
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Solitary Confinement Peak

When the sun reappeared in the sky, Alec took the chance to try and approach one of the stationary blinking yellow lights in the [Main Character Radar] that he saw was still in the same position as the day before.

Frankly, it still annoyed him that there were so many Main Characters around him. By this point, it had become apparent that they were Main Characters because they had somewhat of a plotline going on.

He didn't know if it was because they had been influenced by the things that Alec was doing, or if it was just set up that way by the Mainframe, but he was annoyed by how he let himself gloss over them since he didn't think they were the ones.

Alec had been an idiot to think that there would only be one Main Character for Incantix. Though it wasn't ordinary, there had been cases where there were two or three Main Characters in the same region.

Of course, they then usually ended up facing each other as rivals or an archnemesis, which quite obviously wasn't happening here, so Alec just felt more and more befuddled when he thought about it.

Just think about it! Wasn't it weird that there were so many Main Characters around him already! What were they? Radishes? Or was he just some sort of Main Character magnet?

It didn't make any sense!

Heading outside, there were much more people than he saw yesterday with his master.

Some of the older disciples stared at him blankly before whispering to their friends about how he saw the one that the elder had carried around on his back.

Alec felt like he was going to burst from the embarrassment and annoyance that suffused him! Ah, he'd told his master to put him down when they were about to meet people, but the man had refused to do so!

It was one part endearing how the man was obviously doting on him, and one part annoying that he showed the doting to everyone else!

All he wanted to do was bury his face in his hands and scream, but instead he smiled at them, causing them to shut up.

Alec gave up. What was embarrassment. With this smile, it wasn't like they could tell it affected him anyway.

Alec pulled up the [Main Character Radar] and followed it.

Heading down the mountain, he took the chance to take in the sights that he'd been too distracted to yesterday.

There were disciples of various ages wandering around carrying out inter-sect missions, while also those that were having hanging around chatting and laughing instead.

Alec stared lightly before his eyes tracked back to the peak that the array division called their own. There were so many more disciples that were coming down and up from the other peaks that his own looked dilapidated instead.

He had to wonder whether it was just the array division, or if there were other peaks that were facing the same thing as well.

Currently, there were thirteen peaks with elders that specialized in various things, whether it be fighting styles or magic specialties.

In the light of day, the colours that painted the sect made it seem like something out of a fantasy novel. He wondered what effects the low-hanging clouds that were ever-present had.

Alec followed the [Main Character Radar] without giving anything away.

He pretended like he was just wandering around, which wasn't out of place for a new disciple of Heavenly Ascension.

He wasn't the only one going around exploring. He spotted maybe another ten going around in twos or threes and instantly classified them as those who had entered into the inner disciples that had made it in on either talent or catching an elder's eye.

The path that Alec followed slowly tapered off, and the disciples that had been so common along the routes similarly decreased, until there was no one left.

Alec was left outside of a deserted area, where there was only a single disciple lounging around outside.

Alec's eyebrows shot up.


He scanned the area, and there wasn't even a building. The one other disciple that was yawning and blinking, dazed, was stationed outside what looked like a cave.

He was now at the base of a mountain, but there were no footpaths or footholds leading up.

As far as he could see, there weren't any buildings on this particular peak at all, even though there were still the staple colourful iridescent clouds around it.

Checking the [Main Character Radar] again, he was sure that this was the place.

Alec walked forward to ask the disciple that looked like he was just about falling asleep here, feeling a large spike of anger at the disciple's nonchalant and lazy attitude, annoyed.

But still, he didn't say anything since he was technically fishing for information.

"Excuse me, senior brother," Alec said, but not before making sure that his smile was working properly and not showing any of his annoyance.

The lazy disciple groaned. Marc wasn't pleased that his naptime was being interrupted by someone.

Cracking open an eye, he stared at the young boy, blinking sleepiness out of his eyes.

"What?" he drawled, on the verge of going back to sleep again.

Even the sight of the gentle smile on the kid's face did nothing for him. His eyes drifted close again unintentionally, but it wasn't long before he jerked, a chill running up his spine.

Now completely awake, Marc cautiously looked around to see where the danger was coming from.

However, he didn't see anything. Frowning lightly, Marc looked at the young disciple that just had to be new to the sect.

There was nothing out of place.

In fact, being hit with the young boy's smile made him feel like someone had chucked a bunch of flowers into his face. Like that one time where a junior sister disciple shoved a bouquet of flowers in his face.

Alec reigned in the temper that usually got the best of him – surprisingly, it was easier now that he'd had more practice doing so, but he attributed it to the lack of moronic transmigrators – since the disciple looked like he was awake enough to answer his questions now.

"What's on this peak?" Alec asked as politely as his temper would allow him. It was already a miracle that he hadn't lost it seeing how the other was so obviously slacking off. His magic was stagnant and lulled, reflecting the state that the older disciple was in, so he wasn't meditating or anything.

He forgot how annoyed seeing someone like that made him. It was arguably his biggest pet peeve and never failed to put him in a bad mood.

"Ah," Marc drawled, scratching his cheek. He slumped back down, seeing no immediate danger here. "This is the place where the sect keeps those who are undergoing solitary confinement."

Alec eyed the seemingly sole entrance of the place. It looked dark and musty inside from the bare minimum he could see.

"What's your name?" Marc asked the disciple. Though he didn't think the young boy could possibly be a spy for the sect, he would still take precautions first rather than being careless with it.

Though he got easy points being here, he would rather not be blamed for something like a prison break or murder.

"…Alecris, under Elder Nathan's care."

"Oh," Marc said, his eyes fluttering shut again. "Bye then." His dismissal was blatant.

Alec stared at the disciple who immediately drifted back to sleep, feeling a tic develop.

One of the Main Characters was inside there, but did he really want to do it?

Alec frowned. If they were being punished with solitary confinement, what was their personality like?

Here's that extra bonus chapter!

If you like how the plot is going, do leave a review! Author begging for reviews ;)

Y'all though this was going to be a normal 'transmigration' novel. Heheheh.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

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