
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Of Pain and Torture

The alien was putting up a show of false bravado, and Alec had yet to decide how to hurt the alien that had hurt his subordinate.

A distant part of his mind also wanted the alien to pay for what happened to the entire planet, as well as what happened to Natalie.

While Natalie wasn't his favourite person ever, she was indeed under his team's protection, and this alien had hurt her. Hurt them.

Te.ake knew that it would have been shaking had it had the ability to.

Before, this youngling had seemed so harmless, but now that they were trapped here in a place where there was no help, he didn't seem quite as harmless as he portrayed himself to be.

Wait – its spaceship.

Te.ake prayed that their paper would not stop it from reaching out to its spaceship, but it was not meant to be.

The fear that welled up from the depths of its soul was something that startled it.

When was the last time that it had felt so terrified for itself?

There had never been a single time in Te.ake's life that it was unable to freely control its mental consciousness. It was Te.ake's racial strength that gave it this power, and there were not many in the galaxy that were able to freely manipulate other's thoughts.

Now, however, it had all come to naught because of a tiny slip of paper. Fear of the unknown crept up on Te.ake, but Te.ake maintained hope that it would be able to get out once they slipped up.

Te.ake didn't know how to properly describe it. By all accounts, this youngling should not have inspired such fear within it. Not when it had seen so many more terrifying things in space. And yet…

Te.ake should have been able to bluff and bluster its way out of anything that they could have thrown at it, yet for some reason, apprehension was blooming within its heart.

It watched as the child drew out a strangely silvery-white dagger that had been strapped at his thigh – strange, had that always been there? – and Te.ake felt a bit of its fear taper off.


They didn't know how to hurt it. Not really. They were likely going to go through a trial and error process to see what would hurt Te.ake.

If they thought that a dagger of all things could harm Te.ake, then perhaps it could fake its death until they had satisfied their anger.

If Te.ake could just control its reactions, then it would be able to escape with its life intact.

Then, Alec drove the dagger into the alien's tentacle. He even did it without any malicious intent, so Te.ake wasn't able to react at all until it had already carved off a tentacle.

His blood was pumping. Mainly because even though the alien was terrified, Alec could still feel the littlest wisps of killing intent that the alien held within its soul, directed at Alec.

Alec didn't know whether the killing intent towards them was conscious or not, but he didn't have any good feelings towards this alien, so it didn't matter even if it wasn't.

A high-pitched, ringing sound echoed throughout the spaceship as Te.ake's mouth opened, revealing more tentacles that wriggled around.

Te.ake's body subconsciously spasmed even though it wasn't able to move a muscle.

It was easy to see that, had Te.ake been unbound by Alec's seals, the tentacles would have already lashed out to try and stop the source of the pain that was being inflicted upon it.

Te.ake gasped wetly as the sudden onslaught of pain startled out a genuine reaction from it. It had never realized how sensitive its tentacle was. Or rather, its tentacle had never been cut off completely, so it didn't know just how different suffering a cut and having a limb cut off was.

The alien reined in its sounds, but it was too late.

The unexpected sharp pain that pierced through it had already told them what they needed to know.

The smile on Alec's face remained, and Dominique couldn't tear his eyes away from the glorious sight his boss made.

Though his anger for the alien remained, his boss looked like he was having fun. As a subordinate, Dominique was not going to to stop his boss from doing something he enjoyed.

More than battle, more than bloodlust, the sight of his boss enjoying himself inspired something within Dominique – something that felt suspiciously like worship.

Alec carved away tentacle after tentacle, and though Te.ake didn't make another sound, it was clear to see that the pain caused its body to subconsciously jerk.

Alec should not have been able to inflict such pain upon the alien. Not with just a dagger. So, Alec had played a little trick that he'd been thinking about testing out in interrogation.

With the handy help of his seals, Alec managed to anchor Te.ake's consciousness into its body – and since this was its main body, the synchronisation rate between Te.ake was one hundred percent.

This meant that Alec was able to connect Te.ake's consciousness to his pain receptors that much more tightly, winding them and linking them so that it spread over its entire body.

Basically, Te.ake was very, very sensitive right now, and even the lightest touch caused a severe amount of pain.

Not only that, Alec had been able to boost the alien's healing factor as well, and all the tentacles that Alec had cut off were growing again at rapid speed. Yet, even the new tentacles that grew only grew out again with excruciating amounts of pain.

Te.ake couldn't even think of anything. Not when its lifeblood was spilling out of its body.

Te.ake shuddered.

If only it had been able to move its consciousness – it would have long since tried to flee this place.

Even if its main body died, that didn't mean that death was certain. It was just that finding another body that it would be able to sync with completely was close to nothing.

But even that small chance was better than true death.

It was better than watching itself bleed out on the floor of its beloved spaceship without being able to lift a tentacle to do it.

Alec paused briefly, wiping his dagger and looking at it more closely.

Strangely, he felt like his dagger that had been made from a dragon's scale appeared almost brighter. As if it had drunk in the blood that had been expelled from the alien.

Te.ake's giddy mind focused a little when it realized that the pain had briefly stopped. It stared at the child, who was wearing the warmest, gentlest smile that it had ever seen on a human being.

Te.ake shook.

The alien directed its eyes at its ex-host, its eyes pleading for mercy, but to its despair, it found that Dominique never even once glanced at him.

Instead, his eyes were watching the child's actions with a look in his eyes that Te.ake didn't know how to describe.

"Tell me," Alec said slowly, tracing the tip of his dagger on Te.ake's broken skin.

Yet, even that caused an extreme amount of pain to Te.ake.

Te.ake's eyes trembled as it waited for the words that the youngling was speaking.

"How do we rid the world of the zombie virus?" Alec asked smilingly.

Te.ake wanted to shake its head, but it realized that it forgot about strange paper that was still stopping its movements. "Impossible. The red virus has already been set into motion."

"Wrong answer."

The pain started up again, this time even more excruciating than before.

Te.ake's throat was sore. Before, it had barely been able to stop itself from screaming, but the pain was even more blinding now.

So much so that Te.ake couldn't stop its subconscious reflexes at all.

It didn't know how long had passed, but what Te.ake knew was that even its subconscious desire for revenge had completely fled its mind. Te.ake was sure that even if it managed to escape, it would be too terrified to ever try and seek revenge for itself ever again.

"Wait," Te.ake gasped, and the blade pressed in even harder this time, causing Te.ake to see stars. And not in a good way. "Please."

Alec obligingly stayed his hand, but his smile caused him to look like a demon to Te.ake's eyes.

In Te.ake's vision, Alec looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself as he pressed the strange blade into its body over and over again.

Te.ake's body healed so rapidly that it would have been a fool not to realize that just as Te.ake could withhold information, the human could also keep Te.ake alive for as long as he wanted, death something that was so near yet out of reach.

Te.ake had no doubt that it would eventually reach a point where it would beg for death instead, and rather than go out that way, it would rather go out with less pain.

"I'll tell you, so please…" Te.ake begged with a weak voice. Its voice sounded wet, almost like what a human would sound like had they punctured a lung.

"I'm listening."

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