
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Sin to Spectre II

The Sins left the base like their lives depended on it.

Alec didn't begrudge them for it.

After all, being told that their actions were now closely monitored and controlled meant that a larger part of their freedom had been stripped away from them.

If he had been the one in their position, there was no way that he would be able to tolerate it as well.

Still, there was nothing that Alec could do that would reassure them that this wasn't the case in the meantime.

Eventually, they would realize that they were still free to move as they pleased as long as they stood under his banner, just that their actions could no longer be allowed to move unchecked.

While it did seem unfair to them, who in this world didn't live under a set of laws? It just so seemed that Sins had a lower threshold over their control over their actions whenever the blood rushed to their heads.

Alec couldn't guarantee results, but he would give them training regardless of whether or not they liked him.

Since they were going to be his people, then not one of them would be allowed to die under his watch!

Dominique, Yuki, Rosabel and the rest that had willingly accepted his seal remained behind, still wanting to talk to Alec.

Alec didn't know why they stayed, so he looked at them with a slightly confused look.

"Death Whisperer," Dominique said, and he didn't say it softly either.

Alec's head ached at the words. It had been a long three years, but the other still insisted on calling him that. While he compromised on everything else, that was the one thing that he never let go.

Alec felt like exploding. Seriously, he… he felt like giving Dominique a good beating. What 'Death Whisperer'? The name was so chuuni that he felt like exploding in embarrassment whenever he heard it.

Even if Dominique wasn't embarrassed saying it, Alec was embarrassed hearing it!

Dominique instinctively sensed the rejection Alec had toward this title that he'd given to the boy in his heart but only just said out loud.

Behind him, the group that shared bored and troubling times in Solitary Confinement Peak gathered in a circle and discussed with hushed voices.

Alec would very much like to pretend that he couldn't hear any of the cringy names that they were discussing to call him, but alas, he had diligently worked on Awakening his own body and upping his 'stats'.


"How about Supreme Leader?"


"The Big One??"

Alec almost couldn't take it anymore. He felt the strong urge to leave the room before they somehow came to a conclusion.

He hugged Bunbun in his arms as he took a single step, but then the bunch of Sins turned around and quickly came to a decision when they saw that he was leaving.

"Boss," Dominique blurted. Alec didn't understand why the man's voice seemed to be this raspy and hoarse even after years of Alec frequently forcing him to drink water as well as extracting a promise from the Sin to take better care of himself.

The word was echoed by the rest of the Sins that remained in the room, and even Hayden was calling him that.

The smile on Alec's froze.

Why boss!

Alec felt like rejecting this title. Why did it sound like something that the Main Character's 'little brothers' called them, ah! No, no. He was not a Main Character, so how could he accept this title?!

Even though it was better than the rest of the names that they had been debating to call him, he still felt like he couldn't really accept it.

"Just call me Alec," he said a bit weakly.

Dominique mercilessly rejected him, his eyes showing its signature fanaticism. "No! Boss has to establish dominance, especially when you've only just taken over the group!"

Alec was cursing up a storm in his mind.

Didn't he take over with good intentions? So why was he getting hit in the back of his head by those that he was sheltering?

Dominique's words were actually echoed by the other Sins that still remained behind, so Alec could only reluctantly accept it.

Fine. After all, he still took care of those under him. They could call him what they wanted. It wasn't like he was losing a part of himself after they called him that… was he?

Still, he didn't think that he would be getting used to it any time soon. He had some sort of innate rejection towards actions that he thought counted as a Main Character's actions in this life.

Even when he face-slapped someone, it usually wasn't intentional…

"Fine," Alec said. Even when he struggled to accept it inwardly, he didn't let it reflect outside since they were being sincere in thinking about the difficulties that he would face later on.

"I need someone to inform me about everyone's capabilities in our division."

Dominique's eyes swept over those present, causing them to disperse any thoughts about volunteering themselves.

Most eyes slid to Dominique's figure, and the fanaticism in Dominique's eyes seemed to kick up a notch when he heard Alec's words.

Alec silently resigned himself to his fate. Dominique didn't look like he was going to leave him alone any time soon.

"Fine, then. Change into this," Alec said, touching Dominique's wrist to indicate that he could find a set of clothing inside.

When had Alec managed to do that, you might ask? Well, they were all distracted when he first planted the seal, so he was able to transfer it from himself to them.

"The rest of you go about your day for now."

Alec himself went to change into the Spectre-style clothes that he'd prepared.

Everything from head to toe was black, including a pair of buttery black gloves, form-fitting shirt and pants. There was even a face mask that could be pulled up, and the compulsory black cloth that was used to cover the eyes.

All in all, once the clothing was put on, the person was hardly recognisable, leaving only the lower half of the face visible.

Alec had modified a seal to use on the clothing so that the voice of the person that used it wasn't easily recognisable, and they were able to see even with the cloth over their eyes.

Dominique and Alec standing together looked very imposing. The black clothes along with their silent presence seemed to bring about an aura that caused others to feel an innate sense of danger just looking at them.

One glance and you could tell that they couldn't possibly be up to anything good. Even if 'illegal' was stamped on their forehead, it couldn't have been more obvious that they were up to no good.

Of course, while it appeared that way, the main purpose of these clothes was to promote their uniformity and invisibility so that no one was able to link them back to the sect. Anonymity was the real goal here.

"Boss," Dominique said when he finished changing.

Shockingly, the voice that filtered out from him was something that belonged to a fresh-faced pure boy that was a direct contrast to Dominique's usual hoarse tones.

Dominique was startled when he heard his voice, but then accepted it without any problem.

Alec's lips twitched.

"Let's go." Alec's voice was a deep, low voice. It sounded like a middle-aged man. It caused a strange disharmony to be felt when Dominique imagined his boss' face talking with that voice.

Still, the seals were something that Dominique hadn't seen before, and it only caused his admiration for his boss to rise when he thought about how smart and innovative his boss was.

Alec didn't know that his figure had been propped up even higher in Dominique's mind, elevating him to even greater heights.

It really hadn't been his intention!

Thank you Reviewer #35 VioletLily ^_^

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