
Cursed; Anokai

200IQ boy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world, what happens next will shock you! [New Chapter coming on Soon...]

Ayano_Ishioka · Fantasy
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10 Chs

3.) Father and Daughter 3-1

"Nghh…" Arata said while getting out of bed. He picked up a cold glass of water off his nightstand and chugged it like there was no tomorrow. He stands up and opens the curtains; the sun blinding him as he does so. "I can already tell today's gonna be peaceful!" He thought to himself. He marked the day it was on his calendar and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Good morning Master Arata." Alice said to him as he was walking down. "Good morning, Alice. What's for breakfast?" Arata

asked politely.

"Chef Jamsey has prepared biscuits and scrambled eggs for you because of your schedule for this week."


Arata opened the door to the dining room, "Oh yeah!" He said, "Did you prepare two meals like I've been asking?"

Arata smiled at Alice before heading into the dining room. He observed the room and saw Hana eating her five-star meal while writing down notes. "What are you writing about?" Arata asks out of curiosity. "Oh good morning, Arata! I'm just writing down my ideas for songs." Hana replied. "Did you get into the magic academy you always wanted to go to?" Arata asked. "Yes! I'm glad you asked!" Hana answered excitedly.

"That's wonderful! Umm… Which kingdom will you be attending school in?"

"I'll be attending The Fischl Magic and Mystical Academy!"

"Why Fischl of all places? You could've gone to the Capital." Arata asked while picking up his food.

"Well, I want to save the money to go. And I feel like going there will be a good start."

Arata sat down with both plates of food, "Well, if you're gonna go there, then why not just make songs about how the place makes you feel?"

Hana's eyes widened as she looked at Arata, "That's a good idea!" She exclaimed.

Arata chuckled, "I get it from Yuta!" Hana got up with her notes, "I'm gonna go practice school music!" She said as she ran out of the room. "School music?" Arata said as he smiled, knowing he was contributing to his sister's career. "I bet Bana would love to hear more of Hana's songs. Last time, she loved them. Too bad I can't show anyone that Bana exists…" Arata said in his head.

He eventually finished his first plate and brought the second plate up to his room. He places the food on the desk in front of his closet, waiting for Bana to come out and get it. "I guess she's still asleep. I'll come back later." He thought to himself. He closed the door to his room and headed back downstairs. "Hey Alice?" Arata exclaimed, "Have you seen Ryosuke?" "Yes I have Master Arata. He's in the shed working." Alice replied. Arata headed outside and walked to the shed.

There was no door to the shed, so Arata just walked in, "Hey Ryosuke." Arata said as he walked in. "Yo Arata, whatcha need?" Ryosuke replies from under Jeff The Fifth Model Seven. "Uhh, what are you doing?" Arata asks. "I'm working on Jeff , just tweaking some things."

"Oh okay." Arata said while laying on the wall, "Hey, have you heard of what Yuta's doing?"

"What do you mean?" Ryosuke asked while reaching for a wrench.

"Well, he's trying to find a way for Yuuya to be in this world."

"What!? How is that gonna be possible!?"

"I'm not sure, but he's studying hard currently…"

"Well, that just shows how much he cares."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember? Last week, you wanted to learn more about Yuuya? He must've taken that to heart."

"You think so?"

"He had to of."

"Wow… Oh, what have you found out about the drug?"

"Well I tested it on Bob, and let's just say… He didn't last long after that."

"So how many doses does it take to cause a mutation?"

"Well, from what I conducted, around three to four doses."

In the middle of Arata and Ryosuke's conversation, Yuta walked in the room. "Ryosuke, where did you put my clothes?" "Uhh… I uhh… Oooo… Umm…" Ryosuke stuttered.

Yuta walked up to him and pulled him from under Jeff The Fifth Model Seven. "H-Hey!" Ryosuke exclaimed. Suddenly, Ryosuke looked into Yuta's apathetic eyes. They weighed him down more than any elephant could, "I gave them to Leo…" Ryosuke mumbled. "Leo as in the dog or one of your lab rats?" Yuta asked. Ryosuke nodded.

"I gave you those clothes to wash, not to give to the dog." Yuta sighed. "What clothes are you talking about?" Arata asked. "Remember how I changed before we went to Bana, which was before we left? AKA the clothes Ryosuke splashed blood on." Yuta answered.

"Is Alice doing laundry?" Arata asked, "If that's the case, I can head over and get Bana's clothes."

"Sure, feel free to take care of that." Yuta told Arata as he was leaving.

Arata left the shed and walked back inside. "Master Arata, may I have your clothes." Alice asked politely. "Yeah I'm getting them now." Arata answered while running up the stairs. He reached his room and made sure the door was locked. He walked up to his closet and knocked. "Bana do you have any dirty clothes?" He said while knocking. It had eventually been ten seconds, and he still hadn't heard any sign of her being in there. Arata took a look around the room and noticed the food he placed on the desk twenty minutes ago was still there. Arata looked with a confused expression. He took a close look at the food. It hadn't even been touched.

At that moment, Arata knew something was wrong. He quickly opened the closet door. "Bana!?" He exclaimed.

