Ryomen lived a life of imprisonment. After finally tasting freedom, he decides to join Luffy on his quest to become the Pirate King. Will he fulfill his own dream, or will he give up on his thirst for revenge in exchange for the people he now sees as family? Hey there! This is my first story, and english is my second language, so please go easy on me! If you have any feedback, feel free to share it! Hope you enjoy the story!
The ruins above began to collapse, sending tremors through the ground. Dust surged upward in thick clouds, reducing their visibility to nearly nothing.
"Take cover!" Ryomen shouted, urging the crew to move away from the open space into whatever shelter they could find.
"Why are these ruins so high up!?" Robin yelled, her voice barely audible over the rumbling.
"The world is falling down on us!!" Luffy screamed, eyes wide.
"What!? Aaah!!" Chopper started to panic, but Zoro cut him off with an exasperated shout. "Don't just believe everything he says!"
"Guys…there are people falling!" Ryomen's tone was sharp, drawing their attention upward.
"Huh? Really?" Luffy squinted curiously. "It's that horse—and the old guy!" He exclaimed with excitement.
"Gan Fall?" Ryomen muttered, worry flashing in his eyes. "Shouldn't he be at the Merry?"
"And there's someone with him…" Robin squinted through the dust, her gaze narrowing on a familiar figure held by Gan Fall. "It's the man who attacked us."
"Which one?" They asked, still confused.
"The red-haired man." Robin explained, exasperated, but they continued to look at her in confusion.
She sighed. "The one with a bazooka."
The others blinked in realization. "Ohhh! Why didn't you say so?" They chorused, now understanding.
Above them, a man clung to Pierre in his horse form, determined not to fall, with Gan Fall grasping the horse's mane.
"I didn't need your help." The man grumbled, his expression one of irritation.
"That doesn't matter." Gan Fall replied. "We must give everything we have to defeat Enel!"
"I'll take him down myself—and then I'll take you down, too! This island doesn't need a God anymore!" The man retorted.
"Don't let hatred blind you, Wyper." Gan Fall said firmly. "Seeing your people suffer under Enel's rule might fill you with anger, but it's no reason to attack those trying to help."
Wyper said nothing, biting his lip as they descended to safety.
As the dust began to settle, Wyper's eyes widened, taking in the sight before him. Towering ruins rose above the foliage, covered in vines—a hidden testament to an ancient past.
"Could this be…our homeland…" He murmured, voice choked with emotion.
"We're underground. I had no idea such a place existed in Upper Yard." Gan Fall muttered in awe.
"Old man!" Luffy's voice broke through as the Straw Hats approached them.
"You're here…" Gan Fall murmured, blinking at their arrival.
"Tsk." Wyper stopped himself from attacking. His eyes then drifted to a familiar-looking weapon nearby, and as he moved toward it, he noticed one of his comrades lying on the ground, unconscious.
His fist clenched as he stared at the man for a moment, then picked up the discarded bazooka.
Suddenly, a thunderous boom echoed nearby. They looked up in shock.
"God!" A large, imposing man knelt before Enel, head bowed.
Enel glanced at him indifferently. "Yama…It seems not everyone here is completely useless." He looked upward with a smirk. "But it seems we have too many contestants now."
"Wyper!!" A voice came from afar.
"Aisa!" Wyper shouted in alarm, his gaze snapping to a small figure dashing toward them, Nami close behind on Stronger's back.
"What are you doing here!? Get out of here!" Wyper called to the little girl, concern etched into his face.
"I'm here to help!" Aisa replied, her face set with determination.
"Nami! Stronger!" The crew exclaimed, relief evident in their voices.
"Where are Sanji and Usopp?" Ryomen asked, his expression darkening.
"They're unconscious!" Nami replied, pointing to Enel. "He's the one who attacked them!"
"No way…" Chopper gasped, his eyes widening.
"Huh?" Ryomen muttered in disbelief, his face growing hard as his anger surfaced.
"Hey! Why would you do that?" Luffy demanded, glaring at Enel.
"Do I need a reason to crush a few bugs?" Enel's smirk was cold.
"Let's see if you're still smiling after I make you bow down." Zoro growled, drawing his swords.
"Fighting a Logia user…won't be easy." Robin said gravely.
"So what? We're taking him down, here and now." Ryomen replied with grim resolve before turning to Nami.
"Why did you come here, leaving Sanji and Usopp behind? And you brought a little girl, no less."
"I…I wanted to help…" Nami looked away, a hint of guilt in her eyes. "And they're not alone—Conis and Pagaya are with them. They came to persuade us to return."
"We can't take this lightly. You should go back." Ryomen advised her.
"Hm, I agree. You go with her, Aisa. This isn't a place for you." Wyper added sternly.
