
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

What Did You Do To Boss?!

The underground cavern that they found themselves in really did feel like a separate world compared to the world on top.

Yet, Alec wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but it felt strange and artificial. As if the life that currently lived here had been nurtured and groomed for something. Only, he didn't know what.

Life was static here, so there couldn't be any new life. Yet, where had all these creatures come from?

Even when Alec asked Vi, Vi's leaves shook gently, indicating that it didn't know.

Vi had no memories of a life before this.

Or rather, to be more accurate, the previous Vi did not retain memories in the same way that humans did. While it had been aware, it also wasn't truly thinking in a sense.

All Vi had known to do at that time was to desperately try and grow stronger without knowing why. It had been a deeply rooted instinct.

In fact, before Vi had formed a bond with Alec, it felt like there had been something guiding its thoughts, constantly nudging it to grow stronger.

At that time, it had only seemed natural, but now, it felt distinctly strange. All previous instincts regarding the slaughter of monsters for nutrients had abruptly disappeared, leaving behind an empty blankness.

It was only when Vi had successfully evolved into a creature that he was able to form conscious thought and think about his actions and consequences.

Alec found that fascinating. Just like how Bunbun had not had much conscious thought when he had only been an animal, Vi had been the same way.

When Alec Awakened Bunbun's brain, it had caused the bunny to evolve into a new being. Bunbun evolved from a simple animal into a creature. As little as it was, he was able to use magic now.

Yet, how had Vi managed to do that?

Vi did not have a brain like Bunbun or Fenrir, so how had Vi evolved into a creature?

Vi sent over his thoughts through their bond, a feeling of confusion. Then, there was a vague feeling like Vi was thinking about Alec's words.

A brief moment later, a strange feeling spread throughout Alec's body.

It was gentle, yet vigorous at the same time. A feeling of warmth and fire spread throughout his body. The feeling originally started in the core of his stomach before it spread out, gently nourishing and flourishing.

It was a feeling of birth; of creation and dawn.

Alec's mind was blank as he felt the heavy weight of the replicated feelings that Vi sent over their bond. He felt as if he was discovering a new way for him to use his Magitype that he had never even considered before.

What was it that made them 'Awaken' in the first place?

All Alec had been doing was building up on something that had already been there in the first place. He just helped it along, but when he 'Awakened' a consciousness in something, the reason why his magic capacity dropped sharply was because he was the one who was creating something.

In contrast, the creation that began in Vi after reaching a certain threshold was something that had bloomed from a period of evolution and growth.

Alec opened his mind – he let Vi's feeling spread across all his bonds. He placed a hand on Vi's trunk, feeling the warmth under his palms.

Vi felt gentle and nurturing, a stark contrast from when it had been killing monsters without any change.

Life that was born from death was the most accurate expression that Alec could give this feeling.

What Alec didn't know was that when he did this, everything that was connected to him through their bonds suddenly stopped, regardless of what they had been doing previously.

Bunbun and Fenrir, who had been rolling around on the grass and playing amongst themselves, suddenly stopped and collapsed, lying flat on the floor.

Dominique's familiar, the Blood Starling, abruptly stood up, alarmed as the two creatures collapsed, gently nudging them with the blunt part of its beak. What happened??

Some of the mercenaries, who had been watching with a dopey smile as two fluffy tiny creatures played around, stood up in shock, rushing over to the two creatures. They gently moved the two creatures away from the Blood Starling, taking care not to graze themselves on the avian creature's sharp feathers and talons.

They checked over the bunny and wolf, but they didn't find anything wrong with them. Both seemed to have either slipped into unconsciousness or sleep suddenly, causing a brief panic amongst the watching mercenaries.

Similarly, Alec, who had been seated at the top of Vi's trunk, slipped into a state of sleep as the feeling that Vi passed over washed against him. The feeling of warmth was addicting and calming, slowly drawing him into the feeling, his breath evening out.

The only reason why he didn't have anyone else who suddenly panicked as he fell asleep was because there was no one else around him. Vi shifted its leaves and branches, blocking Alec's figure from view.

It had not known its master for very long, but the feelings and personality that Vi learnt about from prodding their shared bond gave it a feeling that Alec didn't like to show his weakness to other people.

Back in the Neil Clan compound, Javor, Alec's first sentient tree, similarly froze, its leaves stopped rustling and swaying, but this wasn't noticed by anyone else.

Dietrich was puzzled as he checked over the two creatures, but there was nothing wrong with them that he could see.

By all accounts, the two just seemed to be sleeping peacefully without any signs that this should have happened.

Still, he didn't let down his guard.

After all, they were in an unfamiliar place that they knew nothing of. They were still lacking in too much information for him to properly make a sound judgement without bias.

Tatiana frowned seeing this but dispersed the mercenaries that gathered around before any panic could spread, telling them to keep quiet about this.

She would rather not morale fall any when it was already so important that they had to keep calm.

While the others went about on their way, Dietrich and Tatiana brought Bunbun and Fenrir with them into Tatiana's tent, where she allowed the flap to her tent to fall behind them.

Dominique, after seeing Bunbun and Fenrir fall into a state of sleep, frowned as he looked for his boss' figure.

If the two creatures had fallen asleep at the same time, then his boss should be in a similar state.

The Spectre launched off the trunk of the tree, boosting himself to go up.

Tatiana, who had come out to look for her little brother, spotted Dominique's figure moving up the tree and left it to him. From what little she'd seen thus far, that particular subordinate of Alec's seemed particularly dedicated to her little brother's wellbeing.

When he was halfway up, he was rudely interrupted by a red vine from the King Vampiric Willow tree, causing a frown to slip on his usually emotionless face.

"Let me up," Dominique said, not in a particularly forgiving mood. "I have to see the boss."

Dominique got a feeling that the King Vampiric Willow was considering his words as Dominique stared at the tree. He didn't know what part he should be staring at, so he just glared at the vine that was stopping him from advancing.

While he would have normally made a move to free himself, this was his boss' familiar, so he was reluctant to harm the things that belonged to his boss.

Dominique jerked slightly as the vine that wrapped around his waist brought him up to the top, where he saw his boss' crumpled form, causing the boss fanatic to panic slightly.


Dominique was muffled by the vine that Vi shoved into his mouth to shut him up.

The Sin's face immediately darkened as he glared at the King Vampiric Willow. Boss' familiar or not, this damn tree-!

No, that wasn't the time for that right now.

His boss was more important.

Dominique checked over his boss' small figure but wasn't able to find anything wrong with him.

He glared at the King Vampiric Willow's leaves suspiciously. Boss and his other familiars had fallen into a state of sleep, yet this King Vampiric Willow was fine.

Dominique pulled out a dagger, threatening the tree. "What did you do!"

Dominique, please...

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