cuzen. Mia was a shy, intelligent, smart and strong young woman, Mia fell in love with a handsome rich guy and she lied about her past and everything she went through to save her new relationship. Who knows what fate has for Mia, and what will happen when her boyfriend's ex, Veronica tried her best to break them apart? Join the extraordinary journey of Mia and her love life. _________ This is my first time writing a novel. If you have some patience, you can read it and enjoy it. Enjoy the story and if you like it please do support me with your Golden stickers, power stones and reviews they will help me a lot. _________ English is not my mother language, so it might contain some grammar errors. __________ [ The book cover is not mine, it belongs to its respective owner. ] If you are the owner and you want me to take it down, please contact me. __________ IG: readwith_penn

penn_Hamukoshi · Urban
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14 Chs

At the hospital

"Did you answer my calls?"

"I was annoyed, so I answered."

"OMG, what did you say to him." I sharply inhaled. I had no idea what he said to him.

"Chill, I told him that you were sleeping and im your cousin. Who is this guy though?"

"He is my... " I paused. I didn't want to tell him, but it was of no use, what if Valentine told Phill everything?

"He is your boyfriend, right? no wonder you freaked out."

"Whatever, he is my boyfriend so stay away from me."

"Hahaha!" He laughed so hard.

"Very funny" I was so annoyed.

"Too hilarious."... He said.

"I'm not interested in the two of you. He is so weak and if I want to snatch you from him, I can do that within the blink of an eye. I always get what I want."... He added.

"I'm not interested in you either, now take me to the hospital, I want to go see my aunt.


I was so furious after what he said. He couldn't do anything right, he always ruins my mood. I went outside and stood next to his car, waiting for him. I waited for five minutes and he came out with a mad face. On our way to the hospital, no one uttered a word. I was okay with it though because whenever he said a word, he always spoils my mood. When we arrived at the hospital, he parked the car, and before I could get out, he locked the car. He turned to me without saying anything. He grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

He looked wild, I had wakened the monster in him. His eyes turned red and his heart was pounding so fast. He held my arm so tight. He was so furious and I wonder what made him angry that much. I was scared because he looked like a monster.

"You are hurting my arm."... I told him and he let go of me.

"Now listen to me, I don't want to hurt you Mia because I love you so much. Now touch here."... He held my hand and placed it close to his heart to feel his heartbeat. His heart was beating fast.

"That is how much my heart beats for you, I love you. I beg of you please stop provoking me. Give me a chance to show you how much I love you and treat you like a princess."... He said looking away.

His word weaken me a little bit, he made me feel like I was a bad guy. I was just glancing at him without saying a word. He looked terrifying.

"Now go inside and check on your aunt. I need to go, I have a meeting to attend, and please don't forget what I told you."... He kissed my forehead and open the door for me.

I went inside the hospital without looking back. He just showed me his other side. I was still scared as I walked without looking where I was going. I bumped into someone.

"Be careful and watch where you are going. Are you alright?"... a young male doctor asked while holding my shoulder.

"Yes im fine, thank you."

"Are you sure? You look familiar."... He said.

"I'm good, don't worry. I came to check on my aunt and I'm Just a bit worried."... I lied.

"Okay. Anyway, im doctor Daniel."... He extended his arm to shake mine.

"I'm Mia."

"Wait, are you the new girl from Mr Teo's house?"... He asked.

"Yes, how do you know me?"

"Your uncle told us to check on you with your cousin Adel. Our house is just next to your house."

"Ou... I didn't know, so you are the neighbours my uncle was talking about?"

"Maybe"... Daniel chuckled.

We ketched up and I told him about Aunt Anna's incident. I showed him the room where aunt Anna was. I was feeling better again after what happened. I talked to my aunt she was feeling much better. The doctor told her that she will be discharged the next day. Daniel left and continue with his work. My phone buzzed and it was Phill again.

"I will send someone to pick you up."... He texted.

"No need, I will manage."... I replied.

"Don't be stubborn, you know it's not safe out there."

"I will take a taxi."

"Alright, if you don't want to be picked up by someone else is okay, I will leave this meeting to come to take you home."

One thing about Phill, he doesn't take no for an answer. I regretted the first day I met him. I agreed and his driver dropped me off at home. When I got home Adel was not yet back, so I went into my room and threw myself on the bed. I remembered that I forgot the bag with my clothes in Phill's car. I knew he was going to bring them to me so it didn't bother me much.

I called my sister Erina because I missed her so much. We laughed as she told me what was happening at home. After talking to my sister I was bored again and I decided to go and watch Tv. A few minutes passed and Adel came back from the sleepover. She was excited and she told me everything happened at her friend's house. She asked if I wasn't scared when I slept home alone and I lied to her that I was tired and I slept the moment I got home. I told Adel that I met Daniel at the hospital when I visited aunt Anna but the first thing she said was that he was cute. I laughed at her and we watched tv together.


After the meeting, Phill went out of the office walking to his car and he saw Veronica, his ex-girlfriend. He didn't pay attention to her and he got into his car. Veronica went after Phill and opened his door and seated in the front seat.

"Why are you avoiding me Phill?"... She asked.

"What do you want Veronica? I'm not in a good mood right now, just leave my car."

"I know, what I did to you was not right, please forgive me. I'm only here to apologize. You know I love you so much and I want you back."

"Don't ruin my mood, it is already messed up. Please leave before I do something to you."

"What is in here?"... She asked, checking in the beg with my clothes.

"Just leave my things and go," he instructed.

"I see, there is someone right?" she asked, looking at the clothes. "She is the reason why you are ignoring me, Phill. Why are you doing this to me?"

Veronica was jealous and she can't bare to see Phill with any girl. She took out the clothes from the bag and flew them in his face.

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