"But I want to help!" Aisa cried, her eyes filling with tears.
Wyper's expression softened. "You don't understand—if you stay here, you'll die!"
"But I can't just stand by…knowing how many people are suffering!" Aisa's voice wavered.
"Stronger, take her back." Nami commanded the horse, then turned back to the others. "I may not be much help, but I won't run away!"
"That's not fair! I want to stay too!" Aisa yelled as Wyper reluctantly lifted her.
Enel's voice suddenly cut in, amusement lacing his words. "Oh, don't worry…Nobody is leaving." He raised his staff, tapping one of the drums at his side. "Thirty Million Volt Hino!" A hawk-shaped blast of lightning shot out from the drum, racing toward them with terrifying speed.
"Aisa!" Wyper cried, placing himself in front of her.
The massive hawk closed in, and Stronger galloped forward, shielding the others with his body just as the lightning struck. The blast was blinding, leaving them momentarily dazed.
"Stronger!!" The crew shouted in horror, watching as the horse collapsed, his body scorched from the attack.
"You…How dare you!?" Ryomen's four eyes blazed with fury, his face darkening.
"Yahahaha!" Enel laughed with sadistic delight. "How amusing! This game's finale is shaping up nicely."
"Game?" Wyper growled, his voice trembling with rage.
"That's right. All of you are players. This is just an amusement for me. A silly little game." Enel's smirk grew cruel. "Starting from when you sat foot on this island, to three hours later…you entered a survival game, myself included. Some joined us halfway, but they were welcome too."
The group exchanged tense glances, determination settling on each of their faces.
"I predicted there would be six survivors. Three minutes remain until the three hour limit is up. Which means…I can't have ten people left." He exclaimed with a grin. "God can't make a false prophecy."
"So,will you fight amongst yourselves…or will I obliterate four of you?" Enel questioned.
"Nami, Robin. Please don't interfere." Ryomen said quietly, his voice resolute. "Chopper, stay with them too."
"What!? I told you I'm not running!" Nami protested, trembling but stubbornly defiant.
Ryomen met her gaze steadily. "Are you sure you can help like this?" He asked, his tone soft but firm as he stared at her trembling body.
Nami bit her lip, unable to answer.
"You can leave this to us, Nami, Robin!" Luffy chimed in, grinning with fierce confidence.
"Yeah, we'll handle it." Zoro added, his grip tightening on his swords.
"Alright." Nami finally whispered, stepping back reluctantly.
"Haha. What a reliable crew." Robin said, her expression softening.
"Aisa, go with them." Wyper ordered.
"Fine." She grumbled, glancing at Enel in fear and defiance.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you!" Chopper confidently told them.
"A raccoon?" Aisa mumbled in surprise.
"I'm a reindeer!" Chopper shouted back.
"Did you not understand? You aren't allowed to leave." Enel stated.
"God, let me deal with them!" Yama interjected.
Enel regarded him for a moment. "Fine. You have three minutes."
"Yes, my lord!" Yama turned to face the retreating group.
"Not so fast!" Ryomen growled, but Enel intervened first.
"One Million Volt Vari!" A blinding bolt of lightning shot out, searing across the ground before hitting Ryomen with explosive force.
"Ryomen!" The crew gasped.
Enel smirked. "Your fight…is with me."
Gan Fall raised his lance, Pierre standing ready beside him. "This is your end, Enel."
"Your rule has gone on long enough." Wyper declared, brandishing his bazooka.
Zoro smirked, his swords drawn. "I'm curious…just how strong can a god be?"
"Three minutes, right?" Ryomen said, his four eyes narrowing as he stood up. "In that time…we'll defeat you."
Enel's grin widened, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "Yahahaha! So many emotions here! What a grand finale!" His suddenly took a serious tone. "But, are you truly prepared…To face God?"
As the others retreated further, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed, and Yama appeared before them, his broad silhouette blocking their path like a wall. The massive warrior smirked, a fierce determination burning in his eyes.
"God ordered me to take care of you." He declared, his voice steady with purpose. "I won't let you escape."
Robin narrowed her gaze. "How unfortunate…" She murmured. "It seems we'll have to fight." She raised her arms, the familiar posture signaling her intent to call on her Devil Fruit powers.
"Wait!" Chopper protested, stepping in front of her. "Don't overtax yourself!"
"Yeah, you're already hurt pretty badly." Nami's eyes traced the bandages that wrapped around Robin's arms, worry etching her face. She took a small step forward. "Me and Chopper can deal with this guy!"
Robin looked at her companions, her calm expression softening just a bit. "Well, I'm ready to help if needed." Then, she glanced at Aisa, who stood wide-eyed and tense beside her. "Stay close to me." She advised gently.
