
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Proficiency Test

Alec gathered with the rest of his sect's disciples in a hall that held roughly a hundred others.

Since there was only roughly a little over a hundred other people, their group of twenty-one caused a bit of a commotion since they entered together.

While it might have seemed few considering how respected the profession was, just how many people had the focus and drive to constantly work on the same thing repetitively every day for years?

Just how many people were able to not only maintain the focus, but actually succeed in creating something innovative and new? Excelling in his profession wasn't just pure luck or talent. Drive, smarts, practice. Not one of those could be lacking if one wanted to even have the chance of success.

If thought about it this way, then it really wasn't so surprising that there were only this few people who had come to take the proficiency test, even with how large the continent was.

Wearing the same type of clothing that sported the Heavenly Ascension Sect's crest, the whispers were directed at them. Some were reverential, some were mocking, but regardless, Alec didn't pay them any attention.

No matter how much someone may talk, it would never convince those who were wholly convinced that they were in the right.

In that case, it was better to just smack them with your skill.

Of course, that was only in the event that you had the skills to back up your talk in the first place.

While Alec might not know exactly where he stood in terms of ranking amongst the array crafting profession, there was no plausible way that his master would allow him to descend from their sect's mountain if he didn't believe he could do it.

In any case, Alec would just keep silent for the time being.

Each of them held a card that contained their registry details that had been handed out to them by elder Faye earlier this morning.

Just registering to take the test alone cost more money than most commoners earned in a year. Adding on things like brushes, ink, etc. it was truly a trial in order to succeed in this profession, yet again adding to the reasons why those who excelled in this field were looked up to.

"Those that are here for the apprentice proficiency test, please proceed to the room on the far left."

Heeding her instructions, more than three quarters of the room filed into the room on the left in an orderly manner.

The room was pin-drop silent as they left. Instantly, the tension in the room seemed to increase as those left behind scanned the remaining competition. There was a set quota for the number of people that could advance rankings each time the test was held.

"Those here for the journeyman proficiency test, please proceed to the room in the middle," the lady that was in charge of the announcements spoke again.

This time, the rest of the remaining participants filed into the middle room, only leaving a scant ten people that were here to take the master's proficiency exam.

Alec followed his fellow sect members into the room in the middle. He was the last one in line, and the proctor was checking their cards as they entered the door.

Alec handed his card over to the proctor, only to be stopped from entering.

"Wrong room," the proctor said, handing his card back. His voice didn't give anything away, and neither did his face.

Alec blinked in surprise.

Wait. If he wasn't here for the journeyman proficiency test, then…

He heard a few snickers from inside the room, where people other than his sect members were obviously directed at him.

"I knew it was a mistake. As if a young kid like that has reached journeyman. Even if he started learning in his mother's womb, it would be too early!"

A snort. "Don't be so mean. After all, a kid that can take the apprentice proficiency test could be the next array master!"

A chorus of mocking laughter broke out. They were obviously using his mistake to feel better about themselves, which disgusted the Heavenly Ascension Sect members.

His sect's array division's disciples glared at those who spoke the loudest, but they didn't speak, even when Alec could see that some of them had clenched their fists.

After all, the proctors from this place were notoriously strict regarding badmouthing. It was fine if they wanted to do it but doing so in their presence was just asking for points to be deducted.

Judging from the looks that the proctor was using to scan over the crowd, these people would not be an exception to the rule.

Fights were strictly prohibited here. Anyone who broke the rules would be banned from taking a proficiency exam for five years at the minimum.

Alec gave a nod to his group, whose furrowed brows loosened lightly when they saw that he wasn't affected by the mocking words that had filtered into their ears.

This only caused a faint admiration to grow further in them, seeing as how Alec wasn't easily influenced by other's negative opinions.

There was now a faint sheen of admiration in their eyes that weren't there before. Since their sect had no precedence of allowing a disciple down to take the apprentice proficiency test, and he wasn't taking the journeyman's proficiency test with them, that only left masters…

Just the thought of it shocked them.

Still, they remained silent in the face of the mocking that was coming from various offenders in the room.

There was a mix of emotions that they couldn't quite describe in mere words alone.

Alec backed out of the doorway, which the proctor then gave him an accessing look before shutting the door.

The remaining master-hopefuls were watching scanning him with either curiosity or hostility.

When it became apparent that Alec was not walking towards the room on the far left, their thoughts shifted to something more dismissive. Some of their gazes contained a distinct mockery and disdain.

This was not the first time that someone had thought too highly of themselves. After all, as long as someone had money, they would be able to take part in the test as they so wished.

It was this sort of person that they detested the most.

The remaining few that were still waiting to be directed into the room had all lived for a long time. What had they not seen?

To be able to reach that cusp of master rank had not been easy for them, let alone someone this young.

The fact that an eight-year-old wet behind the ears kid thought that he was able to pass the exam was an affront to their pride.

They silently thought that they wouldn't have anything to do with the kid. Of course, they wouldn't stoop so low as to cause trouble for a small child. They had more pride in themselves than that.

"Those taking the master proficiency test, to the right."

No one else gave Alec another glance as they entered the room one by one.

Their eyes flashed when they realized that the proctor indeed had not stopped Alec from entering the room.

A man with striking grey hair and black eyes stood in front of them. There was no friendliness on his face, only a stern strictness. There was a golden array symbol that was pinned to his collar.

When Alec looked at the pin, he could tell that the pin was actually an intact array. The array was fully functional and working even as it had been compressed into the shape of a golden pin.

"Edward Little. I am your proctor today. I will not tolerate any foolishness in this room. If you are caught cheating, I have the authorization and will ban you for life, effectively ending your career as an array crafter. You best not test me."

There was a simultaneous intake of breath from the room.

Edward Little was the youngest array master of the century. At the age of twenty-nine, he had taken the continent by storm with his proficiency in arrays.

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Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

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