
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Who Are You?!

Alec found himself in a familiar place – the place where he'd originally stepped into five years ago.

Alec remained still when he thought back about the five years that had passed in [Stage 15], finding himself feeling strangely sentimental.

Now that they'd left, Alec was annoyed to find that he had definitely taken the twins and Karen under his wing, but he had no way to find them again.

This was definitely not the best time for him to realize it. He frowned fiercely and disregarded the popups telling him that he was losing points.

He felt a familiar anger bubble up from the bottom of his gut at the thought of the damn System that had caused him to form bonds with people then simultaneously lose them in one go.

He thought that he'd managed to keep them out from his defences well enough, but he hadn't counted on the fact that even five years could wear away a stone, and he was definitely feeling the loss now.

Alec took a deep breath and suppressed the anger that felt like it was about to bubble out uncontrollably, allowing his smile to slip back onto his face.

He checked his body and was slightly relieved when he realized that his body remained the same even though they'd returned from the stage.

He had no way to tell whether or not the time in this crack between dimensions had remained the same as the time that they spent inside [Stage 15], but he doubted it.

His body remained in this state instead of reverting back to his eleven-year-old self, something that he was thankful for.

Alec would have gone mad if he had to spend more time as an eleven-year-old. *Again*.

Right now, they all had an option to opt out from the place, and he had a feeling that Yuki and Rosabel would likely opt out, though he wasn't sure about the rest.

Throughout the entire time they had been in that stage, Alec had still not felt either Fenrir or Bunbun, which made him wonder what they were going through.

But right now, there was something else that he needed to do.

Alec tugged on his black half palm glove that he'd taken to wearing all the time. They were both breathable and flexible, which made it feel like he wasn't wearing anything at all. It had the added effect of protecting himself whenever he had to do something more… hands on.

He'd been planning this for a long five years within [Stage 15] when he first realized that there was no way that planet had been made up of data, despite the other System masquerading it as such.

The people there reacted in a way that even Mainframe itself wasn't able to produce, with its vast amounts of data.

It was crazy.

How could they use another person's planet as a testing grounds for their so-called legacy hall? It went beyond Alec's common sense on how a System contracted to the Mainframe was supposed to act.

However, this place they were in now…

Alec looked around casually, looking for a brief error or lag in the place, but wasn't able to find one.

But that was fine. If he couldn't find a loophole, then he would make one himself. Sheer brute strength and a lot of pent up rage would do the job just fine.

After training that hard in [Stage 15] Alec would have been ashamed if he didn't reach at least the intermediate stage, which he finally had after throwing himself into killing zombies.

While the stage 1 and 2 zombies didn't have any thoughts, which meant that they couldn't maintain killing intent against humans, the stage 3 zombies that had eventually appeared allowed Alec to hone his fighting skills.

Regardless of the zombie ranks, he had killed every single zombie that he saw, allowing him to slowly accumulate and refine the magic within himself.

Right now, Alec was in the initiate intermediate stage, which was outstanding for his age. However, for Sins, it wasn't anything that was too out of place, so his achievement didn't draw too much shock.

While they 'knew' that Alec was an Every, it seemed to have slipped their mind, and they just considered him part of the Sins instead.

Compared to his earlier slow progress, the progress he made now was very satisfying indeed, and Alec was always happy whenever he saw that his hard work was paying off.

Alec kicked off the wall, slamming his fist down onto the ground in a move that shattered the ground beyond repair.

Dust, debris and chunks of rubble flew in the air as the place shook as Alec channelled both strength and anger into his punch, placing his entire strength behind that single strike as he thought about his anger towards the System behind this elaborate setup.

The place trembled, and if they had truly been underground, Alec had no doubt that he would have caused a cave-in.

Alec looked around without missing a single detail, and his eyes locked onto a single corner that looked untouched by the rest of the destruction.

Alec zero-ed in on it, tearing apart the spatial wall and stepping through.

What he used wasn't his magic powers, nor was it his Awakening Magitype, but instead something that he'd always been able to do as part of his duties as a System.

As long as a System had been contracted by the Mainframe, they all had basic abilities that allowed them to interact directly with the data stream of the world.

The space parted for him and closed behind him after he stepped through.

Alec found himself in a familiar-looking room. It was the standard room that the Mainframe assigned Systems.

So long as you signed on with the Mainframe, the corresponding System was assigned an unbreakable room for the System to carry out their duties.

Seated in the middle of the room full of screens, the System had pale grey hair that reminded Alec of metal, pale skin and green eyes.

The System was lounging on a comfy looking sofa before the screens instead of the standard rolling chair.

System No.00110399 was staring at his screen in confusion when he saw what Alec was doing. Why would the human suddenly break the room the moment he got back?

Confused, System No.00110399 was about to press a button when his eyes widened as the spatial wall tore, leaving him gaping in shock.

"What?!" System No.00110399 blurted, the shock colouring his features.

Alec smiled at the familiar-looking System before him even though all he wanted to do was glower at him. It was indeed System No.00110399 that he didn't get along with.

Why was he here, and why was the System operating this so-called legacy hall?

"System No.00110399," Alec greeted, freaking out and shocking the System even more.

"Who are you?" the System asked, standing up from his chair in shock. His earlier suspicions, that had long been dismissed in the five years that he'd spent watching the screen, returned with a vengeance.

The human 'Alec' looked exactly like his friend System No.00290596.

If this human wasn't his friend, then how had he not only managed to find a way into the room specifically for Systems, but also acquire his name?

System No.00110399 scanned Alec's body again but found nothing amiss. It just added more to the System's confusion.

But System No.00110399 soon calmed down as his eyes glittered. This was more exciting than anything had been in the past few centuries.

Alec felt annoyed at the familiar look of gleeful excitement that System No.00110399 got whenever he chanced upon something interesting that he would be able to play around with to his heart's content – and in the process, break as many rules as he wanted.

"System No.00110399," Alec repeated again, regaining the attention from the System. "Why has the Mainframe sent you to Incantix?"

System No.00110399 flopped back down on his sofa, which was not allowed in regulations, but he couldn't care less about following the Mainframe's stuffy rules. Not when he'd finally escaped from that hellhole.

He was finally free now. What else was he going to do, if not live life a little?

"Who said anything about the Mainframe sending me to Incantix?" the System said casually, having regained his cool. A smirk was painted on his lips at the thought of something new and exciting.

Alec felt annoyed. This was exactly why he hated interacting with System No.00110399. The other System never gave him a straight answer, always going around and around in circles until you felt like you were going crazy.

Alec stalked forward and grabbed the System by the collar, hoisting him up and smiling as wide as he could. "Don't bullshit with me, damn rulebreaker!"

System No.00110399 stared at Alec with a blank look on his face as he was immediately reminded of his old friend that had disappeared for quite an amount of time.

Bonus 1 :)

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