
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

What? What?? NO! My Kits!

Back with Alec, they had indeed found a place to enter the underground area of that crack between realms, but there had been a strange barrier that kept them out, which was Alec's area of expertise.

The 'entrance' to underground was located in a part of the forest, the opposite way from where they'd entered below with Vi.

How had they discovered it?

Well, being the Main Character, Dominique had put his luck to good use, and after killing a monster in his way, he'd not-so-accidentally knocked down a tree in the aftermath.

Thank you, Main Character luck!

The tree then parted to give way to a gap in the ground, unlike normal dirt.

That was how they found the 'entrance' to underground.

Unlike the gaping, wide fissure in the ground that Vi had managed to control, this one was barely large enough for Alec to fit within.

Beyond the hole, they could see the presence of stairs that led further down, but Yuki had been rightfully wary about advancing any further without preventive measures.

Yuki originally threw a branch down the gap, and it had disintegrated on the spot upon hitting the barrier that was just a way beyond the stairs leading downwards.

It disintegrated even quicker than when the Vampiric Willows were killing off their prey for nutrients, sending a chill up their spines.

Unlike them, Alec's eyes lit up when he went to see the effects of the barrier for himself.

The runes that danced in the air painted another story altogether.

Vivian and the Spectres stared at Alec's movements in fascination for a long while before they grew tired of it.

The Spectres especially, since they'd heard about Alec's prowess in this field, but had never seen much of him doing anything with it besides the time they gained the Spectre mark from him.

Even then, it had only been a couple of days since they first gained the mark, and there weren't any chances for them to take a break since.

But even the novelty seemed to wear off since they weren't able to see what Alec did. They were basically just watching Alec stare into blank air as he moved back and forth, lightly biting his index finger as he thought.

The only one who didn't seem to grow tired of watching was Dominique, who seemed to stare at his boss for hours on end.

Vivian's lips twitched speechlessly when she saw what her kit was doing. Something was strange there.

Rosabel pulled her aside for some woman to woman talk.

Rosabel only let her go the minute they were out of earshot. She could see that the magical beast was still staring at Dominique from afar, nonplussed at his reaction. Or rather, non-reaction.

"Look, Mrs. H," Rosabel started off.

Vivian looked at the Sin in bemusement.

"You have to understand something…" she trailed off. "Mini and our boss, their relationship with each other is a little… special."

"Special," Vivian said the word as if she was savouring the taste of it on her tongue. "How do you mean?"

Rosabel floundered for the words, unsure where she should start. Oh, how she wanted to just leave this to someone else to explain, but she didn't feel like that would be too kind of her.

After all, Hayden spoke even less than Dominique, and Yuki was just… well. Yuki. She thought back about Yuki's total inexperience with females in general and thought it would be better just to… not.

His struggles with the opposite sex were hilariously bad, and while she would have liked to see it at any other time, this was, unfortunately, not the situation for it.

He'd been fine earlier when they were in that stressful situation, but the moment it wore off, Yuki started stuttering and averting his eyes.

He even reacted funnily to Dominique and Alec a bit after that first 'meeting'.

So, yeah. No.

She was the only one who would be able to explain to Dominique's mother properly without tripping up even if it wasn't exactly her forte either.

"Well, let's just say that the two are together in a rather special relationship."

Vivian listened to the words that came out of her kit's packmates. By now, she had already cottoned on to the fact that her kit saw Alec as his alpha.

But she reeled from the implication that Dominique was the alpha's mate.

Vivian felt a bit dazed when she thought about the implications of this. No wonder her kit always acted strangely around the other kit.

…She couldn't call Alec a kit anymore, if he was the alpha.

Bah. Who cared! He was her kit's mate… her kit… mate… Whatever. She had motherly rights, didn't she?

It felt complicated, thinking that she just got her kit back only to find out that she'd missed so many important things in his life… and he already had a mate! A mate!

Her baby Domi was still just a little kit!

Vivian felt the strong urge to hold her kit in her arms and wail. He already had a mate so quickly!

Boohoo, the look in his eyes were just like his father's, now that she thought about it.

Vivian's eyes were a little watery, and Rosabel backed away a little slowly, wary about this sudden change in the originally calm woman.

…She wasn't going to go ballistic, was she?

Vivian held Rosabel's hand, patting it lightly. "Thank you for telling me."

Still, wasn't Alec a bit young for her kit??

But then, her kit wasn't the alpha, so how did that work?

She felt like she was going around in circles.

Vivian felt baffled, but the more she felt Rosabel dissect their relationship, she felt like she was slowly being lured over to the dark side by her words.

Why did she… why did she feel like she was a bit excited?

The more she heard, the more plausible it sounded.

The gaze that Vivian used to look at Alec and her kit changed a bit, sparkling lightly. It felt like something new was being born inside her.

At the same time, she felt a little wistful. She'd missed everything about her kit growing up to such a stage, but she would support him and his mate.

After all, foxes mated for life.

"-already 'did it'."

"Wait, they… they what? Aren't the kits- err, aren't Dominique and Alec still kind of young?"

Rosabel's face was a little flushed. She stammered as the memory of that first time filtered into her mind.

"Uh, hmm… I'm not obligated to say. You should ask your son!" she passed on the responsibility back to Dominique. Anyway, it was his mom! Why should she be the one handling this bomb?!

"Mm," Vivian pouted a little, her previously dignified image crumbling a little.

Just as she was thinking about how she could possibly bring that up in a conversation, they were interrupted by Alec's voice.

"I've got it," he said with quiet certainty.

The smile on his face seemed to make flowers bloom around them, and they were bathed in a gentle breeze.

There wasn't anything else that seemed any different, but it alarmed them when Alec moved into the small hole.

He pressed around on the wall, eventually finding a spot that made the ground rumble, widening the crack that had barely been large enough for Alec to fit into.

Before they could stop him, Alec walked further down, Dominique faithfully following behind.

Vivian wanted to pull their ears and scold them. Even if they were confident, they shouldn't just blindly do it without testing it further!

But Alec already walked past the part where the branch descended and was subsequently disintegrated, following the stairs down with her kit hot on his heels.

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Vivian: *uncontrollable crying* My kits are still so young! Boohoo...

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