
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


"Hmph," Lady Blanche said, sipping on the tea. "This is Alec."

Sean directed his attention at the young boy, ignoring the two creatures that were in the room nosing around at various things.

It was evident from Lady Blanche's tone that she had only visited their auction hall because of the young boy seated on the couch. From the way she was sipping her tea with her legs crossed in a dignified, elegant manner, she indicated that she would not be taking part in their conversation for the time being.

"Young Master Alec, what may the Golden Leaves Auction Hall do for you today?" Sean asked carefully.

Alec wasn't going to lie. Though Blanche had seemed like a wealthy and powerful lady even at first glance, all he expected was for her to point him towards the general direction of the auction hall.

However, as the two of them walked along the streets, Blanche seemed to grow fonder and fonder of him, really treating him like a younger brother.

He hadn't expected to hit the metaphorical jackpot in getting him through the doors to the auction house, even getting a chance to speak with the manager here.

With Blanche's presence, the man was all but sweating buckets as he did his best to cater to their needs.

In this case, there was no need for him to go the long, hard route when he could go the easy way.

"Father told me that they're hoping to auction an Ash Phoenix."

"An Ash Phoenix, you say?" Sean murmured, thinking. "Excuse me for a moment," the man said, stepping out of the room.

"Get me the ledger for everything that's been brought in regarding creatures yesterday."

"But, sir! This goes against the proto-"

"Enough. You heard me. Hurry up!"

Inside the room, Blanche stared at Alec with growing curiosity. She just couldn't get a solid read on the boy. Though he seemed like he was very gentle with the feeling he gave off with the way he smiled, there was a strong sheen of intelligence in his eyes that was not hidden from her.

Blanche didn't know whether or not it was intentional, but she was growing fond of him at a rapid pace that she had never before experienced. It wasn't only because he had called her 'big sister', though it did give him more points.

Blanche never quite felt like she truly ever connected with anyone, be it her husband or her children, but this boy here gave her a sense of familiarity and connection.

With how much discrimination society had against those who held the Sinister Societype, was it any surprise that her family would try their best to avoid any of such rumours? Even going to the extent of forcing their daughter to conform to rules and expectations at an early age.

A thought suddenly came to mind, and her eyes widened the slightest amount. Could he also be…?

No, surely not?

Blanche never thought that she would be the only one to try and do it, of course, but she never really expected that she would meet someone like her as well. Those that she did see, were visibly marked and kept far away from her.

She never felt an interest in making a connection since it seemed so banal. Blanche was perfectly happy with her lot in life.

As a lady from high society, she had been expected from a very young age to maintain all the grace, etiquette, and decorum. There were certain social expectations that one expected from a daughter of her family, and even upon marrying her husband, she firmly kept her behaviour in check.

Her name, Blanche, was ironic in a sense. Sometimes, she felt as if she'd been dyed in shades of black, inescapable since her birth.

Her husband and both her sons were all Brights, which didn't bother her.

Or, at least, she thought it never bothered her. Blanche didn't notice how she had unconsciously kept up a wall in her heart.

Seeing Alec's bright expression in front of her made her feel inordinately fond of him. She even had the urge to bring him back to show him off in front of her sons and husband. The looks on their faces would be very amusing.

She knew that he wasn't telling her everything, but where she would usually have felt rage and annoyance that they were deliberately keeping things from her, she felt particularly indulgent here.

"I hope you aren't planning on dealing with this situation yourself," Blanche said, sipping her tea. It wasn't as good as what she had at home, but it wasn't too bad either, considering the auction hall saw many of the wealthy and powerful.

"Mm," Alec declined to answer, bringing the teacup to his lips instead.

Blanche smiled in a way that said she knew what he was doing, but let it slide.

Sean knocked on the door as he re-entered. He shut the door firmly to ensure that the silencing barrier was active. It was a necessity in their line of work, where sensitive matters were discussed.

"Lady Blanche, Young Master Alec, what I'm about to tell you is off the records."

"Evidently," Blanche said coolly, not once looking in the man's direction. "Given the way you so thoroughly checked whether or not the door was properly closed."

"Yes," Sean said without any embarrassment. "While the Golden Leaves Auction House doesn't usually do this, we are willing to make an exception for you, Lady Blanche, Young Master Alec."

Blanche set down the teacup with a clack on the saucer, sending a chill up Sean's spine.

"Cut the bullshit," Blanche spat, her eyes cutting into the man. "They must have done something to offend you, otherwise you wouldn't even be willing to give us any information."

Sean resisted the urge to react, knowing that it was just what she was looking for. This wasn't the first time he was dealing with the famous Lady Blanche, after all.

"Yes. There was an incident of sorts yesterday, but nonetheless, they did leave the Ash Phoenix here with us. It wouldn't look good for us if they suddenly disappeared while it was in our hands, no?"

Blanche scoffed to show just what she thought about that statement. "Stop going around in circles and spit it out. You're wasting my time. You want something."

Alec leaned back slightly as the two adults in the room started a war with words, fading his presence from their immediate attention.

As he did this, Alec took the chance to take in the room in its entirety. Bunbun and Fenrir were moving around with a sense of purpose, almost as if they were looking for something.

Alec cocked his head, feeling out their bond. Both of them were confused, sniffing around a mat that had been placed down on the floor, hiding underneath a bookcase.

Bunbun pawed at the mat but didn't do anything.

Alec got a feeling that there was something hidden underneath that bookcase.

The bookcase itself was filled with antique looking books from bottom to top, something that made Alec click his tongue. All of these precious books were being wasted placed here out in the open with no one to read them.

They were quite literally being placed here in the room so that it looked fancier, adding to the room's general atmosphere. Alec itched to touch but held himself still on couch. Before he realized, why do that?

If the way that the books were being treated was any indication, they weren't of very much importance to the auction house, something that Alec would use to his disposal.

He had Lady Blanche backing him up now, and by all accounts, he seemed and appeared like a normal, curious boy.

So, Alec hopped off the couch and walked towards Bunbun and Fenrir, something that caused Sean and Blanche both to look at him briefly before coming to the conclusion that Alec was heading towards his two creatures.

With their attention off him, Alec reached out to grab a book from the bookcase.

There was an ominous rumble.

Almost thought we wouldn't make it to Top 250, but we did!

Blanche means white, which is quite ironic in this case.

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