
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

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Chapter 15 - Is It Wrong To Raid Other Dimensions?




In total, I had spent 687,000 souls on everything and had to spend a little more to ensure Karasu had mental and soul defense so he didn't get absolutely destroyed by the first mind-controlling creature he met.

Number Of Souls In Possession: 1,075 (Lesser Eldritch), 313,000 (Human)

My soul count was looking a little low, and as Karasu had no one to test his abilities on besides me, there was only one option. This dimension came with two things. One was a personal altar that I could use for my own gains, while the second was a tool that allowed others to break through other dimensions.

It was a tool that would show different personal eldritch dimensions and determine your personal strength to find matching targets. The device looked at base statistics and not abilities, so anyone going against me would be in for a bad time.

This would test Karasu's abilities to see if he was as overpowered as I had made him. The current version of him was stronger and faster than me if I didn't use the boosted gear, but I could buff him with magical resistance and better skills.

All of his weapons can only be used by himself and me, also adding to the fact that any weapon placed in his sub-storage after a certain period will become his if they don't have an owner. The current him was very strong, especially with the new Inverted Spear of Heaven.

Inverted Spear of Heaven: This weapon nullifies all magical, cursed, ritualistic, and mana abilities. The weapon is powered by unique means, and defensive abilities mean nothing in front of this tool.

This, coupled with the heavenly restriction, took the most amount of souls from me. I do want to see it in action because just look at those effects the weapon gives!

Exiting my cave, I put Karasu in my inventory for the surprise factor as I walked toward the tool. All the tool did was guide you to a target with the same strength as you, so breaking into their dimension would be all you. The device had found a target that it thought I could handle with my strength, so I began trying to break my way into his dimension from my own.

If I was not careful, if I was defeated or sent packing through the same portal, the enemy could push forward, but this was a very big if. Using all my power, I broke through to this dimension I would soon be raiding and went through the now-created portal.

Opening my eyes, the sky was almost pitch black- No, the sun or whatever you could call what was in the sky looked to be in a solar eclipse. The light was dim, and the eclipse seemed to be a sign that this was an eldritch dimension and not my own.

I took a step forward and saw thousands of glowing eyes pop up from the darkest corners of this place. 'Supposedly, the creature who owns this place is in equal strength to me, but why did they have this many subordinates?'

I suppose I shouldn't be asking questions, so instead, I took Karasu out of my system and used gravity defiance to start floating. This was his battle, and I would only provide support if I felt like it.

The creatures in the darkness started coming out, and they looked like disfigured wolves with tentacles coming out from their waist. Some of them had disproportionate body parts, while others had larger tentacles.

Karasu pulled out the Soul Split Katana, then pulled it over his shoulder and huffed. He immediately blasted off toward the first eldritch horror and cut it into pieces. The soul fragments were sent to the system, and because it was the whole soul just fragmented, the system would count it as one entire soul.

Seeing one of their own cut to pieces, all the creatures rushed at Karasu but found it impossible to touch him. Karasu had moved his arm so quickly that it seemed he wasn't moving as he cut multiple of the spawn down.

He then blasted forward at speeds the enemy couldn't even react to as he kept cutting them down. Hundreds fell in only a matter of seconds, and they were all cut differently. In half, legs cut off, head slashed through the middle, and even cut into cubes, yet these were only a couple of the different bodies he left.

Even I could barely keep up with what he was doing because he was so much faster than me. The only way I could keep up would be if I used the boosted gear to double my speed, but no normal lesser spawn would be able to take him on.

With an absolutely deranged smile on his face, he cut and slashed the enemies into pieces, but they still poured out in the thousands to fight him.

That was until the creator of this dimension arrived, and to say I was surprised was an understatement as the creator of this dimension was female and humanoid. A beautiful dog-like humanoid… With tentacles.

She stood at a petite five foot and four inches with barely anything covering herself. Unlike most eldritch creatures, she wasn't gifted in terms of "assets" but had dog-like ears and a tail.

Both me and Karasu, who was now beside me, looked at her with a dead stare, then looked at each other only to look back at her. If we could compare her to one thing, only two words would come out: "Little girl."

Both of us slowly blinking, Karasu rushed in, intending to end the fight as quickly as possible, not wanting to hear her utter a word. He appeared behind her with the Inverted Spear of Heaven, and right as she was turning around, he stabbed her multiple times.

The stomach, chest, heart, legs, and even slashed at one of her eyes. He, in a flash, was behind her and rapidly slashed at her back, landing 20 slashes. Before she could register the pain in her back, he was back in front of her, only to slit her throat and cut off her arms.

Seemingly not finished with his combo, he was again behind her with a stab straight through the back of her throat, only to pull the knife out and slash off her head.

This whole combo took only one and a half seconds to get off, with an average person unable to register what could have happened to this creature. Like that, the battle was won without me having to do anything, and with the Inverted Spear of Heaven taking all magical defense away from anyone targeted, she was by all means as good as dead, even if she had any regeneration.

I told Karasu to take care of the rest of the minions, and in total, there were 3,172 of them present here. I don't understand if she had the ability to create them like a summons or had them breed, but she must have been very confident in them, only to show up when over a couple hundred died.

I pulled Karasu into my inventory and walked back through the opening of my portal. Seeing the bright sky of my dimension, I knew I was back but was still stuck on how easily Karasu took her out.

Eventually, I found an answer, and it seemed as though there was only one reason she was so weak.

'To get your bloodline, you need 1,000 in Magical Energy, and that is all. You don't need anything else but that, and because of that, she could have been magic-heavy. She could have been a magic user who got utterly disintegrated by the Heavenly Spear.'

This was the only thought that made sense as, unlike me, most didn't get every stat to 1,000 before evolving, and because of that, it was like feeding a mage with no health to an assassin designed to destroy mages.

Satisfied with my answer, I looked at my soul count once more.

Number Of Souls In Possession: Souls: 4,247 (Lesser Eldritch), 1 (Eldritch), 313,000 (Human)

The difference between a lesser eldritch soul and an average one was massive. While one lesser eldritch soul equals 100 human souls, the average eldritch soul is similar to 500 human souls.

The target's strength could have that number be higher, but on the higher end, if I were to get a peak average eldritch soul, it would probably be worth 2,000 human souls.

Ultimately, I took Karasu out of the system and asked him a question.

"Why did you destroy her that badly? You didn't even let her speak!" I wanted to hear what she would say because she had both her arms on her hips like she had the upper hand in the battle.

"I thought all eldritch girls were big booty bit*hes, but she looked like a little girl! I was so disappointed I took my anger out on her." I laughed at his answer, but I couldn't help but share his disappointment. The bosses were usually top-tier beauties if they were female, so I was a little confused, mainly because your form is chosen by you when you spawn in The In-Between.

Her mother must have had a similar form to her, and in that case, I feel so bad for that entire family lineage. A smirk appears on my face with that thought as I enter the cave.

I would have to put more "decorations" inside the cave and make it to my liking but besides that, everything was fine for now.

Knowing that Karasu was a true mage killer when going serious was a significant step forward for my assassin division.


(Probably going to make a Halloween special. Sorry for being late again.)

Karasu just like me fr!!!

I would take a big titted goth eldritch girl any day of the week! I'm so weak to those it's not even funny.



(Don't forget the R!)