
In Dire Straits! (6)

After a few minutes, Jacob suddenly noticed something. The light of the submarine suddenly went off, and all of a sudden, he felt a faint change in the water current around him.

'What are they up to?' Jacob was fully alert as he knew this was simply too strange, and a strange fear suddenly gripped his heart.

Without hesitation, he quickly summoned Immortika since this was exactly the situation he was saving it for and quickly asked about who was around him. The answer he got was something he clearly didn't want to see.

"Hehehe, isn't this the same situation where you escape from the frying pan only to found yourself in the middle of a fire?

"There are five Epic Tier-7 and three Epic Tier-8 Bronze Barbarians completely surrounding you, and they are closing in fast, and I must say they mean business! Ahahah…!"

'I've been discovered?!'