Aisa gave a rapid nod, pressing closer to Robin's side. "Of course I will! That guy can crush me with one hit!" Her voice trembled, and she clung tightly to Robin.
Robin couldn't help a small smirk. "Weren't you the one eager to take on God?"
Aisa's face flushed, but she had no retort as she shrank back, staring nervously at Yama.
Across from them, Yama's glare sharpened. "I'll defeat you all here," He snarled, his voice heavy with a threat. "Then I'll join God in wiping out those pests!"
Chopper stepped forward, pulling out a rumble ball. His small frame trembled with resolve. "No, you won't!" He challenged before swallowing the ball.
Beside him, Nami squared her shoulders, trying to ignore the tremor in her legs. She jabbed a thumb at herself, adopting a confident stance despite her fear. "Yeah, you'll be defeated…by us!"
Yama's gaze zeroed in on Nami, his face twisting in anger. With a growl, he sprang into the air, flipping mid-jump as he aimed a devastating kick down toward her.
Nami froze, a bead of sweat slipping down her forehead as her lips curled into a nervous grin.
"What is she doing!?" Aisa gasped, eyes wide.
Nami held her ground, and as Yama's foot neared her, it slid off her skin, causing him to lose balance in surprise.
Taking advantage, Chopper dashed in and transformed into his Arm Point, delivering a punch to Yama's gut.
"Haha!" Yama laughed as he staggered back, unimpressed. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
"Well…y-yeah." Chopper replied sheepishly.
"Don't answer him!" Nami barked, exasperated.
Yama sneered, his stance widening as he slammed both hands to the ground, creating a shockwave that sent everyone sprawling onto the dirt.
"I've got you now!" He bellowed, stomping toward Chopper.
Chopper quickly transformed into Guard Point, his fur puffing out to absorb the impact. He then shifted to Jump Point, leaping high for a counterattack, but Yama swiftly caught his foot mid-air.
"You're finished." Yama sneered, his grin widening as Chopper's eyes went wide.
"AAAH!!" Chopper screamed as Yama mercilessly slammed him into the ground over and over.
"Stop dodging!" Luffy shouted, throwing a punch that Enel evaded with ease.
"Yahaha! Pathetic!" Enel mocked, dancing out of reach of Ryomen's slashes. "This is the strength you thought could challenge me?"
"He's not even giving us a chance to land a hit." Ryomen muttered gravely. 'I have to get closer…' He thought.
Nearby, Wyper fired his bazooka, but the blast passed harmlessly through Enel's lightning form.
"It's useless…you can never defeat me." Enel declared smugly.
"Onigiri!" Zoro launched a swift attack from behind, but Enel evaded and pointed a crackling palm at him.
"One Million Volt Vari!" A bolt of lightning struck Zoro, sending him sprawling until Pierre swooped in to catch him.
"Enel, what are you trying to achieve by doing this?! And where's the militia?" Gan Fall demanded.
Enel smirked. "I simply seek to return, Gan Fall!"
"Return…?" Gan Fall echoed, confused.
"Yes, there's a place I have to go back to. On the island where I was born, people believe God resides there. They call it the Endless Varse—a paradise, where land stretches farther than the eye can see." He spread his arms wide, a manic gleam in his eye. "It's the only place worthy of me! As God, it's reserved for me alone!"
"This isn't a place for humans. So…I will drag them down from the sky!"
The revelation sent a chill through the group. "You're going to destroy the entire country!" Gan Fall yelled. "God is just a title! Don't overrate yourself, Enel!"
"That was true…until now." Enel sneered, ignoring him.
"This is a world of humans! There's no such thing as a God!" Gan Fall insisted.
Enel chuckled, bored. "Former God Gan Fall…do you still care about your people? Just this morning, they completed the task I assigned. As I warned you…the only ones left on this island are us."
Gan Fall's face twisted in horror. "You…!"
Enel shrugged. "I didn't kill them because I wanted to. They rebelled when I told them my plan."
"They all have families on Angel island!" Gan Fall exclaimed in anger.
"True, but we'll be burying their families soon enough." Enel plainly replied.
"You demon!" Gan Fall charged with his lance.
"Don't!" Ryomen tried to warn him, but it was too late.
Evading smoothly, Enel pointed two electrified fingers at Gan Fall. "Ten Million…Twenty Million… Volt Vari!" Gan Fall's body convulsed, burned from the inside out before he crumpled to the ground.
"Pieee!!" His companion shouted, horrified.
"Mister!!" Luffy shouted in concern.
"Old man…" Wyper mumbled in disbelief.
Zoro silently looked on, gritting his teeth.
"Gan Fall!" Ryomen shouted, rushing Enel.
"There is a God in this world…" Enel continued with a smirk, ignoring him. "And it's me."
"Enel!!" Ryomen closed in, fist imbued with Cursed Energy.
