
Cursed; Anokai

200IQ boy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world, what happens next will shock you! [New Chapter coming on Soon...]

Ayano_Ishioka · Fantasy
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10 Chs

3.) Father and Daughter 3-2

They all got off the carpet, "This carpet shall mark where we came from!" Ryosuke exclaimed. "It shall, unless we get lost." Yuta implied. They all took a look around the mineshaft. Did I mention the mineshaft was huge?

"Let's stay together. I don't want to deal with both of you getting lost." Yuta said while staring at Ryosuke, nearly running away. And so they walked and walked, and walked… You get it.

"God damn it is boring just walking…" Ryosuke exclaimed, "Are we even going the right way?"

"I don't know." Yuta answered apathetically.

"Then why are we going this way!?"

"Well, if you need to know, I'm following this trail of blood." Ryosuke looked down, "Wow! There really is a trail of blood!" Ryosuke said while walking with a seriously bad hunch in his back. "Hmm?" Yuta said as he noticed the blood lead to a crack in the wall. He put his hand on it and looked very closely. "Is something wrong?" Arata asked. "This wall is fake." Yuta said while turning to Ryosuke, "Ryosuke, do you have a knife I could borrow?" Ryosuke chuckled, "You hear this guy?" He said while putting his arm on Arata's shoulder. "Yeah… I hear him. He's right in front of us…" Arata answered nervously. Ryosuke chuckled again, "Of course I have a spare knife on me! Who the fuck do you think I am?"

"May I have it? Yuta asked politely.

"I don't know. Can you?" Ryosuke answered obnoxiously.

"I'll give you some more dragon blood-"

"Fine here." Ryosuke said immediately.

Yuta took the pocket knife and infused some magic into it, even though commoners aren't supposed to learn magic until they reach sixteen and legally have to go to Magic Academy. Because Yuta isn't a commoner, he knows some (Hana's sales are the main reason they aren't commoners anymore).

Anyway, after Yuta infused the knife with magic, he took a step back and threw it. It landed in the fake wall and blew up. "I'll get you a new one." Yuta told Ryosuke before proceeding into the exposed stone hallway. As Yuta walked into the hallway, he decided to pick a rock up. I don't even know why. Arata looked around as they were walking, "You think this was a part of some castle?" He asked. "It could, but let's explore more before conducting that." Yuta answered. They walked down the hallway, and out of nowhere, a guy came from around one of the corners.

"I won't let you get near Master Masamune!" The man shouted as he took out a blade and held it in his right hand. "Well this came out of nowhere." Yuta thought to himself, "A man looking to be in his forties holding me at knife point. I think the blade he's holding is a plain edged blade. Though Ryosuke would've already known." The man slowly got closer to Yuta. He looked to be about five foot five. While Yuta and his brothers were only four foot nine. "G-Get back you three!" The man yelled while pointing the knife at Yuta. Yuta sighed and, in an instant, hit his right wrist and hit the back of his palm. Disarming and knocking the knife out of his hand. It happened so fast that the man didn't have time to react. Yuta then proceeded to jab him in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him. He did it all of it all in a swift move. The man fell to the floor trying to breathe. "Let's continue." Yuta said as he continued walking. They all just left the man there, Ryosuke even spat on him before he left.

"What was that guy's deal?" Ryosuke asked while matching with Yuta's pace, "He said something about us getting close to Masamune or whatever." Arata's eyes lit up, "That could be the guy she was talking about!" He exclaimed. Yuta sighed, "It could be, but let's think of it as if it's not for now."

"Hey Yuta," Ryosuke said while leaning on his shoulder, "why are you so pragmatic all the time? Think of the situation like a game!"

"Yeah well at least I have common sense." Yuta replied.

"You don't need to go back to them!" A voice shouted. "I just wanna go back and act like nothing happened!" Another voice shouted back. "Bana!" Arata thought as he started to run. Yuta stopped him before he could go far. "Don't be reckless." Yuta said as he slowly walked towards the voices. "Why!? I did all this just to get you Kazuki! And I don't want it to be for nothing!" The voice shouted. "Why don't you like me being around them, dad!?" Bana exclaimed.

Arata's eyes widened in shock. "But didn't she…" He mumbled. Yuta looked at Arata and looked back ahead. He peeked around the corner to see Bana. "Who's that man she is talking to?" Yuta thought to himself. The man seemed to be six foot two, had gray hair, and had an open coat with jeans on. His eyes were navy blue, and his face was compressed. "Because Lord Toruma said that this is his plan! Trust the Lord!" "So this isn't Toruma." Yuta thought to himself, "This might be Masamune."

