
Cursed: Into the darkeness

It's been a decade since the discovery of magic. The world has been divided to support its occupants, the new humans, and the normal humans. the story follows Ralph Tally who on his sixteenth birthday meets a girl at his new school called Sandra Drake, after their sudden encounter, she ends up cursing him with an unimaginable amount of power before her tragic and sudden death, Ralph ends up being dragged into this new world, a world of magical creatures, monsters, and darkness. Updates: one chapter per day chapter-length:1000-1900 per chapter

PhillipCarlos · Fantasy
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38 Chs

I am different (1)

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself the question, "Am I so different from everyone else?" Your answer could have been filled with denial and you try to convince yourself of being normal. However, it's always been clear to me. I am different and it will always be that way. My name is Ralph Tally, I turn sixteen today. Praying that life has something different installed for me. Maybe it does, because today is also the day I begin my first day at Mayfair High school, I can't say am nervous, but am a bit worried about what my first impression will be.

And if you're asking yourself why am not, well, it's because I can no longer be surprised after the discovery of magic ten years ago. That was the beginning of this crap. Some humans evolved into a race called the new humans and I am one of them, these humans gained special abilities like levitation and countless abilities that went against all the natural laws. The ones who didn't evolve asked for justice and equality due to fear of the new humans, which even brought up more problems.

My room door slammed open when my little sister Ronnie barged in. "Ralph…" she screamed my name, and luckily enough I didn't go deaf.

"What?" I answered with anger and turned. But all that went down when I noticed she was holding a piece of chocolate fudge cake on a white plate.

"Happy birthday big brother," she said with a beautiful smile on her face, I wanted to cry, but am now sixteen so, in your face emotions am a big boy now.

Ronnie was just ten, she was born right before this magical madness began so obviously she was gifted with magical powers. She had white hair, bright blue eyes, and was about the height of an elf (that's the closest reference I can give). She was a student at Mayfair Junior high and it was also her first day.

A shaky grin covered my face and I grabbed the cake she had brought.

And by the way, mom called," she said as I picked up the piece and shoved it down my mouth

"Really, what did she say?"

"She will be visiting for the weekend with dad, they finally got days off from work and tickets to Mayfair to celebrate your birthday."

I wasn't so excited because my parents were rarely around since they got transferred from Mayfair. They were both ministers from the Parliament of magic meaning that they have always been busy so I have technically raised my sister. And I had grown used to their absence.

~My digital watch chimed and it was time to go. I grabbed my gray backpack, my phone, and a few textbooks labeled; understanding magic and its principles... Let me just pray I don't hate this school the same way I hated my previous one.


After a few minutes of stepping into the car and being driven across the city of Mayfair. I was dropped off right in front of the school. In my blue jacket, a gray pair of trousers, and a striped red tie, horrible as it sounds that was the school uniform.

I stepped forward into the battle that was high school, I had transferred during the middle of the school year so this was very weird. At the entrance were two well-built men in identical suits. My best guess, guards, they just had to be.

I walked through the entrance and they asked me to put down all the metals I had on me apart from my watch, and I did as told and then stepped through the metal detectors. Once done, they gave me back my properties. Along with a place bracelet.

"What is this?"

"That's a limiter, all students are required to have them on at all times to avoid the use of magic without authorization," the man answered in a deep voice.

I grabbed it and took a look at it, then wore it around my wrist. The guard kept his eye fixed on me like he expected me to say something, but I just walked away trying to avoid the strange look he kept on me.

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. On the screen, it read the school map and my timetable for the day. And right now it said I had first-day orientation led by Sandra Drake.

" Who's Sandra Drake?" I thought out loud, whirling my head around. The school was fancy. Fancier than my old school to be exact starting with these thousand-dollar uniforms. The walls were painted the same color as the uniform, so the whole place looked like a circus (My thought)

"Ralph Tally." a girl's voice called me out from behind.

I turned. And I set my eyes on the beautiful blonde girl that was standing behind him, holding a tablet in her hand.

I stalled for a second. "Yes…that's me,"

The girl smirked, then offered her hand, "sorry am late, am your tour guide. Sandra Drake," she said. I rushed to shake her hand. It was soft, smooth, and warm wow.

"Ralph Tally, nice to meet you,"

She gave me the strangest feeling the moment her eyes met with mine. Her eyes were bright blue and almond-shaped. I let free of her hand and then smiled, "Where should we start?" I gestured. I know you think I have picked up feeling for her, but no, much as I want to get her number right now. I sensed there was something different about her.

She let the way and toured me through the entire school. Where the classes took place the lockers and the rules and regulations and the cafeteria. And finally, the parks where most students hang out after class or during a break. I also found out that the bracelets suppressed overpowered students' abilities. In my old school, I was expelled for that, it had no bracelets to prevent unauthorized magic spells. The truth is that I cast a spell that accidentally destroyed an entire classroom and harmed a few students in the process.

I was reported as overpowered and irresponsible and my parents decided to move me to the best high school in Mayfair, where I was supposed to be taught and educated properly on the ethics of magic and how I could use my gifts responsibly.

I stood outside staring at the green grass that spread through the entire park. Beside me was Sandra who seemed to be enjoying the afternoon sunlight. She had her eyes closed as she inhaled the fresh air. I have never been this close to a girl.

"What is your opinion on magic?" she suddenly asked the one question I didn't expect anyone to ever ask me.

"I think magic is cool, but it has led to me spending less time with my parents, so I don't know,"

"I miss the old world, where humans were human and there was no need for all this discrimination," she sounded sad. "Anyway, that ends our tour," she said then the frown that had grown on her delicate face quickly turned to a smile. "See you in class Ralph Tally,"

She walked away but left me with the mystery of why she had suddenly told me that. I am just a new student, we might not even be in the same class. But there was something strange about our encounter. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Magic was discovered ten years ago in 2020. The year is 2030, and no one knew of its origin or why it emerged, scientists say it was a comet that passed the earth ten years ago. Others say that it was the gods who decided that humans must evolve. The world was split into two in order to keep the peace. Magical schools were made to keep the order or they are preparing us to fight in case those without powers choose war.

My name is Ralph Tally and this is how I changed the world.

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