
In Dire Straits! (7)

However, his confident expression suddenly crumbled when he flashed a light over his body, and his eyes dilated in shock!

Because the moment, the 'corpse' was holding a sniper rifle with a long barrier, which looked more like a slender cannon barrel, and it was pointing at the submarine, and he was just done loading the magazine filled with glowing bullets.

Before Killer 5 could react after snapping out of his initial shock, Jacob had already pulled the trigger and shot the first atomic bullet from the Iron Titan Sniper Rifle!

The distance between the sub and the rifle barrel was around three to four meters, and the atomic bullet landed directly at the pointy head of the shark-like Killer Submarine.


A massive explosion happens underwater, and it creates powerful water waves which send Jacob flying like a broken kite. He was barely able to stow away the rifle and take as less damage as possible, and it was all because he was still in the depth of the ocean.