"So you're Masamune I'm assuming?" Ryosuke said while revealing himself. "R-Ryosuke!" Bana exclaimed with a terrified expression. The man chuckled, "If I am?" he said while holding onto his coat opening. "You said this young lady was your daughter, right?" Ryosuke questioned while getting closer to Bana. "Yes, she is my daughter. What of it?" Masamune answered, slowly getting more ticked off.

"And you said her name was Kazuki, right?"

"Yes. That is what I named her."

"Now the real question is… Why the hell should I believe you? I believe Bana more than you."

"Don't fucking call her that!" Masamune yelled while pulling cords from his coat. Ryosuke noticed it in time and shoved Bana out of the way and ran. "Meister, stimmt etwas nicht-" A henchman of Masamune said before getting cut off by an explosion.

Dust. That was all that could be seen.

Arata coughed, "Bana! Ryosuke! Yuta!" He shouted before seeing a corpse in front of him. The corpse seemed to be one of the henchmen. His intestines on the floor. His face mutilated. The dust cleared a bit, and all Arata could see was corpses. Arata nearly puked. Some were all over the place, some were dismembered, and some were just mutilated. "Arata!" Yuta yelled out. "Yuta!" Arata said while rushing into his arms. "Where is Ryosuke?" Yuta said while getting Arata off of him. They both ran to the hole in the wall.

"I'm alright!" Ryosuke shouted while helping Bana up. "Bro, I think your quote on quote dad just committed suicide." He said to Bana. Bana looked away, "My… Name's Kazuki…" She said.

Ryosuke went up to Yuta's ear, "I have a feeling this isn't over." "Me neither." Yuta whispered back. "Let's get you back home." Arata told Kazuki. "Not on my watch!" Masamune said as he grabbed Arata's hand. Ryosuke quickly ran to Arata and stabbed Masamune in the chin. Masamune fell to the ground. "How was that fucker not dead!? He literally suicide bombed us!" Ryosuke exclaimed.

Suddenly, a knife came out of nowhere and stabbed Arata in the left arm, "AHHH!" Arata screamed in pain holding the arm. Ryosuke quickly looked down to find that Masamune was looking dead at him. "HAHAHA!" Masamune laughed as he got up. "How the fuck are you still alive!?" Ryosuke exclaimed, confused. Instead of answering, Masamune swiftly grabbed Ryosuke by the neck and threw him into the wall.

It was so quick Ryosuke couldn't even react. Masamune swiftly went for Yuta next. Luckily, Yuta was able to dodge in time. Yuta tries to swing a right hook but is blocked. "Well this situation is unexpected. If I don't act quick enough, this guy will kill me. I don't have a chance at running away. I also have to worry about Arata and Bana. The only thing I can do is hold up a fight so Arata can get an opening." Yuta thinks quickly while recovering himself. He assumes a renoji dachi stance, poised for an incoming attack. Masamune comes at him quickly. He dodges and hits him with three jabs. Each of them aimed at his gut. Masamune swings at his face but misses. Yuta takes the opportunity to hit an uppercut. Masamune jumps back for a recovery, "You sure know how to fight, huh?" He asks Yuta. Yuta, instead of answering, gets into a different stance, this time being in a boxing stance. Masamune chuckles as he leads towards Yuta, this time kicking instead of throwing a punch. Yuta blocks his kick and jabs his chest, followed by an elbow into his jaw. Yuta (seeing the opportunity) kicks his shin, bringing him down to his knees and left hooks his jaw again. Masamune aims a right hook towards Yuta's face but is blocked. He gets up and throws a variety of punches. Yuta blocks and evades all of them, keeping a straight face the whole fight, of course.

"We have to help him!" Arata exclaimed to Kazuki. Arata quickly leaned down to pick up a rock. Kazuki grabbed his hand. "I can't let you do that…" She told Arata. "Huh?" He answered confusedly. Bana kicked Arata down and held his right arm behind him. "What are you doing!?" Arata asked. "I can't let you hurt him." She told him while crying, "They'll kill me."

Anyway, continuing with the very interesting fight. Yuta continues to block and evade blows when, out of nowhere, a tiny arrow is shot into Masamune's ear. "You thought I was dead fuckers!?" Ryosuke exclaimed while holding a mini crossbow and sticking out his tongue. Yuta signals Ryosuke to press the button on his crossbow. Ryosuke does so and Masamune's head explodes. Bits of his brain going everywhere. "Well that's gnarly." Ryosuke says while laughing. Yuta stares at Masamune's body as his head starts to regenerate.