"Another pathe–" Another taunt was on Enel's lips, but Ryomen's punch struck his stomach, making him choke on his words.
"Pfaa!" Blood spurted from his mouth as his eyes widened in shock. "You…hit me?!"
"And I'll do it again." Ryomen said, his eyes flashing with rage. "I don't care if you're a demon or a god…I'll kill you."
For a moment, Enel felt a prickle of fear but quickly masked it. "Enough of this game. There are ten seconds until the three-hour mark…and eight participants left. Do you know what that means?"
"Eight?" Ryomen mumbled, confused. His eyes then widened realizing what Enel was implying. "Don't you dare hurt them!" He shouted, lunging forward. But Enel had already vanished.
Elsewhere, Nami looked over her shoulder. "Robin, can you help Chopper? I have to get ready!"
"Leave it to me." Robin nodded, her hands forming burned limbs all over Yama's body, causing him to release Chopper.
"What is this!?" Yama questioned in shock.
"Your funeral." She said flatly. "Ochi Fleur: Flip"
The hands knocked Yama backwards, onto another set of arms. Two more pairs then appeared at his legs and head, keeping him down.
"Do you think this will hold me!?" Yama questioned in mockery.
"It doesn't need to!" Chopper replied as he slowly got up.
In his Jump point he then rised high into the air and descended toward Yama in his Arm point.
"Haah!!" He striked with a powerful punch to Yama's gut, cracking the ground beneath them.
"Aaah!" Yama shouted in pain, the air leaving his lungs.
While Yama remained stunned, Nami used the cool and heat balls from the Clima-tact to create a large cloud, then the thunder ball to electrify it.
"Thunderbolt Tempo!" Soon enough, a powerful lightning bolt descended from the cloud onto Yama.
Yama gasped. "God…Enel?" B efore falling unconscious.
They then stared in silence at the defeated Yama.
"We…won!! Hahaha!!" Nami and Chopper cheered.
Robin offered a small smile despite her own injuries. But Aisa stood still, her face pale.
"That old man…" She mumbled in shock.
"What's wrong, Aisa?" Nami asked, concern flashing across her face.
"He's…He's…" The girl tried to talk, but all of a sudden, she felt a presence getting closer to them.
"He's coming!!" Aisa shouted, trembling in fear.
"Who–" Robin tried to ask, but someone interrupted.
"What interesting powers you all have." Enel remarked with a grin. "Unfortunately…this is your end.
"Ten Million Volts Vari!" Lighting struck Robin, knocking her out cold.
"Robin!" Chopper charged in fury, only to be met by another bolt.
"Guys!" Nami cried, eyes wide with horror.
"One more to go." Enel said coldly, his gaze shifting to Aisa. She froze in terror, unable to speak.
"Ten Million–" Enel aimed his hand at her. "Volts Vari!!"
"Aisa!" Without thinking, Nami leaped in front, shielding the girl.
"N-Nami…" Aisa stammered, staring at her burned form.
Enel raised an eyebrow. "How surprising, but foolish."
A sudden explosion rocked Enel, but he shrugged it off.
"Get away from her!" Wyper shouted, while the Straw Hats arrived close behind.
"Robin, Nami, Chopper!!" Luffy shouted in alarm, then glared at Enel. "You're not getting away with this!"
"Like hell you will!" Zoro growled, glancing over his injured crewmates.
"Great you could join us!" Enel spoke to them, completely ignoring their hostility. "Now, I'll take you all with me!!" He grinned as he quickly dodged out of the way of Ryomen's attack.
"You…You!! I'll tear you limb from limb!!" Ryomen's face twisted in fury, a chilling aura radiating from him.
Enel took an involuntary step back, suddenly aware of the danger Ryomen posed. "Oh? You don't want to join me in the Godland? Only the chosen few have that privilege!"
"We're not joining your stupid land!" Luffy snapped.
"Are you such an idiot?" Wyper questioned Enel.
"I'd rather beat you." Zoro added.
Enel chuckled at their response. "Is that so?" He smirked. "Then die here!"
"Haah!" Ryomen appeared behind Enel trying to strike him, but the God vanished from his sight.
"To your right!!" Both Luffy and Aisa tried to warn him, but it was too late.
'My body…it can't keep up with him!' Ryomen thought darkly as Enel stretched his palm out toward him.
"A Hundred Million Volt Vari!!" Lightning enveloped Ryomen, his form obscured by smoke and sparks.
"Ryomen!" Luffy and Zoro shouted in alarm.
"You see? This is the power of a god!" Enel sneered. "You can't defeat me!"
From within the smoke, a voice rang out. "I told you already…" Ryomen's charred form stepped forward, eyes blazing. "I'm not going to defeat you…I'm going to kill you."