
cursed: Origins

Synopsis  Djagal lost his whole family in an accident out of the blue. Devastated and crushed under the intangible force of regret and sorrow. Sensing his despair an entity approached him. " I can get back what you’ve lost only if you will be willing to pay the price ". " I will pay any price to get them back” He went on to do the inconceivable. “Great then you wish shall be granted.” as the voice faded so did the figure. Djagal was amazed when he heard the doctors. “It’s amazing Mr. Djagal vlake your family did survive the accident; they are being brought to the metropole to get the best treatment we have” the doctor excitedly explained. He couldn’t believe his ears. "Oh my! was this real? he said pay the price what was that price”. From that day onward Djagal went on to leave a wonderful and fulfilling life with his wife and two sons.  Until the day it happened …….

flowingMagic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

chapter 3 Burning Hand

Simon felt exhausted after running for several minutes. he had dashed into the nearby forest behind their store . "what's that?" Simon heart skipped a beat. A dark and blurry figure kept on moving circling him from every direction. He didn't have to be genius to know he was in grave danger. 

"Thank you for saving me. I will certainly repay you can you go now" Simon explained. maybe if he had simply said thank you in the first place he wouldn't be in this situation. The noise dyed down.

" it wasn't that diffic…." Before he could finish his phrase, a figure bolted out of nowhere, its movement fast and swift. nothing compared to how it moved previously. its claw fell crushing everything it saw in it way.

"Oh my" Simon instinctively dived down avoiding the claw by an inch. he felt slight pain on his face as he ran for his life though he had avoided he was still wounded. His heart was accelerating, he was assaulted by an intense pain as he fell.

Wolf took the opportunity and pounced on him ready to tear him to pieces . his furious face was frightening and terrifying for the first time Simon felt the fear of dying.

Swoosh…two figures flashed out of the bush, long chains circling through the void nailing down Wolf in mere seconds. Wolf cried and hurled as he fought to free himself. Dawn was amazed at the agility of the figures as the danced with Wolf undulating the chains and maintaining him chained. 

"It's over young man you don't have anything to fear "A voice echoed from behind. Simon jolted out in fear. widening the distance between him and the approaching figure. "I will handle everything now. Wolf! "he arranged his white slim gauntlets. 

Wolf eyes where red of furry as his agitated in every direction. CLICK! The chains broke and wolf bolted towards the figure. "Let the light of humanity shine on you "the figures hands ignited in fire, Simon blinked his eyes, Bang…. a raffle of wind swept through the forest and the noise suddenly died down.

"To the headquarters " 

"yes captain " 

Simon tensed sensing the old man eyes on him. "child what is your name? "

"Simon sir, thank you for saving me. Now I need to head back " 

"Who said you could go? "

"leave me alone old man. I already said thank you…leave my shirt "

"you're coming with us young man. Your one of us now a cursed one "The old figure giggled as he shoved Simon into a camouflage plane.  

The other members of the plane raised their eyebrows in disbelief, "Did he just call the captain old man? " 

"Old man, this is quitenaping, it is punishable by law, your dead I will sue you to court " 

"Seriously boy? After seeing a boy turning into a wolf and burning hands? "

After some hours of travel, the plane slowed down.

"what happening? "Simon inquired worried. 

"We are here "the old man slimed as he descended the plane. 

Simon furtively followed, "Close your mouth "a feminine voice echoed. Simon gasped in disbelief, the dome like shape covering the whole sky was covered on a familiar blue liquid. The reflections of the marine life were mesmerizing as he caressed the Dome.

"Welcome to the cursed agency. Captain Burning Hands the General is waiting for you "following the voice Simon smiled. The lady was apparently in his age range and looked in her twenties Dressed in tightly fitting combat outfit which portrayed her generous curve "Hey darling, will." 

Bang.... Simon spat a mouthful of blood as his body rolled on the ground. A gorgeous face hanging right above his. "You better be careful here little brat. " 

Burning Hands nodded, "help our little friend here settle down while I am back. And please don't kill him before I come back " 

"That I can't promise captain " 

"Hey old man is you just going to abandon me here with this demon? "

"I never though cute dogs where afraid of being left alone "

"What the hell did he just call me cute dog? Old man!! "Simon couldn't believe his ears; he fought his way up and didn't dare to look at the lady. "I prefer that. you can call me Morelia, follow me "Simon didn't dare to question her commanding tone. "

"What is this place? and why am I here? "

"Finished fooling around? That I can't answer wait for the captain. "

Simon face curled in a smile as he leaned back on the sofa. "This tea is certainly the best thing I have ever drank "The interior design was extremely well-furnished worthy of a royal family. looking at his reflex ion on the marble floor 

Morelia smiled, "Its normal old villager you haven't left that old town of SKIRRSH for decades "

"Captain Burning Hand "Morelia straighten her position, "Great he is still alive. leave us please "

"Yes captain "She replied silently closing the door behind her.

"You certainly have a lot of questions and am here to answer them. let's have some coffee"

"Who are you? why am here? what is this place "Simon was dying of curiosity since he first arrived this place. 

"I am Burning Hand captain of the Agency of cursed one. We are an organization whose job is to recruit and protect people like you "

"What do you mean?  like me "Simon was puzzled. This was too much for him he had just lost his grand father in a fire accident and now this.

"This is all I can tell you for now. Hence ford you are part of us and your going to be living here until your able to control your curse " 

Simon stared at the departing figure his mind foggy. "Hum. I forgot your knew friends are waiting for you at the gymnasium you better hurry "

In the gymnasium, Simon felt unease with the dozens of eyes staring at him all of them where in the same age range as his in their 18teens . He felt like a clown. His knew dark combat attire was sticky and almost blended with his skin.

"He all you gather here; our latecomer has finally blessed us with his presence "A powerful voice resounded through the gigantic Gymnasium echoing from all angles. An imposing figure approached his navy-blue combat suit was entirely different from all those present in the gymnasium. "This should be the boss and he somehow doesn't like me "Simon murmured under his breath.

"what is your name? "

"Simon sir "he answered promptly. 

"Anyone willing to help our knew little fry show us what his made of? "

Simon rolled his eyes observing the fleeing stairs of the crowd. "Me am going to do it "A sweat voice resounded and a curvy body emerged. Simon gasped as his eyes fell on the figure. her long hairs cascade behind her back, dressed in tightly fitting Dark attire.

"I don't fight against such beautiful lady "His unusual self-came back as he engaged immediately.

"how shameless "murmured echoed as the crowd roared amazed by how daring Simon was. He seemed to have changed immediately after seeing the lady.

She arched her brows "Don't fight against lady huh "Her body ignited with lighting as she vanished.

Simon blinked. Bang…. he gritted his teeth not to spill out his blood, his body blasted away. Bang… his eyes widen even more as he felt another intense jolt of pain from his back, and the n from his side ...…

Simon felt to his knees covered in bruise, his body screaming of pain. "it's normal you don't fight against lady since you can't even land a blow "

The crowed almost burst out of laughter but the daggers of the Trainer shot them on their way. He looked at Simon disappointed.

Suddenly Simon erupted in laughter, snatching the crowd attentions. "You definitely someone worthy of me ". His phrase shocked everyone. "how can he be so arrogant even after taking such a beating "

The trainer frown feeling something was off. Simon seemed to have changed entirely once more. The temperature rose tremendously. The students all pounced back. Those too slow almost igniting with fire.

"Things are getting out of hand "the trainer muttered underneath his breath. "No not now "Burning hand replied 

"So, you finely decided to show us what you've made of "The girl smirked. unaffected by the heat. She moved traveling the distance in the split of a second.