
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

New Companion

The force of their feet kicking off the ground caused a small fracture.

There was a sort of bubbly glee that Alec felt deep in his bones at the thought of an opponent that was on the same level as he was.

The more strikes he gave, the more he received as well. They were nothing serious, just scratches on the surface that bled sluggishly.

The purple wolf too received a number of surface wounds that caused blood to flow.

Alec felt like he was well and truly alive.

He was more alive than he'd ever been, with the blood pumping frantically through his entire body.

More alive than when he'd been Awakening and doing experiments.

More alive than when he reluctantly acknowledged his friendship with Elias and the rest.

More alive than when he'd been running through the field of false corpses.

Judging from the way the wolf's eyes, it too was feeling the thrill of battle scorch through its body.

Like this, his surroundings faltered as Alec's vision wholly focused on the wolf's next moves.

The purple wolf had not opened its mouth to howl for some time now, just as lost in the thrill of the alpha battle it found itself in.

This was a battle between two similarly strengthen opponents, and those who were weaker had no right to interfere in its battle for the alpha position.

The wolf left out a howl of joy as it relentlessly traded blows with its opponent. This human with black hair was a worthy opponent, much stronger than its brethren. Though the alpha wolf knew that it was small, that did not mean that it was to be discounted.

Many an opponent had been felled under its leadership and strength, and today would not be the day it fell.

By now, Alec wasn't even making any conscious decisions of where to punch or kick. His entire world was narrowed down onto the wolf's next movements.

Alec's eyes glinted when he noticed the slightest flaw in the wolf's otherwise perfect defence. Its right side was a little weaker due to Alec having wounded it near its paw.

Without any hesitation, Alec punched when he saw the wolf feint left, landing a solid blow that caused bones to creak under his strength.

The purple alpha wolf let out a howl of anguish as it collapsed to one knee, shakily standing back up, its teeth bared in a snarl.

Alec, somehow trusting that the wolf wouldn't go down this easily, followed up with a fist enhanced with magic, once again knocking at the area he had previously wounded.

This time, the wolf couldn't get back up.

Panting, the previous alpha wolf bared its neck submissively as he admitted defeat. Though it would have loved to go down fighting to the death, deaths that were not caused in the heat of the battle were seen as a disgrace and affront on its pride.

It could see itself being a beta under this human, an alpha in his own right. The now-beta had a feeling that this human would go far. If it was to serve, then his new alpha was the best choice for him.

Though the other humans might have been strong as well, they were not chosen by the wolf to be its new alpha. Only through the rite of blood and violence did one submit to an alpha.

Alec, placed a heavy hand on the small purple wolf's neck, squeezing as a threat, appeased when the wolf bared its neck even more, whining low.

Alec's tunnel vision cleared as the wolf's tongue lolled. Alec's hand moved on its own towards those furry ears that twitched under the wolf's caution.

Touching those soft, soft ears, Alec rubbed the tiny wolf's head. The wolf was so small it barely reached his knees, twice as small as the other purple wolves.

Instinctively, a flow of magic started between the purple wolf and the human, linking the two of them intricately.

The purple wolf's ears perked up, staring at Alec with wonderment at his new alpha. The alpha's pats on its ears caused such contentment to well up within the wolf that it felt like rolling over and wagging its tail.

As Alec happily patted his new companion, Elias, Henry and Philip were staring with wide eyes.

Even though Elias himself was patting a rather large grey alpha wolf next to him, that didn't distract him at all from the shock he felt. The battle had already ended a while ago, and the remaining four other grey wolves were docilely lying by the teen's foot, awaiting instructions.

Ten minutes ago, everything else in the clearing had stopped due to Alec and the purple alpha wolf's battle of dominance as Elias reigned in the remaining grey wolves.

While it didn't sound that long, ten minutes worth of battle was actually a very long time. Most fights were usually determined within the first couple of minutes.

The battle had been heated, almost as if the two could only see each other and no one else.

Bunbun made a huffy noise as he could feel that he was about to have a new companion…

Throughout the battle, they could only catch glimpses of Alec's face, mirrored by the alpha wolf's.

The young boy's ever-present gentle smile seemed a lot more sinister in the midst of battle as the two clashed both physically and metaphorically. The angle of his smile was even a tad wider than it was usually, and his eyes were a sharp piercing blue. He looked like he was about to burst into laughter at any given moment, with the way he looked so gleeful.

Elias even got the feeling that the boy he considered his little brother had a whole different side to him that he had never seen before. He didn't even look this way when they sparred. Elias wasn't sure if it was because he couldn't fully let loose or because he was just enjoying it that much, but Alec's eyes were gleaming.

Even as the sight sent chills through his body with the way the boy flitted around, decorated with cuts and blood, his smile never faltered and only ever seemed to grow wider with each passing moment.

There were goosebumps running up and down on his arms as if he could physically feel the sheer enjoyment the two were experiencing in the heat of battle.

Henry felt a shiver go down his spine as he felt the reappearance of the predatory aura that the boy was giving off, so similar to that day where he got his ass handed to him by an eight-year-old.

He just knew that what he experienced that night wasn't a figment of his drunken imagination. There was a reason why he had chosen to follow the boy, and it had everything to do with the way his instincts screamed at him that he wouldn't go wrong following the boy.

Philip licked his dry lips nervously, relieved that the boy hadn't used all that strength against his friend previously. Though he knew they got off lightly, he hadn't realized just how lightly it was.

Even after he had just barely taken care of a few wolves that tried to attack him on the wagon, he still felt like Alec was more dangerous than the lot of them.

The bloodlust that still filled the air made him wonder if this was the boy's true face under every polite smile. It was as if a beast had been shoved into a human guise, fooling everyone.

When Alec made his way back to them, he wondered about the strange looks they were shooting him, only to shrug it off. Since they weren't saying anything, that meant that it wasn't anything of importance.

Alec looked at the grey alpha wolf being patted by Elias still, smiling slightly.

"Elias, you're keeping the alpha wolf too?"

Elias, startled, looked down where his hand was still scratching the wolf who looked like he was all but purring under his touch. He withdrew his hand, only to put it back when it whined.

"It would appear so."

Alec looked at Elias with admiration. The boy had taken care of his fight so quickly, unlike him, and let him know.

Elias looked embarrassed. If it wasn't because of the way Alec had been playing around, he probably would have taken care of the threat even quicker. Elias didn't know if it was because Alec subconsciously didn't want to kill a worthy opponent, or if he had just been caught up in the thrill of the battle that made him slower.

Once again, Elias admired the graceful fighting form that the other had. He was so much stronger than he had been at that age.

Elias didn't know if he would ever stop admiring the younger boy.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter


Hello dear readers. I'd just like to say that I've signed a contract with webnovel, though I won't be going premium for the time being (that's for the future). I hope you stick around ^^

Thanks for all your support so far. Reading comments that all of you leave always make my day.

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