"Hmmm, so that's it." Ryosuke says in a cute voice, "I don't think that is magic. Not even dark magic."

"No, it's not." Yuta says, "No form of magic can regenerate body parts. Hell, not even magic can bring back the dead."

"Hmmm…" Ryosuke ponders while blood from his head injury trickled down his face, "So you're saying he's not human? Wait a minute… Isn't regeneration one of the demon king's powers?"

Yuta's eyes widened from realization. But before he could say anything Masamune swung at Yuta. Yuta barely dodges by the hair on his skin. "Shit. This is difficult. If he hits me at all, I'll most definitely die. Hell, when I blocked his kick earlier, I fractured the ulna in my left arm. This situation is even worse than I thought. This guy has the powers of the demon king, Toruma." Yuta thought while defending. Ryosuke comes from behind Masamune and stabs his back with two knives. He then proceeds to bring them down, slicing Masamune's whole back open.

All that effort just for no reaction. Ryosuke decides to jump on Masamune's back and starts gouging his eyes with his fingers. Masamune grabs Yuta's neck and starts to choke him. Yuta tries to free himself, even breaking Masamune's fingers. But nothing worked. Every injury Masamune received just regenerated instantly. Yuta looks over at Arata and sees Kazuki on top of him. Yuta quickly takes the rock out of his pocket and throws it at Kazuki. It hits Kazuki's head, and she gets knocked out.

"Bana!" Arata yells as he gets up to check on her. "Töte sie und beschütze den Meister!" A voice yelled. "Oh great! Reinforcements!" Ryosuke exclaimed, aggravated. Arata sees Yuta getting choked and decides to act quickly. He picks up a rock, infuses it with magic, and throws it at the henchmen. The rock blows up, and a sword comes flying towards Arata. He catches it and runs over to Masamune. In a swift motion, he cuts off Masamune's arms.

Yuta is freed and coughs, trying to catch his breath. Masamune's limbs grow back as he throws Ryosuke off of him. "Not again!" Ryosuke says while he is flung into the wall.

"You kids have the fucking audacity to injure my child." Masamune says while his eyes heal, "I'll rip y'all limb from limb." He takes off his coat, revealing a tattoo on his chest. He takes a leap towards Arata to attack, Arata was able to perry the attack. Nearly breaking his arms. Masamune sweeps his legs so hard it causes Arata to fly and break through the wall. Exposing another room. The room was slanted, leading into a big hole.

"S-Shit…" Arata says while coughing up blood. Masamune charges at Arata, not even giving him time to recover from the blow. But before Arata could get hit, Yuta runs quick enough to pick up and move Arata out of the way. "Thanks." Arata says while wiping the blood from his cheek. "Damn. This is bad. I fractured the femur and fibula in both my legs just by using zekyo to increase my speed. If I use it one more time, I'll break both legs completely." Yuta thinks to himself as he limps in front of Arata. Masamune looks at both of them and laughs. He rips his face apart while laughing hysterically. "Look at the three of y'all! Y'all are trying so hard to fight me! It's fucking hilarious!" He says as his face heals.

"Why are you doing this?" Arata asks.

"Are you really asking that dumbass question? Masamune answers, "It's all for our lord and savior, Toruma!"

"Toruma as in the demon king?" Yuta asks.

"Oh yeah, I forgot people called him that… The fucking nerve that they have! Calling the lord and savior a demon!" Masamune answers angrily.

"Guys! We gotta also gotta worry about the henchmen!" Ryosuke yells while stabbing them.

The henchmen stand around Masamune. "You children are no match for me." He said nefariously. The henchmen charge at Yuta and Arata. "Can you fight?" Yuta asks Arata. "Yeah, I still got some in me!" Arata answers. And so they fight. Even though the immense pain Yuta is in. He is still able to fight.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Kazuki regains consciousness, "A-Arata!?" She exclaimed while getting up. She looks around and notices noise coming from the other cave. She quickly gets up and runs towards the cave.

I'm not sure why, but Masamune attacks Yuta again, and they continue to fight. Arata and Ryosuke hold off the henchmen. "Stop!" Kazuki yells, "This doesn't need to happen! We don't need to kill each other!" "Well they posed against the Lord, my dear. They need to repent their sins." Masamune said as he quickly zipped behind her. Bringing his fight with Yuta to a halt. "Who gets to decide that?" Kazuki says while staring at her father. Masamune chucks. Suddenly, he grabs Kazuki's neck with one hand, "You dare go against the Lord? It appears I need to discipline you…" Masamune raises his other hand. But before he could harm Kazuki, Arata tightly grabbed Masamune's hand. "Let her go." He told Masamune while staring at him, gritting his teeth. Masamune stares down at Arata, attempting to weigh him down with his magic energy. "Oh?" Masamune said as he sees it has no effect on Arata.

