
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


"Hey, uncle. Kieran and I are going back to the sect soon," Dietrich says suddenly one afternoon.

Alec paused from the book he'd been reading. "Oh," he said, exuding a faint aura of surprise and curiosity. He had not yet met anyone who had been part of a sect.

Dietrich pulled out a chair and sat himself down. "I realized we never told you we were part of a sect."

Alec nodded. "It does come as a surprise. Are you not taking over the Rothschild family?"

Dietrich laughed. "Ah, no. Sects are rather loose in regard to that, as opposed to clans. To put it simply, it's fine whether or not you belong to a clan, a family, or you're simply an orphan. It doesn't matter to the sect as a whole. However, this only applies as long as they harbour no enmity with the sect. Does that make sense to you?"

"Perfectly. How would the sect deign to test whether or not a person an enmity with them?"

"We have something like an intent array that determines whether or not the person who steps in holds any hostility to the sect. Of course, it isn't fool proof, but it's the closest we can get. I'm sure there are various sleeping agents that feed information, but they are of little consequence."

"I see," Alec hummed, absorbing the new information. He suspected that such an array would require the work of a rune master. It required knowledge on both barriers and sealing, which was the two ways that a rune master could specialize in.

There had not been much that the clan had regarding sects, which he thought was likely because they wanted the clansmen to take their own actions and bear the consequence, as was all the other little 'tests' and 'traditions' that the Neil Clan held.

"The sect is opening admissions to everyone in a couple of days, which is why we are heading back so soon. If you're interested, you can come along to try your luck." Dietrich paused, thinking about how else to sell it to his uncle. "They only accept admissions once every ten years, so if you don't make it in this time, it's likely that you won't qualify next time."

Alec was interested. He had not yet been able to find the Main Character and joining a sect would presumably open him to more information that he would not be able to obtain otherwise, which was very attractive.

However, he would have to do his research first. Though Dietrich was convincing, he wouldn't just blindly follow everything he said and take it at face value.

Dietrich smiled, seeing the curious glint in Alec's eyes. "To be fair, even if you do want to get in, it's rather hard."

The fact that both he and Kieran had managed to get in had nothing to do with nepotism. The sect was infamously strict about that. Even those who were born in the sect had to go through a test once they were sixteen to determine whether or not they could stay.

"We shall see about that."


Elias had decided to stay behind in Welkton City, as had Cyrus and Zacharias. Henry and Philip were both heading back to Mystik Town due to their… captives.

It had been a bit surprising, honestly. He thought that at least Cyrus or Zacharias would have followed him, but it seemed like after that debacle at the Rothschild Family Mansion, they saw him in a different light.

Elias staying had not been a surprise to him since he'd been showing many signs of it already.

While he did not crave their company, he would not have minded had they decided to tag along either. The teen looked like he was looking forward to learning more about the craft of blacksmithing, which he was genuinely enjoying.

Cyrus and Zacharias were moving together to see if they could find any other leads in another direction. Apparently, they'd been wondering if Alec would head out together with them to continue searching for Tatiana, hearing that he was going to try and join a sect put them more at ease.

Alec didn't know whether or not to be amused that they automatically assumed that he would get in. Sometimes, their faith in his abilities were quite misplaced.

Henry and Philip – well, mostly Henry – was not even remotely done with Briggs and Gred.

The man had not yet been able to extract the information about his wife and child from the two men.

For some reason, they were stubbornly keeping their mouths shut, and Henry had not yet been able to pry the information out through torture. He did, however, seem like he was planning on trying various methods, which would require time.

Alec had no plans on sticking around for that. Though he did not mind doing that, it would be amiss of him to try and take someone else's pleasure from them, so he did not plan on getting on the way.

Not to mention, the man seemed to have some reservations whenever Alec went into the place he had been storing his two prisoners, which helped his decision along.

There was on a knock on his door.

Alec stood up to answer it, already packed.

Outside the door, both Kieran and Dietrich stood, waiting for him.

He'd heard a great deal from the two brothers about the sect that they had joined over the past couple of days. From what he'd heard, it didn't seem too bad, even if the way they described it had been a bit romanticized.

The Heavenly Ascension Sect seemed like a good choice.

From what he heard, it was the strongest sect in the Kaoriht continent, which was why Kieran and Dietrich were so surprised when their uncle hadn't heard about it.

It was one of the sects famously known for their 'righteousness', which Alec didn't take at face value. There were always a couple of people that were blackened through and through.

Of course, the main selling point was that the sect's style of teaching was mainly providing resources and freestyle teaching, which allowed them to explore on their own, which was what Alec preferred.

Whether or not he would find the Main Character in the sect, he didn't know, but he would keep his eyes peeled, nonetheless.

The three set off for the Heavenly Ascension Sect, which was located in the far distance.

Kieran sat together with Alec on his pegasus, while Dietrich took a teleportation array back.

It was the way Dietrich had come back a few days ago, while Kieran had ridden here. Besides, Dietrich was unable to bring back a person not keyed into their sect array without them dying, so they had no choice really.

Alec eyed the pegasus, not sure if he wanted to do this. Just how safe would this be?

They would be flying high up in the air without any handle or guard rails, with him having to depend on both Kieran and the pegasus itself for his safety.

He was quite sure that should the pegasus ever be shot down, there was no way that they wouldn't meet his death upon the fall.

Alec frowned, not fond of putting his life so effectively into someone else's hands, no matter how decently they had been treating him.

Bunbun and Fenrir seemed to have no such thoughts, happily playing on the pegasus' back, as if they didn't comprehend just how precarious it could be.

Alec withheld the sigh that wanted to leave his lips, getting in front of Kieran instead.

Hopefully this wouldn't be too long a ride.

Bonus chapter #1

Rxelcreators' thoughts