No one was there.

No one but Tinka. Arata's heart nearly skips a beat. Before he could start panicking, Alice knocked on the door. "Master Arata, are you ready?" She said from the other side of the door. "N-No! I'm s-still getting my clothes!" Arata exclaimed nervously. He quickly took his dirty clothes and gave them to her. She left, and Arata quickly ran to find Bana.

He checked in the washroom, the kitchen, the shed, by the lake, and even in the closet again, but he couldn't find her anywhere. "W-W-What do I do?" Arata mumbled while on his knees. He was stunned, as if his brain had switched off. He began to hyperventilate. "What's… Happening… To me?" He mumbled, nearly losing his balance. His mind started to fade in and out, and his vision blurred. Suddenly, someone came up from behind him and gently patted his back. "Breathe. In and out. Slowly," the voice instructed. Arata followed the advice, taking slow breaths. "W-What was that?" Arata stammered as he turned around to look at Yuta. "You were having a panic attack." Yuta explained while helping Arata to his feet.

"So?" Yuta said, "What happened?"

"B-Bana! Have you seen Bana!?" Arata exclaimed.

"No, why?"

"S-She's missing a-and I-I don't know what to do!"

"Missing huh? And judging by how you were just now, I'm assuming that you already checked every place in the house."

Arata nodded.

"I mean, while I was getting a drink in the middle of the night, I did hear a sound coming from the cellar, but I just assumed it

was Ryosuke. Should we go-"


"Hmm…" Yuta sighed as they went towards the cellar. Yuta opened the door to the cellar, allowing Arata to go before him. The stairs to the cellar were rusty and run down. The walls looked even worse. Yuta knocked on the metal door blocking the cellar. "I probably can't break this door with just my bare strength." Yuta thought as he continued to knock. The hatch creaked open, "What

do y'all want? I'm experimenting right now." Ryosuke angrily said.

"Well Bana is missing, and Arata wants to try to find her." Yuta said, continuing to stare at Ryosuke. "So? Why are y'all here." Ryosuke said obnoxiously. "We're here because Arata hasn't had the chance to search the cellar. Plus, I heard some noise coming from here last night." Yuta implied.

Ryosuke looked at both his brothers with a I'm tired of y'alls bullshit, kind of expression. He eventually gave in and opened the door. "Don't touch anything!" Ryosuke exclaimed as they walked in. Arata looked around, touching everything. Good thing Ryosuke wasn't looking…

Yuta looked around as well. He inspected everything very thoroughly. "Have you noticed anything, weird?" Yuat asked Ryosuke. "No," Ryosuke answered, "But I do smell some sort of charcoal of some kind." Yuta walked behind one of the walls, stepping in a puddle of blood. "These are my nice shoes…" He thinks to himself while walking. He observes his surroundings. He notices a light coming from one of the boxes. He moves the box, revealing a gigantic hole leading into an enormous mineshaft. "Well that's something." Ryosuke says while looking in the hole. "We can't jump down there. We would break our legs." Yuta says while squatting down. "How so?" Arata asked. "Well just from me observing, it seems to be a hundred and twenty-seven foot drop." Ryosuke looked at Yuta with a why, you scared? Kind of expression.

Arata looks around and sees a note attached to the back of the box Yuta moved. "Guys look." He says while picking it up. He read it out loud.

"Dear Arata, Ryosuke, and Yuta.

I'm sorry about this. I didn't want to do this. But he made me. The man with blue hair. He said to follow him or else you and the others die. I had to. I'm sorry. I don't know where he is taking me, but please, don't risk your life trying to save me. He is too strong. The only possible way to survive him is if you can't die. He told me. I don't know why. He said he's just making things interesting. I don't get it. But, please don't come and find me. Just forget about me. Please.

From: Kazuki Amane"

They all froze. Who is this "He" she is talking about? And why did she put the name Kazuki at the bottom? All these questions with no answers. "What…" Arata mumbled. "W-We have to find her!" He said with a different tone. "But she said not to go after her." Ryosuke pointed out. "I don't give a damn!" Arata exclaimed. "You think I'm just gonna let this happen!? No! You're out of your damn mind!"

Yuta stared at the letter. "Ryosuke, do you have anything we could land on?" He asked. Ryosuke chuckled, "You know who the fuck you're talking too? OF COURSE I DO!!!" Ryosuke exclaimed. "Good, we're gonna need it. Right, Arata?" Yuta asked Arata with an impassive expression. "Arata looked shocked but nodded his head.

"Which one should I use!?" Ryosuke yelled while searching boxes. "What about this!?" Ryosuke asked Yuta while holding up a chicken. Yuta, instead of answering, just looks at him. "Imma take that as a no…" Ryosuke said with a sad tone. "What about this magic carpet I found when looting a place?" "Sure, that would work perfectly." Ryosuke hovered the carpet in the hole. They all got on it, and it landed them safely. The mineshaft was huge. Yuta observed it and sighed, "I just wanted to read…" He said to himself.

A lot of lore this chapter...

( The next chapter comes out October 29!)

Ayano_Ishiokacreators' thoughts