"Fine, but let me ask you a question," he says while dropping Kazuki, "do you have a problem with me disciplining my child? And if so, how are you gonna solve it?" Masamune gets in Arata's face and stares at him.

Suddenly, a henchman attempts to stab Arata from behind. But someone gets in the henchman, using themself as a human shield. Arata notices this and turns around.

It was Kazuki.

"B-Bana!" Arata exclaimed while catching her, "Bana!" The henchman stepped back, "Meister, es tut mir leid, dass ich das nicht wollte-" Before he could finish his sentence Masamune had already decapitated him. He grabbed Arata and threw him into the wall. Arata coughed up blood as he hit the wall. Masamune kneeled down to Kazuki. Suddenly Yuta comes from behind and knifehand strikes the back of Masamune's neck. Masamune tried to strike back but couldn't. "I had a feeling that would work," Yuta said, "you see all I had to do was infuse my right hand with some hoq and hit you hard enough that your brain bounced around your skull. Which in short, causes dizziness. Which is something that you can't regenerate from since it isn't causing harm to you." Yuta looked down at his hand, "Damn," he thought, "I put so much hoq into that strike that I completely shattered all the bones in my right hand." "You bastards…" Masamune said nearly puking. Yuta knifehands him again, but with his left hand this time. You know cause his right hand is broken. You already knew that? Oh…

"Meister!" The henchmen said as they charged towards them. Arata got in front of Yuta and picked up his sword. "Ryosuke!" Yuat exclaimed as he slid down the slope towards the hole. Suddenly, Ryosuke infused his left leg with magic and kicked Masamune towards the hole.

Before he could fall, Yuta grabbed onto the ledge with his left hand. Masamune reached Yuta and grabbed onto his right hand. "Shit." Yuta thought to himself because of the pain. "Okay now. You are going to answer my questions. Got that?" Yuta said. "Why should I answer them?" Masamune asked, nearly puking.

"Because I could save your daughter from bleeding out."

Masamune looks down, "Fine, ask away."

"One, why was there a bag of drugs in the shed? And what are they called?"

"The drug's name is plemophormethium. And it is a strength enhancing drug."

"Are you manufacturing it?"


"What for?"

"Lord Toruma told me to do it. I wasn't sure why, but I always follow his orders."

"What about the situation between you and Bana? Are you truly her father?"

"Yes. I am her biological father."

"Then why did she say her father was killed?"

"Because she was kidnapped. I tried to save her but she ran away."

"So the kidnapper used psychological magic on her to erase her memories of you?"

"That's what I think."

"Why are you manufacturing the drugs?"

"That's something I can't disclose."


"Because Lord Toruma ordered me not to."

Suddenly, while Yuta was in his thoughts. Masamune takes the opportunity to attempt to climb Yuta's leg. Yuta kicks the air, revealing a knife in his shoe, "Try to regenerate from this." He said as he kicked down, slicing Masamune's hand off. Yuta stab-kicked the hand before it could fall. And so Masamune fell, thinking about Kazuki, "I'm sorry, my lord…" He mumbled as he continued to fall into nothingness.

"Ryosuke!" Yuta exclaimed as he began to slip. "I gotcha!" Ryosuke said as he put a knife in the ground so he would slide off. He pulled Yuta up and helped him walk to Arata. Yuta observed and saw that they took care of all the henchmen. "Ah! Yuta!" Arata exclaimed, getting up from watching Kazuki. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm alright, just a few broken bones. How's Bana?" Yuta asked. "Oh Bana is-" Arata said before turning around to Kazuki completely gone. "W-What?" Arata said as he limped over to where she was. "B-Bana! This isn't funny! Where are you!?" Arata exclaimed in a panic-stricken tone.

"B-Bana c-come out! Haha, it was funny so you can come out!" He continued to cry as he started to do so. Yuta limped over to Arata and striked his vagus nerve, knocking him out.

"Ryosuke, carry him." Yuta said as he limped out into the hallway.

"Huh!? I don't take orders!" Ryosuke replied.

"Just do it."

"Fine, but not because you told me to." Ryosuke pouted.

Yuta limped in the hallway, holding something in his shirt. What is this something you might ask? Why Masamune's hand, of course. Ryosuke followed Yuta, "Well today was a shit day. Matter of fact, I need to take a shit myself." He thought.

This chapter is wild, in my opinion

(The next chapter releases on October 29th, 2023!,

Ayano_Ishiokacreators' thoughts