
cursed: Origins

Synopsis  Djagal lost his whole family in an accident out of the blue. Devastated and crushed under the intangible force of regret and sorrow. Sensing his despair an entity approached him. " I can get back what you’ve lost only if you will be willing to pay the price ". " I will pay any price to get them back” He went on to do the inconceivable. “Great then you wish shall be granted.” as the voice faded so did the figure. Djagal was amazed when he heard the doctors. “It’s amazing Mr. Djagal vlake your family did survive the accident; they are being brought to the metropole to get the best treatment we have” the doctor excitedly explained. He couldn’t believe his ears. "Oh my! was this real? he said pay the price what was that price”. From that day onward Djagal went on to leave a wonderful and fulfilling life with his wife and two sons.  Until the day it happened …….

flowingMagic · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 4 sorrow

Her fist strikes, Simon tilted his head to the side. Waving his palm BANG!!!! her body was flung away ignited in flames. Simon tilted his head once more and blinked his eyes. Vanishing in a fraction of a second. The lady spins her body avoiding Simon strike in midair, then using the impact to distance herself. She looked baffled, never had she thought someone could match her speed that was inconceivable. Her face enraged with furry as lighting bolted out, forming a dome of lighting razor blade going straight towards Simon. He smiled as his body agile danced through the lighting Dome as he closed the distance. 

The crowed roared once more Simon combat attire had just been lightly touched but was shred to piece by the dome.

Simon palm thorn through the void aiming for her face. She smiled as her body flickered. BANG... Simon was assaulted by an intense jolt of pain forcing his body to one knee  ,he roared waving his arm once more ."Not this time " The lady smiled as she bolted and stabilized her body in the midst of the explosion , Simon gritted his teeth and  forced his body up , arching his knees He pounced , waving both arms  .A tsunami like fire blasted away the lady too the other side of the gymnasium , BOOM…. Almost instantly a figure flashed out of the explosion STRIKE! Simon eyes lost it luster and heavily collided face first with the ground.

The lady looked at Simon with a mixture of disbelief and anger. "Lighting Rose, please cover yourself "fellow female student quickly rushed. Rose face darkened even more seeing her combat attire completely destroyed. She scoffed and then left the gymnasium with heavy steps.

After several hours of sweat dreams Simon eyes burst slowly open 

"Finished sleeping? "Burning Hand familiar voice echoed.

"Yeah. What are you doing here old man" 

"What you just saw was a curse specifically yours we don't yet understand what ability it grants you but its quite impressive " 

"Impressive…. I got my ass beaten twice in the same day by two ladies "

"You never had a chance against any of them to begin with " 

"Old man "Simon almost cried from the pain all over his body.

"The curse grants you power but in exchange it consumes your vitality and body be extremely careful when you use it, make sure to take your serum everyday. See you cute dog "Burning Hand added before leaving the medical room. 

Simon nodded his body covered in bandage he managed to get on his feet. Wandering within the Complex facilities he was attracted by blue rays striking on the transparent Dome glass walls. Looking at the marine life he smiled. "Uncle Sam would have loved this ". His heart arched and His eyes immediately turned moist as he thought of what had happened and how powerless he had been. Squeezing the metallic bar, he cried to his heart content. "I am going to avenge you uncle Sam "he murmured underneath his breath. 

Then Simon felt a warm hand on his shoulder, tilting his head up he noticed Morelia was standing not to far from him. She genuine smiled and gently nodded, taken by surprise Simon smiled awkwardly. "Sorry that you had to see this " 

"See what? "She asked without looking at him.

"Thank you miss Morelia "he said.

"Cute boy no need to thank me "

"You finally admit it huh "Simon flashed an amazing smile. Only to realize what had happened. he thanked Morelia even more in his heart and left. 

Simon face fell looking at the room, it was old and battered containing two beds on top of each other. On the one below lay a figure he had seen in the Gymnasium. He was pretty tall and skinny.

"Hello am Sticky, and am your partner for as long as you're here "

"Nice to meet your sticky am Simon "he said gaining his bed.

"Your quite courageous Simon "

"Me?? "Simon scratched his head 

"On the first day you enter the radar of the best in the class "

"Humm I guess its certainly not a good thing from the way they look at me " 

"Yeah, Lighting Rose is among the top students in class, very few can match her prowess in every aspect."

"I always knew ladies were amazing. But She quite brutal too and I don't like brutal ladies "

Sticky almost exploded of laughter. 

"Good night Simon "

"Good night sticky "

Simon body arched in mere seconds; he regretted the warm old bed of Uncle Sam house.